Offers for female university students

Conference visit
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Travel allowance

You can never start soon enough! Even if you are not yet a member of a working group, you can still attend conferences and workshops.

Every year, for example, the German Conference of Women in Physics takes place and the Working Group on Equal Opportunities (AKC) of the German Physical Society (DPG) offers annual workshops on soft skills, career profiles for women in physics or time management. You can apply for a travel allowance for these or other events. In the newsletter you will be informed you about conferences and events.

Student assistants
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Collaboration as a student assistant

The Department of Physics is one of the most active in terms of promoting young talent, especially among schoolgirls. Projects such as GirlsGo4Green or Nano4YourLife have enabled us to actively involve female university students, for example as student assistants. Are you interested and would like to earn money while you pursue your education? Then get in touch with us!

Financial support for female doctoral students in the Department of Physics

The Department of Physics has set up a support program for female doctoral students with the aim of individually promoting the further career of female physicists during their doctorate. The program supports special events that go beyond typical conferences and make female physicists visible, usually with active participation. These include international conferences and symposia, summer schools or special continuing education and conference formats.
Typical participation in conferences of the German Physical Society or classic national conferences is not funded. Here, the working group leadership is expected to support doctoral researchers regardless of gender. Participation in conferences for female physicists and further training courses explicitly for female physicists are also not funded, as long as these can be funded from the central gender equality program.

Funding is provided in the form of lump sums depending on the conference venues:

  • Research stays (European 1,200 €, non-European 1,500 €)
  • Active participation in summer schools, preferably of an interdisciplinary nature, to acquire complementary subject knowledge (600 € nationally, 800 € internationally, 1,000 € overseas)
  • International conferences or special events for career advancement (200 € national, 400 € international, 600 € overseas)

For all events, an active contribution, e.g. in the form of a poster or a lecture, is generally expected. In addition, the benefit must go beyond a purely professional one.
Getting funding twice in one year is not possible; other funding opportunities should be exhausted. A supportive statement from the supervisor with a commitment that the funds exceeding the lump sum will be provided must be enclosed.

Application can be handed it at any times, an answer can take some time.

The application should be made in a form-based way via email ( to the Equal Opportunities Officer of the Physics Department:

Carina Bücker
Physikalisches Institut
Wilhelm-Klemm-Straße 10
48149 Münster

The form for applying for funding can be downloaded  here.

The information on the funding programme is provided  here as a pdf.

Förderprogramme speziell für Frauen

Kompetenzzentrum - Frauen in Informationsgesellschaft und Technologie

Verein MINT-EC - Förderung von Schülerinnen in Mathematik, Natur- und Ingenieurswissenschaften

Yolante - Projekt der Firma Siemens für Abiturientinnen mit anschließendem technischen Hochschulstudium

Christiane-Nüsslein-Volhard-Stiftung - Förderung junger Wissenschaftlerinnen mit Kindern

Frauen im Wissenschaftssystem - Ein Programm des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung