Institute of Geophysis
© Institut für Geophysik
Logo Geophysics
© Institut für Geophysik

Who we are

Geophysics at the University of Münster is known for international and innovative research in the fields of structures and processes in the deep earth and subsurface exploration. As one of the few geophysics institutes in Germany that are anchored in a physics department, it represents geophysics in a wide range in the three working groups geodynamics, seismology and applied geophysics.

Institute of Geophysics
© Institut für Geophysik

Where to find us

The Geophysics Institute is located at Corrensstrasse 24 in D-48149 Münster in the natural science center of the University of Münster and in close proximity to the mathematical, physical, chemical and geoscientific institutes. All lecture halls can be reached on foot or by bicycle - the usual means of transportation in Münster.

© Institut fuer Geophysik

AG Thomas, Seismologie
