SarahBaziyhar Master of Science Untersuchung der Vergleichbarkeit von BAMFIT und Power Cycling (Bruchmechanik und Gefügeveränderung (2020)
IvanZadyraka Master of Science Herstellung und Analyse von anodischen Aluminiumoxidschichten auf technischen Aluminiumlegierungen (2020)
MirkoGabski Dr. rer. nat. Highly ordered Aluminium Oxide Membranes as a Nano-structuring template for novel materials and their possible applications (2020)
AfrouzHassanpour Sh. Dr. rer. nat. Structure - property relations studied by calorimetric, kinetic and microscopic investigation in severely deformed Bulk Metallic glasses (2020)
SvenHilke Dr. rer. nat. Fluctuation Electron Microscopy on Complex and Disordered Structures: Comparison of Experiment and Simulation (2020)
FarnazA. Davani Dr. rer. nat. Shear Bands and affected Zones in Nanolaminates and bulk metallic glasses investigated by Fluctuation Electron Microscopy (2020)
RenéHubek Dr. rer. nat. Impact of micro-alloying on diffusion and thermodynamic parameters of metallic glasses (2020)
MaximilianGrove Master of Science Analysis and visualisation of the plasmon characteristics of shear bands in metallic glasses usind electron energy loss spectroscopy (2020)
AlexandraEverwand Bachelor of Science (2020)
OliverThiele Bachelor of Science Deposition von Kupfer-Indiu-Gallium-Diselenid (CIGS) in porösen Aluminiumoxid (2019)
MarcelGlienke Master of Science Grain Boundary Diffusion in the Polycrystalline CoCrFeNi and CoCrFeMnNi High Entropy Alloys (2019)
Dr.MayurVaidya (2019)
LukeLister Bachelor of Science Study of the Effects of Various Thermal Procedures on Metallic Glass (Pd40Ni40P20)99Co1 (2019)
LenaFrommeyer Master of Science Impact of severe plastic deformation on microstructure and phase stability of Alx CoCrFeNi high entropy alloys (2019)
Klara A.Spieker Bachelor of Science Synthesis of refractory high entropy alloys and their subsets by arc melting and microstructure and phase stability upon SPD processing (2019)
AnnaGirbau Bachelor of Science Study of the relaxation behaviour of severely deformed bulk metallic glasses (2019)
FriederikeEmeis Dr. rer. nat. Evolution of internal interfaces in severely deformed metals: a case study on the Cu-Ni system regarding alloying effects (2019)
AdnanFareed Master of Science Toward an origin of high entropy alloys(HEAs): Diffusion in (Ni)x-(CoCrFeMn)1-x (2019)
KonstantinLamp Bachelor of Science Zusammensetzungsabhängigkeit der Nukleationskinetik und Grenzflächenenergie in Au-Ge Legierungen (2018)
JonasLübke Master of Science Cryogenic Cycling of Bulk Metallic Glasses (2018)
NiklasNollmann Dr. rer. nat. Plastische Deformation und mechanische Eigenschaften von Palladium-basierten metallischen Gläsern (2018)
Moritz M.Hautmann Master of Science Impact of Ag segregation on the properties of a S5 (310) Cu grain boundary (2018)
Yaser Hamedi Jouybari Dr. rer. nat. Realization of Solid State Thin Film Lithium Batteries via Magnetron Sputtering (2018)
ChristophKlusmann Bachelor of Science ZnO2-Nanotubes for gas sensing (2018)
StefanOstendorp Dr. rer. nat. Anwendungen von UTAMs für die Oberflächennanostrukturierung, metallischen und halbleitenden Nanopartikel-Strukturen sowie funktionalen molekularen Oberflächennanostrukturen (TRR61) (2017)
ChristianBuchholz Master of Science Kristallisationskinetik und mechanische Eigenschaften einer neuen gadoliniumhaltigen, glasbildenden Legierung (2017)
ReginaPost Master of Science Microstructure evolution in Cu-based alloys as function of externally applied forces (2017)
NazarIbrahim Dr. rer. nat. Microstructure evaluation in Cu based alloys, subjected to servere plastic deformation by High Pressure Torsion: effect of component solubility (2017)
IsabelleBinkowski Dr. rer. nat. Structures and atomic mobilities in a Pd40Ni40P20 bulk metallic glass (2017)
ChristianSimon Dr. rer. nat. Statistic or deterministic behavior of nucleation investigated for liquid-solid and liquid-liquid transitions (2017)
YuliaBuranova Dr. rer. nat. Analysis of Mechano-Chemical Coupling on Grain Boundaries and Precipitation by Analytical TEM and Atomistic Simulations (2017)
VitalijHieronymus-Schmidt Dr. rer. nat. Determination of density and structural changes in deformed metallic glasses by analytical transmission electron microscopy (2017)
LisaNeier Dipl. Phys. Coupling of plastic deformation and grain boundary motion in nanocrystalline materials (2017)
SimonTrubel Dipl. Phys. Korngrenzenselbstdiffusion und Nanoindentation in hochdrucktordiertem Nickel (2017)
NiklasOlschewski Master of Science Abhängigkeit der thermodynamischen und mechanischern Eigenschaften eines Zr-basierten metallischen Massivglases von der thermomechanischen Vorgeschichte (2016)
MehrnooshNaderi Dr. rer. nat. Structural and Thermal Evolution of Ultrafine grained AL (1050) upon heating and liquid Ga Penetration (2016)
MalteKirschbaum Master of Science Untersuchung des Hochentropieeffektes bei der Legierung von Nickel mit CoCrFeMn (2016)
Patrick-AxelZitzke Master of Science Rate dependence of glass transitions in metallic glasses (2016)
Jean-PhillipeLang Bachelor AlD-basierte Beschichtung von selbstgeordneten, nanostrukturierten Aluminiumoxid-Membranen für Gassensorik-Anwendungen (2016)
JörnLeuthold Dr. rer. nat. Mechanisms of time dependent plasticity in ultra-fine grained copper after severe plastic deformation (2016)