EDISON Young Researcher Award

Sebastian Walfort was awarded the EDISON Young Researcher Award at this year's EDISON conference. Here, participants from all over the world discussed latest progress in the field of fundamental physics and applications of electron dynamics in semiconductors, optoelectronic devices, and nanostructures. The international jury awarded the prize to Sebastian Walfort for his presentation entitled "Correlations in Resistance Fluctuations of Germanium Telluride Glass". We congratulate him and are excited to see how this research topic will develop further.

Searching for tutors

For the upcoming winter semester 2023/2024 we are looking for tutors to supervise the exercises of Physics A.
For further information please see the job announcement or contact Prof. Dr. Martin Salinga.

Neue Hilfskräfte in der AG Salinga

We are happy about our new assistants and welcome Nils, Joel and Julius to the AG Salinga!

© AG Salinga

We welcome Jakob, Hannah and David

We have some new additions to the team. This time there are three new students joining our research group.

The whole team in AG Salinga is very happy to welcome you. We hope you will do great work here!

CRC Intelligent Matter

The new collaborative research center (CRC) „Intelligent matter: From responsive to adaptive nanosystems“ kicks off right at the start of 2021, and we are proud to be part of it.

This CRC is inspired by the question whether synthetic matter can provide artificial building blocks with intelligent abilities.

Such matter would secure new opportunities for a wide variety of applications; for instance, the development of artificial skin that self-regulates temperature and absorbance; soft robotics with adaptive tactility; and brain-inspired computing with reduced energy consumption.

Get to know more here

The group gets bigger

We are very happy to present the new members in our team: Dr. René Hubek, Dr. Maheboub Alam and Dr. Alex Fuhrich. It is great to have you with us. Welcome aboard!

© AG Salinga

Our characterization lab has arrived in Münster and is up and running!

The pictures show our cryogenic probe station for dynamic measurements of electrical properties and a femtosecond laser to study photo-induced dynamics in amorphous and crystalline nanostructured materials.

New members in the team!

We welcome new colleagues in the working group Salinga: Dr. Marina Muñoz Castro, Dr. Mirko Gabski and Dr. Boubakeur Ayachi. Best wishes for your new start. We are happy to see the team grow.

© M.Bartsch

Moving to Münster

Martin Salinga and his team are moving to Münster to join the Institute of Materials Physics at WWU.

© RWTH Aachen

Venia Legendi

Martin Salinga received the Venia Legendi for physics from RWTH Aachen University.

Starting 3rd Funding Period in Collaborative Research Center Nanoswitches

After a successful review in January and a positive funding decision by the DFG in May, today, the third funding period of the Collaborative Research Centre Nanoswitches (CRC917) is starting. For our group this means another four years of financial support for our "Fast transient electrical analysis of resistive switching phenomena" and for our investigations of "Effects of nanoscale confinement on the properties of phase change materials".

© Nature

Lead article published in Nature Materials

Our article titled "Monatomic phase change memory" appears as a cover feature in the current issue of Nature Materials, complemented by a "News and views" review by Zhang and Ma. Here we discuss how the simplest material imaginable, a single element (in this case, antimony), can be employed in memory devices when confined in extremely small volumes.

Read the article here
News and views