Sachgebiet I
Sachgebiet I
Agoston | Color Theory and its Application in Art | Ia/Ago/4534 |
Andrews | Optics of the Electromagnetic Spectrum | Ia/And/981 |
Born | Optik | Ia/Bor/218 |
Born | Principles of Optics | Ia/Bor/5087 |
Born | Principles of Optics | Ia/Bor/1611 |
Braddick | Vibrations, Waves and Diffractions | Ia/Bra/1379 |
Ditchburn | Light | Ia/Dic/4152 |
Francon | Modern Applications | Ia/Fra/1376 |
Hecht | Optik | Ia/Hec/2009 |
Kline | Electromagnetic Theory and ... | Ia/Kli/386 |
Longhurst | Geometrical and physical optics | Ia/Lon/1796 |
Meschede | Optik, Licht und Laser | Ia/Mes/1098 |
Mills | Nonlinear Optics | Ia/Mil/3826 |
Monk | Light | Ia/Mon/327 |
Montwill | Let there be light - The Story of Light from Atoms to Galaxies | Ia/Mon/1895 |
Newton | Opticks | Ia/New/3290 |
Novobatzky | Theoretische Elektrizitätslehre und Wellenoptik | Ia/Nov/895 |
Pauli | Pauli Lectures on Physics: Vol. 2 Optics and the Theory of Electrons | Ia/Pau/4166 |
Robertson | Intro to Optics | Ia/Rob/361 |
Sommerfeld | Vorlesungen über Theoretische Optik - Band IV | Ia/Som/4178 |
Welford | Geometrical Optics | Ia/Wel/297 |
Agrawal | Nonlinear Fiber Optics | Ib/Agr/5422 |
Al-Amri | Structured Light for Optical Communication | Ib/Ala/4266 |
Andrews | Structured Light and its Applications | Ib/And/3153 |
Arecchi | Laser Handbook, Vol. 1 | Ib/Are/3139 |
Arecchi | Laser Handbook, Vol. 2 | Ib/Are/3140 |
Balduin | An Introduction to Non linear Optics | Ib/Bal/3495 |
Bateman | The Mathematical Analysis fo Electrical and Optical ... | Ib/Bat/337 |
Beck | Table of Laser Lines in Gases and Vapors | Ib/Bec/3998 |
Beesley | Lasers and their Applications | Ib/Bee/2707 |
Bloembergen | Nonlinear Optics | Ib/Blo/1411 |
Caulfield | The Applications of Holography | Ib/Cau/2507 |
Cohen | Atom-Phton Interactions | Ib/Coh/832 |
Cook | Interference of Electromagnetic Waves | Ib/Coo/2787 |
Degiorgio | Photonics | Ib/Deg/3181 |
Elion | Laser Systems and Applications | Ib/Eli/2056 |
Francon | Experiments in Physical Optics | Ib/Fra/2435 |
Garbuny | Optical Physics | Ib/Gar/1567 |
Gardiner | The Quantum World of Ultra-Cold Atoms and Light Book I | Ib/Gar/1979 |
Gardiner | The Quantum World of Ultra-Cold Atoms and Light Book II | Ib/Gar/1980 |
Gerry | Introductory Quantum Optics | Ib/Ger/4464 |
Gill | The Doppler-Effect | Ib/Gil/1057 |
Goldwasser | Optics, Waves, Atoms and Nuclei: An Introduction | Ib/Gol/815 |
Grum | Optical Radiation Measurements | Ib/Gru/4657 |
Haken | Licht und Materie I/Elemente der Quant... | Ib/Hak/4564 |
Haken | Licht und Materie | Ib/Hak/790 |
Hanna | Nonlinear Optics of Free Atoms... | Ib/Han/4551 |
Happer | Light Progagation | Ib/Hap/2290 |
Harvey | Coherent Light | Ib/Har/2727 |
Hohenester | Nano and Quantum Optics | Ib/Hoh/3817 |
Hooker | Laser Physics | Ib/Hoo/2784 |
Joannopoulos | Photonic crystals | Ib/Joa/697 |
Jordan | Electromagnetic Waves | Ib/Jor/980 |
Kingston | Detection of Optical and Infrared Radiation | Ib/Kin/4224 |
Kleen | Laser | Ib/Kle/2118 |
Koechner | Solid State Laser Engineering, Vol. 1 | Ib/Koe/3997 |
Lam | Wave Phenomena: Theoretical, Computational, and Practical Aspects | Ib/Lam/3375 |
Lange | Einführung in die Laserphysik | Ib/Lan/792 |
Letokhov | Nonlinear Laser Spec ..., Vol. 4 | Ib/Let/4000 |
Levine | Lasers, Vol. 1 | Ib/Lev/1234 |
Levine | Lasers, Vol. 3 | Ib/Lev/2730 |
Levine | Lasers, Vol. II | Ib/Lev/2919 |
Louisell | Quantum Statistical Properties of Radiation | Ib/Lou/3243 |
Loudon | The Quantum Theory of Light | Ib/Lou/3481 |
Loudon | The Quantum Theory of Light | Ib/Lou/4191 |
Loudon | The Quantum Theory of Light | Ib/Lou/1169 |
Lourtioz | Photonic crystals | Ib/Lou/557 |
Macke | Wellen - Ein Lehrbuch der Theoretischen Physik | Ib/Mac/4172 |
Mandel | Optical Coherence and quantum optics | Ib/Man/1170 |
Mandel | Optical Coherence and quantum optics | Ib/Man/5447 |
Markos | Wave Propagation | Ib/Mar/1315 |
Midwinter | Optical Fibers for Transmission | Ib/Mid/4596 |
Moloney | Nonlinear Optical Materials | Ib/Mol/789 |
Mukamel | Principles of Nonlinear Optical Spectroscopy | Ib/Muk/5451 |
Ostrovsky | Interferometry | Ib/Ost/4674 |
Paul | Lasertheorie | Ib/Pau/2218 |
Paul | Lasertheorie II | Ib/Pau/2219 |
Paul | Photonen | Ib/Pau/830 |
Pepperhoff | Interferenzschlichtenmikroskopie | Ib/Pep/2397 |
Pepperhoff | Temperaturstrahlung | Ib/Pep/2453 |
Rand | Lectures on Light | Ib/Ran/3498 |
Rubinowicz | Die Beugungswelle in der Kirchhoffschen Theorie der Beugung | Ib/Rub/5325 |
Sakabe | Progress in Nonlinear Nano-Optics | Ib/Sak/3450 |
Saleh | Photoelectron Statistics | Ib/Sal/4115 |
Saleh | Fundamentals of Photonics (Second Edition) | Ib/Sal/3011 |
Sanders | Die Lichtgeschwindigkeit | Ib/San/2479 |
Schleich | Quantum Optics in Phase Space | Ib/Sch/1110 |
Schumann | Holographic Interferometry | Ib/Sch/4441 |
Scully | Quantum Optics | IB/Scu/3105 |
Sharma | Optical Fiber Systems and their Comp. | Ib/Sha/4783 |
Svelto | Principles of Lasers | Ib/Sve/3927 |
Theocaris | Matrix Theory of Photoelasticity | Ib/The/4376 |
Vedral | Modern Foundations of Quantum Optics | Ib/Ved/2010 |
Walls | Quantum Optics | Ib/Wal/674 |
Walls | Quantum Optics | Ib/Wal/827 |
Weber | Grundlagen und Anwendungen | Ib/Web/3005 |
Wolf | Progress in Optics, Vol. I | Ib/Wol/2833 |
Wolf | Progress in Optics, Vol. II | Ib/Wol/2834 |
Wolf | Progress in Optics, Vol. IV | Ib/Wol/2835 |
Wolf | Progress in Optics, Vol. V | Ib/Wol/2836 |
Wolf | Progress in Optics, Vol. VI | Ib/Wol/2837 |
Wolf | Progress in Optics, Vol. VII | Ib/Wol/2838 |
Wolf | Progress in Optics, Vol. VIII | Ib/Wol/2839 |
Wolf | Progress in Optics, Vol. IX | Ib/Wol/2840 |
Yamamoto | Mesoscopic Quantum Optics | Ib/Yam/1112 |
Young | Optics and Lasers | Ib/You/4101 |
Bally | Holography in Medicine and Biology | Is/Bal/4980 |
Camatini | Optical and Acoustical Holography | Is/Cam/3054 |
Cool | Frontiers in Visual Sciences | Is/Coo/4966 |
Glauber | Quantum Optics | Is/Gla/2295 |
Guimaraes | Optical Sciences, Vol. 26 | Is/Gui/4787 |
Hall | Laser Spectroscopy III | Is/Hal/4102 |
Kompa | High Power Lasers and Applications | Is/Kom/4151 |
McKellar | Laser Spectroscopy V | Is/Mck/4825 |
Mooradian | Tunable Lasers Vol. 3 | Is/Moo/3999 |
Pratesi | Lasers in Photomedicine | Is/Pra/4673 |
Walther | Laser Spectroscopy IV | Is/Wal/4981 |