Winter Semester 2024/25

Nanophotonic and near-field optics

hislsf: 118055

Basic data:

2 SWS - 2 credit points
Mondays 10 c.t. in IG1 - SR 85
The lecture is part of the Master Physics program


This lecture deals with light matter interaction on the nanoscale.

We will learn how light can be focused beyond the diffraction limit to achieve nanoscale resolution. We will focus on near-field techniques like scattering type scanning near-field optical microscopy (s-SNOM), nanoscale fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (nano-FTIR), as well as tip-enhanced Raman (TERS) and photoluminescence (TEPL). These techniques are based on light scattering at an atomic force microscope tip and can be used to investigate a wide range of materials (from 2D semiconductors and polymers over molecules to soft biological matter) on the nanoscale.

After understanding these techniques we will discuss recent applications focusing on 2D materials.

Integriertes Seminar zu aktuellen Problemen der Physik von Festkörper-Nanosystemen

hislsf: 118272

Topic: Mapping charge carrier densities in 2D materials on the nanoscale

Seminar zur Struktur der Materie: Festkörper-Nanosysteme

hislsf: 118009

Topics: Rasterkraftmikroskopie
Farbzentren in Diamant

Seminar: Photonik und Datenkommunikation

hislsf: 118412

Topic: Near-field spectroscopy - Optical resolution beyond the diffraction limit

Summer Semester 2024

Nanophotonic and near-field optics

hislsf: 116030

Basic data:

2 SWS - 2 credit points
Wednesdays 14 c.t. in IG1 - SR 87
The lecture is part of the Master Physics program


This lecture deals with light matter interaction on the nanoscale.

We will learn how light can be focused beyond the diffraction limit to achieve nanoscale resolution. We will focus on near-field techniques like scattering type scanning near-field optical microscopy (s-SNOM), nanoscale fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (nano-FTIR), as well as tip-enhanced Raman (TERS) and photoluminescence (TEPL). These techniques are based on light scattering at an atomic force microscope tip and can be used to investigate a wide range of materials (from 2D semiconductors and polymers over molecules to soft biological matter) on the nanoscale.

After understanding these techniques we will discuss recent applications focusing on 2D materials.