Public Lecture
Public Lecture

Realitätswütig - über gegenwärtige Spielarten ästhetischer Intervention

Prof. Dr. Lars Koch | 18.01.2017 | 6 p.m. | Festsaal, Schlossplatz 5

The GSPoL is pleased to welcome Prof. Dr. Lars Koch from Dresden to a public lecture and masterclass.

The lecture focusses on different art activists fighting against global capitalism: Friedrich von Borries, Milo Rau, and the Centre for Political Beauty, three main figures but with different approaches in the field of aesthetic intervention. Examining the aesthetical self- and external reference, and their different approaches to disrupt and redefine reality conventions as well as cultural perception, the lecture seeks to point out the interrelationship of politics and art.


... "Between "Anything-Goes" and "No Alternative""

Postmodernity seems to has lost its edge: Interpretation of crises meander between the seemingly opposed dogmas "anything goes and "no alternative". A demand for a new "better realism" (Milo Rau) because of a "yearning for evidence" (Karin Harasser/ Helmut Lethen) can be found in aesthetical manifests and theoretical discourses alike. The term "realism" here is to be understood in two ways: as a rejection of postmodern empty form and sign plays and as a gesture for the seriousness of a demand for a growing political dimension of art.

The lecture focusses on different art activists fighting against global capitalism: Friedrich von Borries, Milo Rau, and the Centre for Political Beauty, three main figures but with different approaches in the field of aesthetic intervention. Examining the aesthetical self- and external reference, and their different approaches to disrupt and redefine reality conventions as well as cultural perception, the lecture seeks to point out the interrelationship of politics and art.

© GS PoL

Anyone interested in joining the Graduate School's students in Lars Koch's Masterclass on January 19, 2017 (aiming to discuss aspects of the lecture more in-depth) is welcome to register with Dr. Maren Conrad (m.conrad@uni-muenster).