November 2024

Collaborative Research Center receives further millions in funding

German Research Foundation (DFG) continues its support of the University of Münster's collaborations on “Intelligent matter”

One of two Collaborative Research Centres (CRC) at the University of Münster will be receiving funding from the German Research Foundation (DFG) for another four years. Several million euros will go to CRC 1459 “Intelligent matter: From responsive to adaptive nanosystems”.

The full article can be found here.

Detailed information on the Collaborative Research Center 1459 "Intelligent Matter"

October 2024

Adaptive optical neural network connects thousands of artificial neurons

International team of researchers develops photonic processor with adaptive neural connectivity

Click here for the article.

August 2023

EDISON Young Researcher Award

Sebastian Walfort was awarded the EDISON Young Researcher Award at this year's EDISON conference. Here, participants from all over the world discussed latest progress in the field of fundamental physics and applications of electron dynamics in semiconductors, optoelectronic devices, and nanostructures. The international jury awarded the prize to Sebastian Walfort for his presentation entitled "Correlations in Resistance Fluctuations of Germanium Telluride Glass". We congratulate him and are excited to see how this research topic will develop further.