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Winter semester 2023 / 2024

  • Seminar on Phase Change Materials

    Wednesday 16:00 - 17:30

    Place: Seminarroom 619, IG 1, Wilhelm-Klemm-Str. 10

    Students who wish to participate in this seminar must register in Learnweb before Monday, October 10th, 9 AM. Attending the introductory event taking place on Wednesday, October 11th, 16:00 PM (s.t.), is mandatory. This seminar is mainly aimed at students in the Master's program. However, it is also open to ambitous Bachelor students in their final year, who want to deepen their knowledge of the structure of matter.



  • Seminar: Materials for energy conversion and storage

    Monday 15:30 - 16:30 (Preliminary meeting, 9th October, room 719, IG1)

    Wednesday 14:00 - 15:30

    Place: Wilhelm-Klemm-Str. 10 - IG1 619

    The efficient conversion of energy in different energy forms and the energy storage are grant challenges of the 21st century. Up to now our energy needs are still mainly covered by fossil fuel resources, i.e., solar energy that is stored during hundreds of millions of years. The seminar covers in a series of talks, which will be presented by students, the fundamental physical and chemical aspects of energy conversion and storage. Preliminary titles for oral presentations: semiconductor solar cells, solar electrochemistry, solar thermal energy, energy storage, thermoelectric energy conversion, thermoelectric modules, hydrogen storage, fuel cells.

    Course Overview


  • Shortterm Research Project in Labs of Prof. Salinga

    Tuesday 10.10.2023, 14:00

    Place: Seminaroom 619, IG 1, Wilhelm-Klemm-Str. 10

    A deeper understanding of a subject can be achieved by working on a project as it is typical for both academic and industrial research. Hence, in the Physical Specializations Materials Physics, Photonics and Magnonics, and Nonlinear Physics, it is possible to choose such a learning format. In a mini research project a student works on a small research task. In contrast to a prepared lab course, here a student contributes to the solution of a real problem addressed by the research group of Prof. Salinga. Students are immersed in a research team collaborating closely with more experienced scientists. This work will be concluded by a seminar talk about this project given by the student. Topic, time and duration can be very flexible (5 credit points / 150 hours) and will be agreed upon together with Prof. Salinga.

    Course Overview

  • Practical tutorial

    Monday 9:00- 17:00

    Room: 619/620, IG 1

    Preliminary meeting, 9th October, room 619, IG1, 1:15-2:00 p.m.

    Experiments supervised by the Salinga working group at the Institute of Materials Physics:

    MP1: solar cells

    MP6: phase change materials

    Course Overview


  • Physics A

    Lecture: Tue, Thu and Fr from 8:00 - 9:00

    Further information and the dates for the exercises can be found in the course overview or in the Learnweb.

If you have difficulties to register or access this course's Learnweb page, please contact Simone Schültingkemper via email.