Lecture with tutorials
Course number in the course overview: 112282 (lectures)
Course number in the course overview: 112283 (tutorials)
Lecture with tutorials
Course number in the course overview: 112282 (lectures)
Course number in the course overview: 112283 (tutorials)
Lecture dates
Introduction to Quantum Mechanics: April: 11, 12, 16, 18, 23, 25, 26, 30; May: 2, 3, 14, 16, 17, 28, 30; June: 4, 6, 13, 14, 20, 27, 28; July: 4, 11, 18
Atomic and Molecular Physics: April: 19; May: 7, 9; June: 7, 11, 18, 21, 25; July: 2, 5, 9, 12, 16, 19
Registration for the excercises is in the first lecture on Monday, April 9, 2018.
The page AUQ-2018_1 in the Learnweb will contain supplementary material to the lectures on Atomic and Molecular Physics by Jun.-Prof. Dr. Carsten Schuck.
Required coursework and examinations
For the successful completion of the module "Atomic and Quantum Physics" the following criteria have to be fulfilled:
Bonus points will be given for the presentation of solved problems in the tutorials.
Written examination
The written examination has taken place on
Tuesday, 24 July 2018, 14:00 to 17:00 in the lecture hall HS 1
Allowed utilities: 1 sheet DINA4 with handwritten notes and a pocket calculator (without text memeory). Mobile phones and smartphones are not to be carried - even if they are switched off.
Post-exam review: Friday, 27.07.2018, 10:00 - 11:00, Room KP 304
Results of the written exam Scale
Exam resit
The exam resit has taken place on
Monday, 01 October 2018, 10:00 to 13:00 in the lecture hall HS 2
The rules are the same as for the written exam.
Post-exam review: Thursday, 04.10.2018, 10:00 - 11:00 Uhr, Room KP 304.
Einführung in die Quantenmechanik: Schrödinger-Gleichung, einfache Potentialprobleme, Harmonischer Oszillator (Eigenwerte und Eigenfunktionen), Wasserstoffatom (Drehimpulsproblem, Radialgleichung, Energiespektrum), Atome in elektrischen und magnetischen Feldern, Spin (Phänomene, formale Beschreibung), Ununterscheidbarkeit (Bosonen, Fermionen)
Atom- und Molekülphysik: Atomistischer Aufbau der Materie, Stern-Gerlach-Experiment, Experimentelle Methoden der Atomphysik, Atommodelle, das Wasserstoffatom, Mehrelektronenatome, Atome in äußeren Feldern, elementare Struktur einfacher Moleküle, aktuelle Themen der Atom- und Molekülphysik.
Einführung in die Quantenmechanik:
Atom- und Molekülphysik:
Eine Zusammenfassung wichtiger Formeln und Sachverhalte finden Sie in dem Merkblatt zur Quantenmechanik.
Auf der Seite AUQ-2018_1 im Learnweb wird begleitendes Material zu den Atom- & Molekülphysik-Vorlesungen von Jun.-Prof. Dr. Carsten Schuck bereitgestellt.
Die Übungsaufgaben werden donnerstags in der Vorlesung verteilt.
Die Lösungen müssen am folgenden Donnerstag vor Beginn der Vorlesung in den "Postfächern" abgegeben werden.
Gruppe | Tutor | Zeit | Raum |
1 | Ali, Sajid (english group) | Di 8 - 10 | KP 104 |
2 | Eckert, Kevin | Di 8 - 10 | KP 303 |
3 | Joswig, Fabian | Di 8 - 10 | KP 403 |
4 | Jürgens, Kevin | Di 8 - 10 | IG1 718 |
5 | Kuberski, Simon | Di 8 - 10 | KP 103 |
6 | Scior, Philipp | Di 8 - 10 | KP 404 |
7 | Groll, Daniel | Di 8 - 10 | IG1 85 |
8 | Sunder, Marthijn | Di 8 - 10 | KP 304 |
9 | Supe, Michael | Di 8 - 10 | IG1 86 |
10 | Ophaus, Lukas | Di 12 - 14 | KP 304 |
11 | Gerber, Henning | Mi 8 - 10 | KP 403 |