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My research group belonged to the Research Focus
"Elementary Particle Physics"
of the Department of Physics.
Fields of interest of my group have been:
Quantum Field Theory and the Theory of Elementary Particles.
A somewhat more detailed description can be found
A focal point is quantum field theory on a lattice.
There is a textbook available on this:
I. Montvay, G. Münster: Quantum Fields on a Lattice.
Some projects:
Fun Facts for Number Lovers
A talk:
What is Time? - Thoughts of a Physicist.
Contribution to the “Symposium on Time”
of the EPF, Brussels, April 2022.
A textbook:
G. Münster: Von der Quantenfeldtheorie zum Standardmodell -
Eine Einführung in die Teilchenphysik, de Gruyter, 2019
A textbook for physics students:
G. Münster: Quantentheorie, de Gruyter, 2020
3rd revised and extended edition
An anthology on the philosophy of mind,
also for beginners:
J. G. Michel, G. Münster (Hrsg.): Die Suche nach dem Geist,
mentis, Münster, 2013
Pauli number: 4
- Pauli - Heisenberg - Dürr - Wolff - Münster
My offer of public
lectures for pupils and adults.
Publications from my group
Curriculum Vitae
Bachelors theses, Masters theses, Diploma theses, teachers theses, PhD theses, and
Habilitation theses
from my group
- Lectures
- Mathematik für das Lehramt Physik an Haupt-, Real- und Gesamtschulen, WS 18/19
- Computational Methods for Particle Physics (Heitger, Münster, Weinheimer, Bergner, Vogl), WS 18/19
- Atomic and Quantum Physics (Münster, Schuck), SS 18
- Mathematik für das Lehramt Physik an Haupt-, Real- und Gesamtschulen, WS 17/18
- Computational Methods for Particle Physics II (Klasen, Münster, Weinheimer, Zapp), WS 16/17
- Introduction to General Relativity and Cosmology (Münster, Wulkenhaar), SS 16
- Introduction to Quantum Field Theory, WS 15/16
- Introduction to the standard model of particle physics, SS 15
- Introduction to Quantum Field Theory, WS 14/15
- Introduction to General Relativity, Cosmology and Astrophysics (Münster, Weinheimer), SS 14
- Quantum Theory, WS 13/14
- Introduction to Quantum Mechanics, SS 13
- Quantum Chromodynamics, WS 12/13
- Introduction to Quantum Field Theory, WS 11/12
- Gauge Theories of the Strong and Electroweak Interactions (Bergner, Münster), SS 11
- Physics III (Münster, Zacharias), WS 10/11
- Physics II (Münster, Zacharias), SS 10
- Physics I (Münster, Zacharias), WS 09/10
- Statistical Physics, SS 09
- Quantum Theory, WS 08/09
- Introduction to Quantum Mechanics, SS 08
- Quantum Mechanics for Teaching Professions and Computer Science, WS 06/07
- Monte Carlo Simulations in Physics, with practical exercises (Münster/Farchioni), WS 04/05
- Statistical Physics I, SS 03
- Quantum Theory I, WS 02/03
- Physics 4: Theoretical Physics, SS 02
- Statistical Physics I, SS 99
- Quantum Theory I, WS 98/99
- Physics IV, SS 98
- Seminars
Lecture Notes (mostly in german):
Lecturing is a process, where the
notes of the teacher become the notes of the student without passing
through the mind of either.
Mortimer J. Adler
Teaching award 2013 of the student representatives of the department of
Press release)
Friedrich Bach, Gernot Münster and Markus Tegeder (from left)
If you are bored, you can see a
movie here.
Or you have a look at some
Popular Fallacies in Physics (in german),
so that on the next physicists party you can shine.
Here are two surf tips:
the homepage of
Gerard 't Hooft
Britney Spear's Guide to Semiconductor Physics.
A poem.
And another poem.
How I became a pastor:
(click on it).
In addition a look into the
library of theology.
By the way, I am collecting autographs of physicists. For example, I have
books with dedications of Heisenberg, Jordan and others.
The nicest piece in my collection is this postcard (click on it)
with the signatures of
E.P. Wigner,
P.A.M. Dirac
J. Schwinger.
Here I am next to
Michael Creutz
on LATTICE2001 in Berlin:
Some more pictures are in my
physicists foto album.
This picture shows me with a colleague from math:
At the tomb of Leonhard Euler in St. Petersburg:
Some journals
that might be of interest to a field theorist.
To the home-page of the
Institute for Theoretical Physics
Until now
visitors on this page.