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Joining our group

Thinking about the next step in your scientific career? Indecisive about what is the right research area for you?

Our research team investigates the dynamics of resistively switching materials and their application in novel electronics. Within this field we cover a wide range of topics and if you are curious about our research, you can read more about it here.

In our research, we investigate the peculiar properties of these materials utilizing a great variety of theoretical and experimental approaches. This group brings together scientists with very different profiles, thus offering diverse opportunities for personal and professional growth to motivated students who want to enrich the team with their own strengths and personality. More than anything, we are looking for enthusiastic people willing to learn, who can be productive both independently and as part of a team.

Don't hesitate to reach any of us or come meet us in person at the Institute of Materials Physics (IG1 Building, 6th Floor). We will be happy to show you what we do and discuss further how you could join our group.

To find the right topic for you, please contact Prof. Martin Salinga per email. We can shape Bachelor and Master theses projects according to your strengths and interests in all of our research areas.