Zweigbibliothek Physik
© FB Physik | Universität Münster
Anika Luber
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48149 Münster

Präsenzzeit: Do 13-15 und Fr 10-12

In der Zweigbibliothek Physik sind die gedruckten Exemplare verschiedener für den Fachbereich relevanter Zeitschriften untergebracht. Studierende und Mitarbeiter der Universität Münster des Fachbereichs können eine Vielzahl dieser Zeitschriften auch direkt an ihrem Arbeitsplatz in elektronischer Form einsehen.

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Angewandte Physik
Theoretische Physik

Zeitschriftenbestand der Zweigbibliothek Physik

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Regal Name Bestand
1 Acta Materialia 1.1953 -
1 Advances in Physics 19.1970 - 57.2008
1 American Journal of Physics 38.1970 - 76.2008
27 Annalen der Physik 479.1970 - 511.1999
27 Annals of Physics 56.1970 - 246.1996
1 Applied Optics 9.1970 - 41.2002
1 Applied Physics 1.1973 - 25.1981
1 Applied Physics A 26.1981 -
2 Applied Physics B 26.1981 -
2 Applied Physics Letters 16.1970 -
20 Applied Surface Science 1.1977 - 204.2003
27 Archiv für Technisches Messen (ATM) 44.1970 - 62.1995
24 Astronomy and Astrophysics 1.1969 - 352.1999
23/24 Astrophysical Journal 154.1968 - 583.2002
23 Astrophysical Journal, Supplement 1.1954 - 143.2002
27 Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables 1.1969 - 76.2000 [L=24]
27 Canadian Journal of Physics 51.1973 - 78.2000
2 Chaos 13.2003 -
2 Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 3.1993 -
27 Comments on Atomic and Molecular Physics 1.1969 - 34.1998
27 Comments on Condensed Matter Physics 12.1986 - 16.1994
27 Comments on Nuclear and Particle Physics 1.1967 - 22.1998 [L=10]
27 Comments on Solid State Physics 1.1968 - 11.1983
27 Communications in Mathematical Physics 1.1965 - 86.1982
27 Computer Physics Communications 1.1969 - 131.2000
27 Contemporary Physics 24.1983 - 43.2002
27 Critical Rev. in Solid State and Materials Science 12.1984 - 25.2000
27 Current Papers in Physics 166.1972 - 732.1996
2 Diffusion and Defect Data A 129.1996 - 282.2008
2 Diffusion and Defect Data B 49.1996 - 130.2007
2 European Physical Journal A 1.1998 -
3 European Physical Journal B 1.1998 -
3 European Physical Journal C 1.1998 -
3 European Physical Journal D 1.1998 -
3 European Physical Journal, Applied Physics 1.1998 - 12.2000
3 EPL; früher Europhysics Letters 1.1986 - 84.2008
3 Europhysics News 16.1985 - 31.2000 [L=23]
27 Fortschritte der Physik 18. 1970 - 43.1995
27/28 IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 25.1989 - 39.2003
28 IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I 21.1974 - 47.2000
28 IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II 21.1974 - 47.2000
28 IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 28.1981 - 42.1995 [L=34]
28 IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 14.1986 - 28.2000
3 International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 1.1991 -
28 International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 13.1974 - 129.1993; 152.1996 - 192.1999
3 International Journal of Materials Research 55.2006 -
29 International Journal of Modern Physics A 1.1986 - 17.2002
3 International Metals Reviews 21.1976 - 38.1993
3 International Materials Reviews 21.1976 - 45.2000
28 Japanese Journal of Applied Physics I 9.1970 - 44.2005
28 Japanese Journal of Applied Physics II 9.1970 - 44.2005
28 Journal de Physique 31.1970 - 51.1990
28 Journal de Physique C (Coll.) 1981 - 1990
28 Journal de Physique, Lettres 40.1979 - 46.1995
28 Journal de Physique I 1.1991 - 7.1997
28 Journal de Physique II 1.1991 - 7.1997
28 Journal de Physique III 1.1991 - 7.1997
28/29 Journal de Physique IV (Proceedings) 1.1991 - 10.2000
3+4 Journal of Applied Physics 4.1970 - 102.2007
4 The Journal of Chemical Physics 52.1970 - 99.1993
35 Journal of the Electrochemical Society 117.1970 - 147.2000
4 Journal of Electron Microscopy 55.2006 -
29 Journal of Electron Spectroscopy 1.1972 - 148.2005
33 Journal of Exp. and Theor. Physics = Sov. Physics 30.1970 - 64.1986; 80.1995 - 91.2000
33 J. of Exp. and Theor. Phys., Letters = Sov. Phys L. 11.1970 - 44.1986; 61.1995 - 72.2000
29 Journal of Low Temperature Physics 1.1969 - 117.1999
29 Journal of Microscopy 157.1990 - 194.1999
29 Journal of Modern Optics 30.1983 - 47.2000
4 Journal of Optics A 8.2006 -
4 Journal of The Optical Society of America 60.1970 - 72.1982
4 Journal of The Optical Society of America A 1.1984 - 17.2000
4 Journal of The Optical Society of America B 1.1984 -
29 Journal of The Physical Society of Japan 28.1970 - 68.1999
5 Journal of Physics A 1.1968 - 36.2003
5 Journal of Physics B 1.1968 - 41.2008
5 Journal of Physics C 1.1968 - 21.1988
6 Journal of Physics D 4.1971 - 36.2003 [L=32]
6 Journal of Physics E 4.1971 - 22.1989
6 Journal of Physics F 1.1971 - 18.1988
6 Journal of Physics G 1.1975 - 29.2003
6 Journal of Physics - Condensed Matter 1.1989 - 20.2008 [L=6]
17 Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 29.1968 - 51.1990
30 Journal of Statistical Physics 1.1969 - 97.1999
30 Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology 7.1970 - 21.1982
30 Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A 1.1983 - 20.2002
30 Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B 1.1983 - 20.2002
30 LaserOpto 21.1989 - 33.2001
6 Letters in Mathematical Physics 1.1975 - 62.2002
30 Materials Science and Engineering A 1.1966 - 344.2003
30 Materials Science and Engineering B 1.1966 - 78.2000
30 Materials Science and Engineering C 1.1993 - 2.1995
30 Materials Science and Engineering R 1.1993 - 13.1994
30 Materials Science and Technology 1.1985 - 16.2000
30 Measurement Science and Technology 1.1990 - 6.1995
3 MetallurgicalReviews 15.1970 - 20.1976
6 Metallurgical [and Materials] Transactions A 1.1970 - 36.2005 [L=27]
6 Metals Abstracts 1.1966 - 26.1993
30 Modern Physics Letters A 1.1986 - 20.2005
30 Naturwissenschaften 57.1970 - 87.2000
21 Nature 279.1971 - 372.1994
30 Neural Networks 1.1988 - 15.2002
30/31 Nonlinearity 1.1988 - 18.2005
31 Nuclear Data Sheets A 42.1964 - 91.2000 [L=52]
31 Nuclear Data Sheets B 1.1967 - 41.1984
7 Nuclear Instruments and Methods A 70.1969 - 455.2000
7 Nuclear Instruments and Methods B 6.1985 - 172.2000 [L=14]
8 Nuclear Physics A 90.1967 - 715.2003
9 Nuclear Physics B 1.1967 - 733.2006
9 Nuclear Physics B-PS 52.1996 -
31 Nuovo Cimento 65.1970 - 70.1970
31 Nuovo Cimento A 1.1971 - 112.1999
31 Nuovo Cimento B 1.1971 - 114.1999
31 Nuovo Cimento, La Rivista del 2.1970 - 23.2000
29 Optica Acta 30.1983 - 33.1986
9 Optics and Laser Technology 26.1994 - 31.1999
9 Optics and Photonics News 1.1990 - 10.1999
9 Optics and Spectroscopy 28.1970 - 74.199
9 Optics Communications 1.1969 - 256.2005
9 Optics Letters 1.1977 - [L=1]
9 Optik 30.1969 - 110.1999; 115.2004 -
31 Philosophical Magazine A 21.1970 - 82.2002
31 Philosophical Magazine B 21.1970 - 82.2002
31 Philosophical Magazine 83.2003 - 85.2005
31 Philosophical Magazine Letters 55.1987 - 85.2005
10 Physica 45.1970 - 78.1974
10 Physica A 79.1975 - 288.2000
10 Physica B/C 79.1975 - 151.1988
10 Physica B 152.1988 - 292.2000
10 Physica C 152.1988 - 348.2000
10 Physica D 1.1980 -
10 Physica E 1.1997 - 7.2000
31/32 Physica Scripta 1.1970 - 66.2002
32 Physica Scripta T 56.1995 - 102.2002
10/11 physica status solidi (a) 1.1970 -
11 physica status solidi (b) 37.1970 -
11 physica status solidi (c) 1.2004 -
11 Physical Review A 1.1970 -
12/13 Physical Review B 1.1970 -
14 Physical Review C 1.1970 -
14 Physical Review D 1.1970 - [L=20+45]
15/16 Physical Review E 47.1993 -
16 Physical Review Letters 24.1970 -
17 Physical Review, Indices 1.1970 -
32 Physics Abstracts 73.1970 - 95.1992; 1993-2000
17 The Physics and Chemistry of Solids 26.1965 - 28.1967
17 Physics Letters A 30.1969 -
17/18 Physics Letters B 30.1969 -
18 Physics Reports (= Physics Letters C) 1.1971 - 227.1993; 252.1995 -
33 Physics of Atomic Nuclei (=Sov. J. of Nucl. Phys.) 1.1965 - 63.2000
33 Physics of the Solid State (= Sov. J. of the Sol. St.) 1.1970 - 41.1999
18 Physics Today 26.1973 -
18 Physics World 1.1988 -
18 Physikalische Blätter 26.1970 - 57.2001
18 Physik Journal 1.2002 -
18 Praktische Metallographie 1.1964 - 41.2004
5 Proceedings of the Phys. Soc. = J. of Phys. C 1.1968 - 4.1971
32 Progress in Materials Science 15.1970 - 47.2002
33 Progress in Surface Science 1.1981 -
33 Progress of Theoretical Physics 45.1971 - 104.2000
33 Progress of Theoretical Physics, Supplement 45.1970 - 140.2000
18 Reports on Progress in Physics 33.1970 - 71.2008
19 Review of Scientific Instruments 41.1970 - 78.2007
19 Reviews of Modern Physics 42.1970 -
33 Revue de Physique appliquee 1.1966 - 25.1990
21 Science 148.1965 - 217.1982
19 Scientific American 224.1971 -
19 Scripta Materialia (früher Scr. Metallurgica) 1.1967 -
19 Semiconductor Science and Technology 1.1986 - 23.2008
33 Semiconductors (= Sov. Phys. of Semicond.) 9.1975 - 34.2000
19 Solid State Communications 8.1970 -
33 Solid State Electronics 10.1967 - 46.2002
33 Soviet Journal of Nuclear Physics 1.1965 - 83.2000
33 Soviet Physics (JETP) 30.1970 - 64.1986; 80.1995 - 91.2000
33 Soviet Physics (JETP) Letters 11.1970 - 44.1986; 61.1995 - 72.2000
33 Soviet Physics of Semiconductors 9.1975 - 34.2000
33 Soviet Physics of the Solid State 11.1970 - 41.1999
21 Spektrum der Wissenschaften 1979 - 2008
20 Surface Science 40.1973 -
20 Surface Science, Applied 1.1977 - 204.2003
20 Surface Science Reports 1.1981 -
27 Technisches Messen (ATM) 44.1970 - 62.1995
22 Verh. der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft 1920 - 1922; 1964 -
3 Zeitschrift für Metallkunde (ab 2006: Int. J. of Mat. R) 1.1911 - 97.2006
20 Zeitschrift für Physik 230.1970 - 271.1974
20 Zeitschrift für Physik A 272.1975 - 359.1997
20 Zeitschrift für Physik B 20.1975 - 104.1997
20 Zeitschrift für Physik C 1.1979 - 76.1997
20 Zeitschrift für Physik D 1.1986 - 42.1997