AG Linz: Strukturbildung & Nichtlineare Dynamik
- S. Richters-Finger, S. Hartmann & S.J. Linz
Transition to Chaos: From Small to Large Systems in the Nikolaevskiy Model
accepted for publication in Int'l Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 30 2030001 1-12 (2020)
selected as feature article in the January 2020 issue of IJBC
- C. Kabelitz & S.J. Linz
The dynamics of geometric PDEs: Surface evolution equations and a comparison with their small gradient approximations
Chaos 29 103119 1-15 (2019)
- S. Trinschek & S.J. Linz
Dynamics of attractively and repulsively coupled elementary chaotic systems
Int'l Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 26 1630005 1-17 (2016)
selected as feature article in the March 2016 issue of IJBC
- C. Diddens & S.J. Linz
Continuum modeling of particle redeposition during ion-beam erosion - laterally two-dimensional case
European Physical Journal B 88, 190 1-22 (2015)
featured as EPJ B Highlight - Shaping the hilly landscapes of a semi-conductor nanoworld,
also featured on AlphaGalileo,
EurekAlert! by AAAS,
NanotechnologyNow, phys.org, nanowerk
- C. Diddens & S.J. Linz
Redeposition during ion-beam erosion can stabilize well-ordered nanostructures
Europhysics Letters 104, 17010 (2013), plus supplements: three mpg visualizations
- C. Diddens & S.J. Linz
Continuum modeling of particle redeposition during ion-beam erosion - one dimensional case
European Physical Journal B 86, 397 1-13 (2013), plus supplement: one mpg visualization
- N. Anspach & S.J. Linz
Analysis of a solid-on-solid type block model for particle redeposition in ion-beam processes under normal incidence
Journal of Statistical Mechanics 2012, P 06012 1-30 (2012), plus supplements: five mpg visualizations
- J.C. Sprott & S.J. Linz
Algebraically simple chaotic flow
in: Le Néant dans la Pensée Contemporaine [N.-B. Barbe (ed)], Bès Editions,p. 579-595 (2012)
[reprint of a paper originally published in Int`l Journal of Chaos Theory and Applications 5(2),3-22 (2000)]
- S. Vogel & S.J. Linz
Regular and chaotic dynamics in bouncing ball models
Int'l Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 21, 869-884 (2011) review in MathSciNet
- A. Hoffmann & S.J. Linz
Granular surface flow via successive destabilization: a continuum
Physica D - Nonlinear Phenomena 239, 2025-2038 (2010) review in ZbMath
- K. Dreimann & S.J. Linz
Continuum modeling of ion-beam eroded surfaces under normal incidence: impact of stochastic fluctuations
Chemical Physics 375, 606-611 (2010)
- N. Anspach & S.J. Linz
Modeling particle redeposition in ion-beam processes under normal incidence
Journal of Statistical Mechanics 2010, P06023 1-27 (2010)
- M. Grevenstette & S.J. Linz
Model for pattern formation of granular matter on vibratory conveyors
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 39,
1869-1902 (2009)
- S.J. Linz
On hyperjerky systems
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 37, 741-747 (2008)
- H. Elhor & S.J. Linz
Bounce of a particle: oblique impact on structured surfaces
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 36, 73-81 (2008)
- S. Vogel & S.J. Linz
Formation of structured islands by ion-beam erosion
Physical Review B 75, 155417 1-8 (2007)
- S. Vogel & S.J. Linz
Surface structuring by multiple ion beams
Physical Review B 75, 085425 1-17 (2007)
- S. Vogel & S.J. Linz
How ripples turn into dots: modeling ion-beam erosion under oblique
Europhysics Letters 76, 884-890 (2006)
- M. Grevenstette & S.J. Linz
Continuum modeling of granular surface structures on vibratory
in: Proceeedings Issue: Behavior of Granular Media
Schriftenreihe Mechanische Verfahrenstechnik Band 9 (Shaker-Verlag),p 51-55 (2006)
- H. Elhor & S.J. Linz
Transport model for granular matter on linear and annular vibratory
conveyors ,
in: Proceeedings Issue: Behavior of Granular Media
Schriftenreihe Mechanische Verfahrenstechnik Band 9 (Shaker-Verlag),p 43-49 (2006)
- A. Hoffmann & S.J. Linz
A domino model for granular surface flow
Traffic & Granular Flow'05 (Pöschel et al, eds., Springer-Verlag), 167-179 (2006)
- S. Vogel & S.J. Linz
Continuum modeling of sputter erosion under normal incidence: Interplay between
nonlocality and nonlinearity
Physical Review B 72 035416 1-6 (2005)
- H. Elhor & S.J. Linz
Model for transport of granular matter on an annular vibratory conveyor
Journal of Statistical Mechanics [Letter] 2005, L02005 1-8 (2005)
- C.A. Kruelle, M. Rouijaa, A. Götzendorfer, I. Rehberg, R. Grochowski, P. Walzel,
H. Elhor & S.J. Linz
Reversal of a granular flow on a vibratory conveyor
Powders & Grains 2005, 1185-1189 (2005)
- H. Elhor, S.J. Linz, R. Grochowski, P. Walzel, C.A. Kruelle, M. Rouijaa, A.
Götzendorfer & I. Rehberg
Model for transport of granular matter on vibratory conveyors
Powders & Grains 2005, 1190-1195 (2005)
- R. Grochowski, S. Strugholtz, H. Elhor, S.J. Linz & P. Walzel
Transport properties of granular matter on vibratory conveyors
Proc. PARTEC 2004 , 5.1 1-4 (2004)
- R.H.W. Hoppe, W.G. Litvinov & S.J. Linz
On solutions of certain classes of evolution equations for surface
Nonlinear Phenomena in Complex Systems 6, 582-591 (2003)
- S.J. Linz
No-chaos criteria for certain classes of driven nonlinear oscillators
Acta Physica Polonica B 34, 3741-3749 (2003)
- S.J. Linz, M. Raible & P. Hänggi
Morphogenesis of growing amorphous films [invited article]
Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering 32, 103-118 (2003)
- M. Raible, S.J. Linz & P. Hänggi
Growth instabilities of vapor deposited films: atomic size vs. deflection
European Physical Journal B 27, 435-442 (2002)
- L. Callenbach, P. Hänggi, S.J. Linz, J.A. Freund &
L. Schimansky-Geier
Oscillatory systems driven by noise: frequency and phase
Physical Review E 65, 051110 1-11 (2002)
- M. Raible, S.J. Linz & P. Hänggi
Amorphous thin film growth: simulation methods for stochastic
deposition equations
Acta Physica Polonica B 33, 1049-1061 (2002)
- S.J. Linz
Compaction dynamics of granular matter [in German]
Physikalische Blätter [Überblick] 57(10), 51-55 (2001)
- M. Raible, S.J. Linz & P. Hänggi
Amorphous thin film growth: effects of density inhomogeneities
Physical Review E 64, 031506 1-11 (2001)
- L. Callenbach, S.J. Linz, & P. Hänggi
Synchronization of simple chaotic flows
Physics Letters A 287, 90-98 (2001)
- S.J. Linz, M. Raible & P. Hänggi
Amorphous thin film growth: modeling and pattern formation
Advances in Solid State Physics 41, 391-403 (2001)
- S.J. Linz
Mysterious segregation effects in granular matter [in German]
Physikalische Blätter [Brennpunkt] 57(6), 20-21 (2001)
- R. Eichhorn, S.J. Linz, & P. Hänggi
Simple polynomial classes of chaotic jerky dynamics
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 13, 1-15 (2001)
- R. Eichhorn, S.J. Linz, & P. Hänggi
Transformation invariance of Lyapunov exponents
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 12, 1377-1383 (2001) review in ZbMath
- J.C. Sprott & S.J. Linz
Algebraically simple chaotic systems
International Journal of Chaos Theory and Applications
5(2),3-22 (2000)
- S.J. Linz
No-chaos criteria for certain jerky dynamics
Physics Letters A 275, 204-210 (2000)
- S.J. Linz, M. Raible & P. Hänggi
Stochastic field equation for amorphous surface growth
Lecture Notes in Physics 557, 473-483 (2000)
- M. Raible, S.J. Linz & P. Hänggi
Amorphous thin film growth: minimal deposition equation
Physical Review E 62, 1691-1705 (2000)
- M. Raible, S.G. Mayr, S.J. Linz, M. Moske, P. Hänggi & K. Samwer
Amorphous thin film growth: theory compared with experiment
Europhysics Letters 50, 61-67 (2000)
- A. Döhle & S.J. Linz
Compaction of tapped granular matter: A mean-field model and its Langevin
Advances in Geotechnical Engineering and Tunneling 3, 235-240 (2000)
- S.J. Linz, W. Hager & P. Hänggi
Stochastic simulation of surface flow in rotated granular systems
in: Research Projects on High pPrformance Computers, Leibniz Computing Center
Munich, LRZ report 2000-1, 128-133 (2000)
- S.J. Linz & J.C. Sprott
Elementary chaotic flow
Physics Letters A 259, 240-245 (1999)
- S.J. Linz, W. Hager & P. Hänggi
Hysteretic transition between avalanches and continuous flow
in rotated granular systems
CHAOS 9, 649-653 (1999)
- S.J. Linz & A. Döhle
Minimal relaxation law for compaction of tapped granular
Physical Review E 60, 5737-5741 (1999)
- R. Eichhorn, S.J. Linz, & P. Hänggi
Classes of dynamical systems being equivalent to a jerky motion
Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik
79, S287-288 (1999)
- S.J. Linz
Jerky motion: a new tool in chaos theory?
The Sciences (Letter to the Editor) 39(1), 46-47 (1999)
- R. Eichhorn, S.J. Linz, & P. Hänggi
Transformations of nonlinear dynamical systems to jerky
motion and its application to minimal chaotic flows
Physical Review E 58, 7151-7164 (1998) review in MathSciNet
- S.J. Linz
Newtonian jerky dynamics: some general properties
American Journal of Physics 66, 1109-1114 (1998)
- S.J. Linz
On relaxational granular compaction
Lecture Notes in Physics 503, 110-121 (1998)
- S.J. Linz
Newtonian jerk, memory and chaotic oscillations
submitted to Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik,
- S.J. Linz
Dynamics of granular systems: macromechanical models
Habilitation thesis (Universität Augsburg), 1997
- W. Hager, S.J. Linz & P. Hänggi
Spectral statistics of global avalanches along granular piles
Europhysics Letters 40, 393-398 (1997)
- S.J. Linz
Macromechanics of the granular chute flow
in: Friction, arching and contact mechanics (D.E. Wolf & P. Grassberger, eds.),
World Scientific (1997), p 323-328
- W. Hager, S.J. Linz, & P. Hänggi
Surface flow of rotated granular systems and the impact of macromechanical stochastics
in: Friction, arching and contact mechanics
(D.E. Wolf & P. Grassberger, eds.),
World Scientific (1997), p 317-322
- S.J. Linz
Macromechanical modeling of the surface flow of granular systems
Lecture Notes in Physics 484, 306-318 (1997)
- S.J. Linz
Nonlinear dynamical models and jerky motion
American Journal of Physics 65, 523-526 (1997)
- S.J. Linz
Phenomenological modeling of the compaction dynamics of shaken granular systems
Physical Review E 54, 2925-2930 (1996)
- S.J. Linz & P. Hänggi
Effect of periodic shear on avalanches in granular systems
Physica D 97, 577-588 (1996)
- S.J. Linz
Nonlinear dynamics of the Kingdon equation
Physical Review A 52, 4282--4284 (1995)
- S.J. Linz & P. Hänggi
Minimal model for avalanches in granular systems
Physical Review E 51, 2538-2542 (1995)
- S.J. Linz
A simple nonlinear system: the oscillator with quadratic friction
European Journal of Physics 16, 67-72 (1995)
- S.J. Linz & P. Hänggi
Effect of vertical vibrations on avalanches in granular systems
Physical Review E 50, 3464-3469 (1994)
- S.J. Linz
Separation ratio, Dufour number and advection-diffusion equations of Lorentz gas mixtures
Physical Review E 49, 5881-5884 (1994)
- S.J. Linz & S. H. Davis
Onset of convection in small aspect ratio systems and its application to the g-jitter problem
in: Spatio-Temporal Patterns (P. Cladis & P. Palffy-Muhoray, eds),
Santa Fe Institute Studies in the Sciences of Complexity XXI,
265-272 (1994)
- S.J. Linz & A.W. Woods
Convection, Taylor dispersion, and Diagenesis in a tilted porous layer
Physical Review A 46, 4869-4878 (1992)
- A. W. Woods & S.J. Linz
Natural convection and dispersion in a tilted fracture
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 241, 59-74 (1992)
- W. Hort, S.J. Linz & M. Lücke
Onset of convection in binary gas mixtures: the role of the Dufour effect
Physical Review A 45, 3737-3748 (1992)
- S.J. Linz
On the experimental realizability of convection in gas mixtures at moderate positive separation ratios
in: "Pattern formations in complex dissipative systems" (S. Kai, ed.)
World Scientific Publ., pp 320-325 (1992)
- S.J. Linz
Onset of Dufour driven convection in binary fluid mixtures: no slip boundary conditions
Physical Review A 45, 1262-1265 (1992)
- O. Kornadt, S.J. Linz & M. Lücke
Parametric perturbations of a pitchfork bifurcation
in : "From phase transitions to chaos" (G. Györgyi et al, eds.)
Topics in Modern Statistical Physics, (World Scientific Publ.)
pp. 372-386 (1992)
- O. Kornadt, S.J. Linz & M. Lücke
The Ricker model: Influence of periodic and stochastic parametric modulation
Physical Review A 44, 940-955 (1991)
- O. Lhost, S.J. Linz & H.W. Müller
Onset of convection in binary liquid mixtures: improved Galerkin approximations
Journal de Physique I 1, 940-955 (1991)
- W. Hort, S.J. Linz & M. Lücke
Onset of Soret and Dufour driven convection
in: "Nonlinear Evolution of Spatio-Temporal Structures in Dissipative Continuous Systems"
(F.H. Busse & L. Kramer, eds.)
NATO ASI Series (Plenum, N.Y.) B 225, 149-153 (1990)
- S.J. Linz
Natural dispersion in tilted porous layers
Proceedings of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Summer Program in Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
Woods Hole Oceanog. Inst. Tech. Rept. WHOI-91-03, 299-319 (1990)
- S.J. Linz
Binary mixtures: onset of Dufour driven convection
Physical Review A 40, 7175-7181 (1989)
- S.J. Linz, M. Lücke, H. W. Müller & J. Niederländer
Convection in binary mixtures: traveling waves and lateral currents
Physical Review A 38, 5727-5741 (1988)
- S.J. Linz & M. Lücke
A Galerkin approximation for convection in binary mixtures with realistic concentration boundary conditions
Springer Series in Synergetics 41, 292-304 (1988)
- S.J. Linz & M. Lücke
Non-Oberbeck-Boussinesq effects and barodiffusion in
binary mixtures with small thermodiffusion ratio
Physical Review A 36(RC), 3505-3508 (1987)
- S.J. Linz & M. Lücke
Convection in binary mixtures: a Galerkin model with impermeable boundary conditions
Physical Review A 35(RC), 3997-4000 (1987)
- S.J. Linz & M. Lücke
Effect of additive and multiplicate noise on the first bifurcations of the logistic model
Physical Review A 33, 2694-2703 (1986)
- S.J. Linz, Über den Einfluss von Rauschen auf ein diskretes nichtlineares System
Diploma thesis, Universität des Saarlandes, 102 pages
- S.J. Linz, Konvektion in binären Mischungen
Ph. D. Thesis, Universität des Saarlandes, 243 pages,July 1989
- S.J. Linz, E.C. Won, Solar astrofluiddynamics, workout of lectures by E.A. Spiegel,
in: Woods Hole Oceanog. Inst. Tech. Rept. WHOI-91-03, 43--51 (1990)
- S.J. Linz, C-c.. Colmfield, Flow between the sun's convection and radiation zones and
transport of chemicals, workout of lectures by J.P. Zahn,
in: Woods Hole Oceanog. Inst. Tech. Rept. WHOI-91-03, 100--111 (1990)
- S.J. Linz, Augsburg Handouts zu Mathematischen Methoden der
Tech. Report for Students at Institut für Physik, Augsburg University, 1.ed 1993, 2.ed. 1994
- S.J. Linz, Book review on Sandhaufen, Staus und Seifenblasen by O.
Physik-Journal 5(2), 46 (2006)