Start the Master of Science

You have a Bachelor of Science in Geophysics or another natural science subject and are considering transferring to Münster for the Master of Science Geophysics? On this page we have compiled some general information about our Master's programme.

Start the Master of Science


You have a Bachelor of Science in Geophysics or another natural science subject and are considering transferring to Münster for the Master of Science Geophysics? On this page we have compiled some general information about our Master's programme.


Study contents:


The Master of Science Geophysics has a duration of 2 years (4 semesters). The programme is taught in English.

The first year of study includes mandatory courses that give students a deep insight into the three main research areas at the Institute of Geophysics in Münster:

    - geodynamics

    - seismology

    - applied geophysics

In addition, elective mandatory courses are offered in the fields of geosciences and physics (materials physics or non-linear physics). In addition, in the area of interdisciplinary studies, it is possible to take any course content from the curriculum of the University of Münster, which is a useful addition to the geophysics programme.

In the second year of study, the focus is on preparing for and writing the final thesis.


Admission requirements:


    - General university entrance qualification or of an appropriate subject-specific
university entrance qualification

    - First degree to at least B.Sc. level in a relevant field of study with a minimum standard duration of at least six semesters and with a final overall grade of at least "satisfactory" (or an ECTS grade of at least "C")

    - sufficient knowledge of geophysics, physics and mathematics, similar to the knowledge acquired during the Bachelor of Science Geophysik in Münster

    - Proof of English language skills at least on level B2, this proof is not required if the native language is English, for applicants with a German higher education entrance qualification including
English with a grade of at least ausreichend, or if a Bachelor's degree has already been completed in English.


Is it possible to study the Master of Science Geophysics despite insufficient previous knowledge?


In principle, it is possible to link the admission to the condition that alignment studies are completed. These alignment studies are taken from the curriculum of the Bachelor of Science Geophysik and will not be considered in the overall grade of the Master's examination. These alignment studies must be completed before beginning the Master's thesis. Since the Bachelor of Science Geophysik is offered in German, alignment studies can only be given as an admission requirement for persons who can prove German language skills at least on level B2.


How does admission take place?


The decision on admission is made by members of the department after a thorough examination of the documents submitted . The notification of the decision is made via the Master's Office of the University at the latest after the application deadline. Members of the department or the degree course advisors are not authorised to provide information on the status of individual applications.


Support for international students in Münster:


International students willing to study in Münster can get advice and assistance by the international office (



Further questions?


Degree course advisor for the Master of Science Geophysics


Katrin Hannemann

Institute of Geophysics

Corrensstr. 24
Room 311
48149 Münster

Tel: +49 (0)251 83 34701