
  • 2024

    Gerry, Christopher
    Introductory Quantum Optics
    Signatur: Ib/Ger/4464
    Datum: 17.01.2024

    über dieses Buch:

    This established textbook provides an accessible but comprehensive introduction to the quantum nature of light and its interaction with matter. The field of quantum optics is covered with clarity and depth, from the underlying theoretical framework of field quantization, atom–field interactions, and quantum coherence theory, to important and modern applications at the forefront of current research such as quantum interferometry, squeezed light, quantum entanglement, cavity quantum electrodynamics, laser-cooled trapped ions, and quantum information processing. The text is suitable for advanced undergraduate and graduate students and would be an ideal main text for a course on quantum optics. This long-awaited second edition builds upon the success of the first edition, including many new developments in the field, particularly in the area of quantum state engineering. Additional homework problems have been added, and content from the first edition has been updated and clarified throughout. (Quelle: Verlag)
  • 2023

    Engel, Eberhard
    Density Functional Theory
    Signatur: Dd/Eng/4463
    Datum: 13.12.2023

    über dieses Buch:

    Density Functional Theory (DFT) has firmly established itself as the workhorse for atomic-level simulations of condensed phases, pure or composite materials and quantum chemical systems. This work offers a rigorous and detailed introduction to the foundations of this theory, up to and including such advanced topics as orbital-dependent functionals as well as both time-dependent and relativistic DFT. Given the many ramifications of contemporary DFT, the text concentrates on the self-contained presentation of the basics of the most widely used DFT variants: this implies a thorough discussion of the corresponding existence theorems and effective single particle equations, as well as of key approximations utilized in implementations. The formal results are complemented by selected quantitative results, which primarily aim at illustrating the strengths and weaknesses of particular approaches or functionals. The structure and content of this book allow a tutorial and modular self-study approach: the reader will find that all concepts of many-body theory which are indispensable for the discussion of DFT - such as the single-particle Green's function or response functions - are introduced step by step, along with the actual DFT material. The same applies to basic notions of solid state theory, such as the Fermi surface of inhomogeneous, interacting systems. In fact, even the language of second quantization is introduced systematically in an Appendix for readers without formal training in many-body theory. (Quelle: Verlag)

    Felder, Gary N.
    Modern Physics
    Signatur: Ba/Fel/4462
    Datum: 27.02.2023

    über dieses Buch:

    Modern Physics intertwines active learning pedagogy with the material typically covered in an introductory survey, from the basics of relativity and quantum mechanics through recent developments in particle physics and cosmology. The flexible approach taken by the authors allows instructors to easily incorporate as much or as little active learning into their teaching as they choose. Chapters are enhanced by 'Discovery' and 'Active Reading' exercises to guide students through key ideas before or during class, while 'ConcepTests' help check student understanding and stimulate classroom discussions. Each chapter also includes extensive assessment material, with a range of basic comprehension questions, drill and practice calculations, computer-based problems, and explorations of advanced applications. A test bank and interactive animations as well as other support for instructors and students are available online. Students are engaged by an accessible and lively writing style, thorough explanations, 'Math Interludes' which account for varying levels of skill and experience, and advanced topics to further pique their interest in physics. (Quelle: Verlag)
  • 2022

    Shankar, R.
    Fundamentals of Physics II
    Signatur: Ba/Sha/4458
    Datum: 08.12.2022

    über dieses Buch:

    R. Shankar is a well-known physicist and contagiously enthusiastic educator, whose popular online introductory-physics video lectures have been viewed over a million times. In this second book based on his online courses, Shankar explains electromagnetism, optics, and quantum mechanics, developing the basics and reinforcing the fundamentals. With the help of problem sets and answer keys, students learn about the most interesting findings of today's research while gaining a firm foundation in the principles and methods of physics. (Quelle: Verlag)

    Sarkar, P.
    Understanding Properties of Atoms, Molecules and Materials
    Signatur: Ba/Sar/4314
    Datum: 27.07.2022

    über dieses Buch:

    In a technology driven civilization the quest for new and smarter materials is everlasting. They are required as platforms for developing new technologies or for improving an already existing technology. The discovery of a new material is no longer chance driven or accidental, but is based on careful reasoning structured by deep understanding of the microconstituents of materials - the atoms and molecules in isolation or in an assembly. That requires fair amount of exposure to quantum and statistical mechanics. `Understanding Properties of Atoms, Molecules and Materials' is an effort (perhaps the first ever) to bring all the necessary theoretical ingredients and relevant physical information in a single volume. The book introduces the readers (first year graduates) or researchers in material chemistry/engineering to elementary quantum mechanics of atoms, molecules and solids and then goes on to make them acquainted with methods of statistical mechanics (classical as well as quantum) along with elementary principles of classical MD simulation. The basic concepts are introduced with clarity and illustrated with easy to grasp examples, thus preparing the readers for an exploration through the world of materials - the exotic and the mundane. The emphasis has been on the phenomena and what shapes them at the fundamental level. A comprehensive description of modern designing principles for materials with examples is a unique feature of the book.

    Wyld, H.W.
    Mathematical Methods for Physics
    Signatur: Al/Wyl/4313
    Datum: 27.07.2022

    über dieses Buch:

    This classic book helps students learn the basics in physics by bridging the gap between mathematics and the basic fundamental laws of physics. With supplemental material such as graphs and equations, Mathematical Methods for Physics creates a strong, solid anchor of learning. The text has three parts: Part I focuses on the use of special functions in solving the homogeneous partial differential equations of physics, and emphasizes applications to topics such as electrostatics, wave guides, and resonant cavities, vibrations of membranes, heat flow, potential flow in fluids, plane and spherical waves. Part II deals with the solution of inhomogeneous differential equations with particular emphasis on problems in electromagnetism, Green's functions for Poisson's equation, the wave equation and the diffusion equation, and the solution of integral equations by iteration, eigenfunction expansion and the Fredholm series. Finally, Part II explores complex variable techniques, including evalution of itegrals, dispersion relations, special functions in the complex plane, one-sided Fourier transforms, and Laplace transforms.

    Bandyopadhyay, S.
    Introduction to Spintronics
    Signatur: Dg/Ban/4308
    Datum: 18.05.2022

    über dieses Buch:

    provides an accessible, organized, and progressive presentation of the quantum mechanical concept of spin and the technology of using it to store, process, and communicate information. Fully updated and expanded to 18 chapters.

    Marder, M.P.
    Condensed Matter Physics
    Signatur: Da/Mar/4286
    Datum: 18.05.2022

    über dieses Buch:

    This Second Edition presents an updated review of the whole field of condensed matter physics. It consolidates new and classic topics from disparate sources, teaching not only about the effective masses of electrons in semiconductor crystals and band theory, but also about quasicrystals, dynamics of phase separation, why rubber is more floppy than steel, granular materials, quantum dots, Berry phases, the quantum Hall effect, and Luttinger liquids.

    Binney, J.J.
    The Theory of Critical Phenomena
    Signatur: Fe/Bin/4311
    Datum: 18.05.2022

    über dieses Buch:

    Provides an introduction to scaling and field-theoretic techniques, a standard equipment especially in quantum field theory. Continuous phase transitions are introduced, the necessary statistical mechanics is summarized, and is followed by standard models. This book also explains and illustrates the renormalization group and mean-field theory.

    Diep, H.T.
    Theory of Magnetism
    Signatur: Hb/Die/4309
    Datum: 18.05.2022

    über dieses Buch:

    The book is intended for graduate students and researchers who wish to master the main properties of magnetic materials in the bulk state and at the nanometric scale such as for thin films and multilayers. This textbook provides the theories and methods of simulation to study and to understand these properties in an explicit manner.In the first part of the book, the quantum theory of magnetism is presented while the second part of the book is devoted to the application of the theory of magnetism to surface physics. Numerous examples covering typical cases in ferromagnets, antiferromagnets, ferrimagnets, helimagnets, and frustrated spin systems are all illustrated. Fundamental surface effects are shown and discussed. Lastly, the spin transport is described — in which the basic formulation of the Boltzmann's equation is recalled — and the recent methods of Monte Carlo simulation to deal with the spin resistivity are explained.This book contains a large number of detailed solutions for the problems given in each chapter to help readers discover new related phenomena and applications, as well as an appendix on elements of statistical physics included at the end to make the book self-contained.

    Spaldin, N.A.
    Magnetic Materials
    Signatur: Hb/Spa/4310
    Datum: 18.05.2022

    über dieses Buch:

    Magnetic Materials is an excellent introduction to the basics of magnetism, magnetic materials and their applications in modern device technologies. Retaining the concise style of the original, this edition has been thoroughly revised to address significant developments in the field, including the improved understanding of basic magnetic phenomena, new classes of materials, and changes to device paradigms. With homework problems, solutions to selected problems and a detailed list of references, Magnetic Materials continues to be the ideal book for a one-semester course and as a self-study guide for researchers new to the field.

    Goswami, A.
    Quantum Mechanics
    Signatur: Ca/Gos/4288
    Datum: 18.05.2022

    über dieses Buch:

    In an effort to excite college seniors and first-year graduate students about the essence of quantum mechanics, Goswami always begins a topic with what students know before moving into more complex areas. He teaches students how to ask the right questions, satisfying their interest in the meaning and interpretation of quantum mechanics, and treats the nitty-gritty details carefully. The unifying approach of the book presents quantum mechanics not only as a schema for successful calculations and predictions but also as a basis for a new and exciting worldview. The most unique aspect of the book is an ongoing presentation of the radicalness of quantum mechanics as compared to classical physics.

    Horn, K.
    Electronic Structure
    Signatur: Dq/Hor/4289
    Datum: 18.05.2022

    über dieses Buch:

    This book is the second volume in the Handbook of Surface Science series and deals with aspects of the electronic structure of surfaces as investigated by means of the experimental and theoretical methods of physics. The importance of understanding surface phenomena stems from the fact that for many physical and chemical phenomena, the surface plays a key role: in electronic, magnetic, and optical devices, in heterogenous catalysis, in epitaxial growth, and the application of protective coatings, for example. Therefore a better understanding and, ultimately, a predictive description of surface and interface properties is vital for the progress of modern technology. An investigation of surface electronic structure is also central to our understanding of all aspects of surfaces from a fundamental point of view. The chapters presented here review the goals achieved in the field and map out the challenges ahead, both in experiment and theory.

    Maekawa, S.
    Spin Current
    Signatur: Dg/Mae/4287
    Datum: 18.05.2022

    über dieses Buch:

    Since the discovery of the giant magnetoresistance effect in magnetic multilayers in 1988, a new branch of physics and technology, called spin-electronics or spintronics, has emerged, where the flow of electrical charge as well as the flow of electron spin, the so-called ‘spin current’, are manipulated and controlled together. The physics of magnetism and the application of spin current have progressed in tandem with the nanofabrication technology of magnets and the engineering of interfaces and thin films. This book aims to provide an introduction and guide to the new physics and applications of spin current, with an emphasis on the interaction between spin and charge currents in magnetic nanostructures.

    Leisi, H.J.
    Klassische Physik Bd. 1 - Mechanik
    Signatur: Ba/Lei/4284
    Datum: 26.04.2022

    über dieses Buch: Im Lehrgang Klassische Physik, dessen erster Band hier vorliegt, werden die physikalischen Gesetze aus den Phänomenen der Demonstrationsexperimente heraus entwickelt, dargestellt und angewendet. Dabei wird viel Wert gelegt auf einen strukturierten Aufbau mit zahlreichen Querverbindungen zwischen scheinbar kaum zusammenhngenden Teilgebieten. Dieser erste Band umfasst die Mechanik im weitesten Sinn (Bewegungen des Massenpunktes, die Gesetze der Systeme von Massenpunkten, Bewegungen starrer Körper, die Mechanik deformierbarer Medien, Schwingungen, elastische Wellen), bis hin zu einer Darstellung der Speziellen Relativitätstheorie. Ein Kapitel ist den Symmetrieeigenschaften der physikalischen Gesetze gewidmet.

    Leisi, H.J.
    Klassische Physik Bd. 2 - Elektromagnetismus und Wärme
    Signatur: Ba/Lei/4285
    Datum: 26.04.2022

    über dieses Buch:

    Der Lehrgang "Klassische Physik" ist in die Teile Mechanik (Band 1) und Elektromagnetismus und Wärme (Band 2) gegliedert. Das Lehrziel ist die Vermittlung der Grundlagen der klassischen Physik. Ausgangspunkt sind die physikalischen Phänomene, die anhand von über 120 Demonstrationsexperimenten vorgeführt werden. Daraus werden die physikalischen Gesetze entwickelt und an zahlreichen, technisch und didaktisch wichtigen Beispielen angewendet. Alle Resultate sind erklärt und werden - mindestens an typischen Situationen - auch hergeleitet. Zum Einüben des Stoffes stehen 131 ausformulierte Übungsaufgaben zur Verfügung, deren Lösungen am Ende des jeweiligen Bandes aufgeführt sind.

    Allen, Michael P.
    Computer Simulation of Liquids
    Signatur: Dh/All/4267
    Datum: 21.01.2022

    über dieses Buch:

    This book provides a practical guide to molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo simulation techniques used in the modelling of simple and complex liquids. Computer simulation is an essential tool in studying the chemistry and physics of condensed matter, complementing and reinforcing both experiment and theory. Simulations provide detailed information about structure and dynamics, essential to understand the many fluid systems that play a key role in our daily lives: polymers, gels, colloidal suspensions, liquid crystals, biological membranes, and glasses. The second edition of this pioneering book aims to explain how simulation programs work, how to use them, and how to interpret the results, with examples of the latest research in this rapidly evolving field. Accompanying programs in Fortran and Python provide practical, hands-on, illustrations of the ideas in the text.
  • 2021

    Al-Amri, Mohammad
    Structured Light for Optical Communication
    Signatur: Ib/Ala/4266
    Datum: 06.12.2021

    über dieses Buch:

    Structured Light for Optical Communication highlights principles and applications in the rapidly evolving field of structured light in wide-ranging contexts, from classical forms of communication to new frontiers of quantum communication. Besides the basic principles and applications, the book covers the background of structured light in its most common forms, as well as state-of-the-art developments. Structured light has been hailed as affording outstanding prospects for the realization of high bandwidth communication, enhanced tools for more highly secure cryptography, and exciting opportunities for providing a reliable platform for quantum computing. This book is a valuable resource for graduate students and other active researchers, as well as others who may be interested in learning about this cutting-edge research field.

    Friebe, Cord
    The Philosophy of Quantum Physics
    Signatur: Ce/Fri/4265
    Datum: 08.10.2021

    über dieses Buch:

    The first textbook devoted to philosophy of quantum physics. Provides a clear and comprehensive overview of the interpretations of quantum theory and the associated philosophical questions. Includes problem sets with solutions to convey a deeper understanding.

    Dürr, Detlef
    Understanding Quantum Mechanics
    Signatur: Ce/Due/4264
    Datum: 27.09.2021

    über dieses Buch:

    This book discusses the physical and mathematical foundations of modern quantum mechanics and three realistic quantum theories that John Stuart Bell called "theories without observers" because they do not merely speak about measurements but develop an objective picture of the physical world. These are Bohmian mechanics, the GRW collapse theory, and the Many Worlds theory.

    The book is ideal to accompany or supplement a lecture course on quantum mechanics, but also suited for self-study, particularly for those who have completed such a course but are left puzzled by the question: "What does the mathematical formalism, which I have so laboriously learned and applied, actually tell us about nature?”

    Belascu, Radu
    Statistical Dynamics Matter Out of Equilibrium
    Signatur: Fd/Bal/4259
    Datum: 30.08.2021

    über dieses Buch:

    In the first part of this book, classical nonequilibrium statistical mechanics is developed. Starting from the Hamiltonian dynamics of the molecules, it leads through the irreversible kinetic equations to the level of fluid mechanics. For simple systems, all the transport coefficients are determined by the molecular properties.The second part of the book treats complex systems that require a more extensive use of statistical concepts. Such problems, which are at the forefront of research, include: continuous time random walks, non-Markovian diffusion processes, percolation and related critical phenomena, transport on fractal structures, transport and deterministic chaos. These “strange transport processes” differ significantly from the usual (diffusive) transport. Their inclusion in a general treatise on statistical mechanics is a special feature of this invaluable book.

    Hilbert, David
    Grundlagen der Geometrie
    Signatur: Aa/Hil/4256
    Datum: 30.08.2021

    Hilbert, David
    Grundzüge einer allgemeinen Theorie der linearen Integralgleichungen
    Signatur: Ag/Hil/4255
    Datum: 30.08.2021

    Lepri, Stefano
    Thermal Transport in Low Dimensions
    Signatur: Fd/Lep/4237
    Datum: 30.08.2021

    über dieses Buch:

    Understanding non-equilibrium properties of classical and quantum many-particle systems is one of the goals of contemporary statistical mechanics. Besides its own interest for the theoretical foundations of irreversible thermodynamics(e.g. of the Fourier's law of heat conduction), this topic is also relevant to develop innovative ideas for nanoscale thermal management with possible future applications to nanotechnologies and effective energetic resources.

    Masujima, Michio
    Applied Mathematical Methods in Theoretical Physics
    Signatur: Ag/Mas/4258
    Datum: 30.08.2021

    über dieses Buch:

    All there is to know about functional analysis, integral equations and calculus of variations in a single volume. This advanced textbook is divided into two parts: The first on integral equations and the second on the calculus of variations. It begins with a short introduction to functional analysis, including a short review of complex analysis, before continuing a systematic discussion of different types of equations, such as Volterra integral equations, singular integral equations of Cauchy type, integral equations of the Fredholm type, with a special emphasis on Wiener-Hopf integral equations and Wiener-Hopf sum equations.

    Zwanzig, Robert
    Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics
    Signatur: Fd/Zwa/4260
    Datum: 30.08.2021

    über dieses Buch:

    This is a presentation of the main ideas and methods of modern nonequilibrium statistical mechanics. It is the perfect introduction for anyone in chemistry or physics who needs an update or background in this time-dependent field. Topics covered include fluctuation-dissipation theorem; linear response theory; time correlation functions, and projection operators. Theoretical models are illustrated by real-world examples and numerous applications such as chemical reaction rates and spectral line shapes are covered. The mathematical treatments are detailed and easily understandable and the appendices include useful mathematical methods like the Laplace transforms, Gaussian random variables and phenomenological transport equations.

    Deimeke, Dirk
    Signatur: Ao/Dei/4254
    Datum: 29.04.2021

    über dieses Buch:

    Linux ist das Rückgrat moderner IT-Systeme. Wie Sie Linux effizient als Server nutzen und nach aktuellen Standards administrieren, erfahren Sie in diesem Buch. Von HA-Konfigurationen über Sicherheitsthemen bis hin zur Virtualisierung & Containerisierung lernen Sie Linux intensiv und distributionsunabhängig kennen. Zahlreiche Praxislösungen und umfassendes Hintergrundwissen für die fortgeschrittene Administration unterstützen Sie dabei.

    Moulton, Forest Ray
    An Introduction to Celestial Mechanics
    Signatur: Ba/Bar/4251
    Datum: 24.02.2021

    über dieses Buch:

    An unrivaled text in the field of celestial mechanics, Moulton's theoretical work on the prediction and interpretation of celestial phenomena has not been superseded. By providing a general account of all parts of celestial mechanics without an over-full treatment of any single aspect, by stating all the problems in advance, and, where the transformations are long, giving an outline of the steps which must be made, and by noting all the places where assumptions have been introduced or unjustified methods employed, Moulton has insured that his work will be valuable to all who are interested in the subject.

    Bartelmann, Matthias
    Theoretische Physik 1 - Mechanik
    Signatur: Ba/Bar/4252
    Datum: 24.02.2021

    über dieses Buch:

    Das beliebte Buch Theoretische Physik wird jetzt erstmalig in korrigierter und ergänzter Form in Einzelbänden angeboten. Das ermöglicht den Studierenden, die handlichen Bände zum Lernen, Aufgabenlösen und zum schnellen Nachschlagen leichter mitnehmen und nutzen zu können. Gleichzeitig wird die gesamte theoretische Physik des Bachelorstudiums (und darüber hinaus) in den vier Bänden aufeinander abgestimmt präsentiert. Das vorliegende Buch ist der zweite Teil der vierbändigen Reihe und deckt den Lehrstoff der Bachelorvorlesung zur Elektrodynamik großer Universitäten in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz möglichst umfassend ab. Die besondere Stärke dieser Reihe liegt darin, den Leser mit einer Vielzahl von didaktischen Elementen beim Lernen zu unterstützen.

    Bartelmann, Matthias
    Theoretische Physik 2 - Elektrodynamik
    Signatur: Ba/Bar/4249
    Datum: 22.02.2021

    über dieses Buch:

    Das beliebte Buch Theoretische Physik wird jetzt erstmalig in korrigierter und ergänzter Form in Einzelbänden angeboten. Das ermöglicht den Studierenden, die handlichen Bände zum Lernen, Aufgabenlösen und zum schnellen Nachschlagen leichter mitnehmen und nutzen zu können. Gleichzeitig wird die gesamte theoretische Physik des Bachelorstudiums (und darüber hinaus) in den vier Bänden aufeinander abgestimmt präsentiert. Das vorliegende Buch ist der zweite Teil der vierbändigen Reihe und deckt den Lehrstoff der Bachelorvorlesung zur Elektrodynamik großer Universitäten in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz möglichst umfassend ab. Die besondere Stärke dieser Reihe liegt darin, den Leser mit einer Vielzahl von didaktischen Elementen beim Lernen zu unterstützen.

    Bartelmann, Matthias
    Theoretische Physik 3 - Quantenmechanik
    Signatur: Ba/Bar/4253
    Datum: 24.02.2021

    über dieses Buch:

    Das beliebte Buch Theoretische Physik wird jetzt erstmalig in korrigierter und ergänzter Form in Einzelbänden angeboten. Das ermöglicht den Studierenden, die handlichen Bände zum Lernen, Aufgabenlösen und zum schnellen Nachschlagen leichter mitnehmen und nutzen zu können. Gleichzeitig wird die gesamte theoretische Physik des Bachelorstudiums (und darüber hinaus) in den vier Bänden aufeinander abgestimmt präsentiert. Das vorliegende Buch ist der zweite Teil der vierbändigen Reihe und deckt den Lehrstoff der Bachelorvorlesung zur Elektrodynamik großer Universitäten in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz möglichst umfassend ab. Die besondere Stärke dieser Reihe liegt darin, den Leser mit einer Vielzahl von didaktischen Elementen beim Lernen zu unterstützen.

    Bartelmann, Matthias
    Theoretische Physik 4 - Thermodynamik und Statistische Physik
    Signatur: Ba/Bar/4250
    Datum: 22.02.2021

    über dieses Buch:

    Das beliebte Buch Theoretische Physik wird jetzt erstmalig in korrigierter und ergänzter Form in Einzelbänden angeboten. Das ermöglicht den Studierenden, die handlichen Bände zum Lernen, Aufgabenlösen und zum schnellen Nachschlagen leichter mitnehmen und nutzen zu können. Gleichzeitig wird die gesamte theoretische Physik des Bachelorstudiums (und darüber hinaus) in den vier Bänden aufeinander abgestimmt präsentiert. Das vorliegende Buch ist der zweite Teil der vierbändigen Reihe und deckt den Lehrstoff der Bachelorvorlesung zur Elektrodynamik großer Universitäten in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz möglichst umfassend ab. Die besondere Stärke dieser Reihe liegt darin, den Leser mit einer Vielzahl von didaktischen Elementen beim Lernen zu unterstützen.
  • 2020

    Rafelski, Johan
    Relativity Matters - From Einstein's EMC2 to Laser Particle Acceleration and Quark-Gluon Plasma
    Signatur: Ba/Raf/4247
    Datum: 26.10.2020

    über dieses Buch:

    Rafelski presents Special Relativity in a language deemed accessible to students without any topical preparation - avoiding the burden of geometry, tensor calculus, and space-time symmetries – and yet advancing in highly contemporary context all the way to research frontiers. Special Relativity is presented such that nothing remains a paradox or just apparent, but rather is explained.

    A text of similar character, content, and scope, has not been available before. This textbook describes Special Relativity when rigid material bodies are introduced describing the reality of body contraction; it shows the relevance of acceleration and the necessary evolution of the theoretical framework when acceleration is critical. This book also presents the evolving views of Einstein about the aether.

    In addition to a careful and elementary introduction to relativity complete with exercises, worked examples and many discussions, this volume connects to current research topics so that readers can explore Special Relativity from the foundation to the frontier.

    de Moura, Carlos A.
    The Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy (CFL) Condition
    Signatur: An/Mou/4248
    Datum: 26.10.2020

    über dieses Buch:


    This volume comprises a carefully selected collection of articles emerging from and pertinent to the 2010 CFL-80 conference in Rio de Janeiro, celebrating the 80th anniversary of the Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy (CFL) condition. A major result in the field of numerical analysis, the CFL condition has influenced the research of many important mathematicians over the past eight decades, and this work is meant to take stock of its most important and current applications.

    The Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy (CFL) Condition: 80 Years After its Discovery will be of interest to practicing mathematicians, engineers, physicists, and graduate students who work with numerical methods.

    Kofler, Michael
    Linux - Das umfassende Handbuch
    Signatur: Ao/Kof/3951
    Datum: 27.03.2020

    über dieses Buch:

    »Der Kofler«: der Standard in Sachen Linux! Ob als Einsteiger oder erfahrener Linuxer – mit diesem Buch bleiben keine Fragen offen. Von der Installation und den verschiedenen Benutzeroberflächen über die Arbeit im Terminal, die Systemkonfiguration und -administration bis hin zum sicheren Einsatz als Server – hier werden Sie fündig! Distributionsunabhängig, vollständig überarbeitet und mit Kapiteln zu WSL 2 und Pop!_OS natürlich am Puls der Zeit.

    Reichl, Linda E.
    A Modern Course in Statistical Physics
    Signatur: Fb/Rei/3952
    Datum: 27.03.2020

    über dieses Buch:

    Going beyond traditional textbook topics, 'A Modern Course in Statistical Physics' incorporates contemporary research in a basic course on statistical mechanics. From the universal nature of matter to the latest results in the spectral properties of decay processes, this book emphasizes the theoretical foundations derived from thermodynamics and probability theory underlying all concepts in statistical physics. This completely revised and updated third edition continues the comprehensive coverage of numerous core topics and special applications, allowing professors flexibility in designing individualized courses. The inclusion of advanced topics and extensive references makes this an invaluable resource for researchers as well as students -- a textbook that will be kept on the shelf long after the course is completed.
  • 2019

    Cahill, Kevin
    Physical Mathematics
    Signatur: Al/Cah/3585
    Datum: 17.10.2019

    über dieses Buch:

    Unique in its clarity, examples and range, Physical Mathematics explains as simply as possible the mathematics that graduate students and professional physicists need in their courses and research. The author illustrates the mathematics with numerous physical examples drawn from contemporary research. In addition to basic subjects such as linear algebra, Fourier analysis, complex variables, differential equations and Bessel functions, this textbook covers topics such as the singular-value decomposition, Lie algebras, the tensors and forms of general relativity, the central limit theorem and Kolmogorov test of statistics, the Monte Carlo methods of experimental and theoretical physics, the renormalization group of condensed-matter physics and the functional derivatives and Feynman path integrals of quantum field theory.

    Altland, Alexander
    Mathematics for Physicists
    Signatur: Al/Alt/3586
    Datum: 17.10.2019

    über dieses Buch:

    This textbook is a comprehensive introduction to the key disciplines of mathematics - linear algebra, calculus, and geometry - needed in the undergraduate physics curriculum. Its leitmotiv is that success in learning these subjects depends on a good balance between theory and practice. Reflecting this belief, mathematical foundations are explained in pedagogical depth, and computational methods are introduced from a physicist's perspective and in a timely manner. This original approach presents concepts and methods as inseparable entities, facilitating in-depth understanding and making even advanced mathematics tangible. The book guides the reader from high-school level to advanced subjects such as tensor algebra, complex functions, and differential geometry. It contains numerous worked examples, info sections providing context, biographical boxes, several detailed case studies, over 300 problems, and fully worked solutions for all odd-numbered problems. An online solutions manual for all even-numbered problems will be made available to instructors.

    Leisi, Hans Jörg
    Quantenphysik: Eine Einführung anhand elementarer Experimente (2. Auflage)
    Signatur: Ca/Lei/3580
    Datum: 04.09.2019

    über dieses Buch:

    "Wie kann man aus Experimenten über die Quantentheorie lernen? Anhand dieser Fragestellung werden in diesem Buch die Grundzüge der Quantenphysik entwickelt und zugleich wichtige Anwendungen vorgestellt.

    Erklärtermassen strebt der Autor eine "elementare" Darstellung an – grundlegend, naturhaft, einfach. Dieses Ziel hat er in bewundernswerter Weise erreicht. Eine grosse Zahl kurzer Übungsaufgaben sind gut geeignet, die einzelnen Kapitel zu wiederholen und das Gelernte anzuwenden. Eine dem Buch beiliegende CD-ROM fasst die dargestellten Experimente zusammen.

    ..... es (das Buch) ist sicher hervorragend geeignet, Grundzüge der Quantenphysik vorzustellen und Einsichten in die gegenüber der klassischen Physik neuartige Theorie der Mikrosysteme zu gewähren. Mit dem recht konsequent heuristischen Zugang stellt es eine erfrischende Bereicherung der Lehrbücher für Studierende dar." ( Physik Journal, 3 (2004), Nr. 10)

    Für die 2. Auflage wurde der Text neu bearbeitet und es wurden zeitgemässe Ergänzungen eingefügt.

    Bovensiepen, Uwe
    Dynamics at Solid State Surfaces and Interfaces: Volume 2: Fundamentals
    Signatur: Dq/Bov/3567
    Datum: 20.08.2019

    über dieses Buch:

    This two-volume work covers ultrafast structural and electronic dynamics of elementary processes at solid surfaces and interfaces, presenting the current status of photoinduced processes. Providing valuable introductory information for newcomers to this booming field of research, it investigates concepts and experiments, femtosecond and attosecond time-resolved methods, as well as frequency domain techniques. The whole is rounded off by a look at future developments.

    Persico, Maurizio
    Photochemistry: A Modern Theoretical Perspective
    Signatur: Bf/Per/3568
    Datum: 20.08.2019

    über dieses Buch:

    This book offers an introduction to photochemistry for students with a minimal background in physical chemistry and molecular quantum mechanics. The focus is from a theoretical perspective and highlights excited state dynamics. The authors, experienced lecturers, describe the main concepts in photochemical and photophysical processes that are used as a basis to interpret classical steady-state experimental results (essentially product branching ratios and quantum yields) and the most advanced time-resolved techniques. A significant portion of the content is devoted to the computational techniques present in quantum chemistry and molecular dynamics.With its short summaries, questions and exercises, this book is aimed at graduate students, while its theoretical focus differentiates it from most introductory textbooks on photochemistry.

    Reiher, Markus
    Relativistic Quantum Chemistry: The Fundamental Theory of Molecular Science (2nd Edition)
    Signatur: Bf/Rei/3575
    Datum: 20.08.2019

    über dieses Buch:

    Einstein proposed his theory of special relativity in 1905. For a long time it was believed that this theory has no significant impact on chemistry. This view changed in the 1970s when it was realized that (nonrelativistic) Schrodinger quantum mechanics yields results on molecular properties that depart significantly from experimental results. Especially when heavy elements are involved, these quantitative deviations can be so large that qualitative chemical reasoning and understanding is affected. For this to grasp the appropriate many-electron theory has rapidly evolved. Nowadays relativistic approaches are routinely implemented and applied in standard quantum chemical software packages. As it is essential for chemists and physicists to understand relativistic effects in molecules, the first edition of "Relativistic Quantum Chemistry - The fundamental Theory of Molecular Science" had set out to provide a concise, comprehensive, and complete presentation of this theory.
    This second edition expands on some of the latest developments in this fascinating field. The text retains its clear and consistent style, allowing for a readily accessible overview of the complex topic. It is also self-contained, building on the fundamental equations and providing the mathematical background necessary. While some parts of the text have been restructured for the sake of clarity a significant amount of new content has also been added. This includes, for example, an in-depth discussion of the Brown-Ravenhall disease, of spin in current-density functional theory, and of exact two-component methods and its local variants. A strength of the first edition of this textbook was its list of almost 1000 references to the original research literature, which has made it a valuable reference also for experts in the field. In the second edition, more than 100 additional key references have been added - most of them considering the recent developments in the field. Thus, the book is a must-have for everyone entering the field, as well as for experienced researchers searching for a consistent review.

    Brütting, Wolfgang
    Physics of Organic Semiconductors
    Signatur: Db/Brü/3565
    Datum: 30.04.2019

    über dieses Buch:

    The field of organic electronics has seen a steady growth over the last 15 years. At the same time, our scientific understanding of how to achieve optimum device performance has grown, and this book gives an overview of our present-day knowledge of the physics behind organic semiconductor devices. Based on the very successful first edition, the editors have invited top scientists from the US, Japan, and Europe to include the developments from recent years, covering such fundamental issues as:
    - growth and characterization of thin films of organic semiconductors,
    - charge transport and photophysical properties of the materials as well as their electronic structure at interfaces, and
    - analysis and modeling of devices like organic light-emitting diodes or organic lasers.
    The result is an overview of the field for both readers with basic knowledge and for an application-oriented audience. It thus bridges the gap between textbook knowledge largely based on crystalline molecular solids and those books focusing more on device applications.

    Bertlmann, Reinhold
    Quantum (Un)Speakables II
    Signatur: Ce/Ber/3564
    Datum: 28.02.2019

    über dieses Buch:

    This self-contained essay collection is published to commemorate half a century of Bell’s theorem. Like its much acclaimed predecessor “Quantum [Un]Speakables: From Bell to Quantum Information” (published 2002), it comprises essays by many of the worlds leading quantum physicists and philosophers. These revisit the foundations of quantum theory as well as elucidating the remarkable progress in quantum technologies achieved in the last couple of decades. Fundamental concepts such as entanglement, nonlocality and contextuality are described in an accessible manner and, alongside lively descriptions of the various theoretical and experimental approaches, the book also delivers interesting philosophical insights. The collection as a whole will serve as a broad introduction for students and newcomers as well as delighting the scientifically literate general reader.
  • 2018

    Li, Xin-Zheng
    Computer Simulations of Molecules and Condensed Matter
    Signatur: Bf/Li/3549
    Datum: 05.12.2018

    über dieses Buch:

    This book provides a relatively complete introduction to the methods used in computational condensed matter. A wide range of electronic structure theories are introduced, including traditional quantum chemistry methods, density functional theory, many-body perturbation theory, and more. Molecular dynamics simulations are also discussed, with extensions to enhanced sampling and free-energy calculation techniques including umbrella sampling, meta-dynamics, integrated tempering sampling, etc. As a further extension beyond the standard Born-Oppenheimer molecular dynamics, some simulation techniques for the description of quantum nuclear effects are also covered, based on Feynman's path-integral representation of quantum mechanics. The book aims to help beginning graduate students to set up a framework of the concepts they should know before tackling the physical/chemical problems they will face in their research.

    Fischetti, Massimo V.
    Advanced Physics of Electron Transport in Semiconductors and Nanostructures
    Signatur: Db/Fis/3548
    Datum: 22.11.2018

    über dieses Buch:

    This textbook is aimed at second-year graduate students in Physics, Electrical Engineer­ing, or Materials Science. It presents a rigorous introduction to electronic transport in solids, especially at the nanometer scale.Understanding electronic transport in solids requires some basic knowledge of Ham­iltonian Classical Mechanics, Quantum Mechanics, Condensed Matter Theory, and Statistical Mechanics. Hence, this book discusses those sub-topics which are required to deal with electronic transport in a single, self-contained course. This will be useful for students who intend to work in academia or the nano/ micro-electronics industry.Further topics covered include: the theory of energy bands in crystals, of second quan­tization and elementary excitations in solids, of the dielectric properties of semicon­ductors with an emphasis on dielectric screening and coupled interfacial modes, of electron scattering with phonons, plasmons, electrons and photons, of the derivation of transport equations in semiconductors and semiconductor nanostructures somewhat at the quantum level, but mainly at the semi-classical level. The text presents examples relevant to current research, thus not only about Si, but also about III-V compound semiconductors, nanowires, graphene and graphene nanoribbons. In particular, the text gives major emphasis to plane-wave methods applied to the electronic structure of solids, both DFT and empirical pseudopotentials, always paying attention to their effects on electronic transport and its numerical treatment. The core of the text is electronic transport, with ample discussions of the transport equations derived both in the quantum picture (the Liouville-von Neumann equation) and semi-classically (the Boltzmann transport equation, BTE). An advanced chapter, Chapter 18, is strictly related to the ‘tricky’ transition from the time-reversible Liouville-von Neumann equation to the time-irreversible Green’s functions, to the density-matrix formalism and, classically, to the Boltzmann transport equation. Finally, several methods for solving the BTE are also reviewed, including the method of moments, iterative methods, direct matrix inversion, Cellular Automata and Monte Carlo. Four appendices complete the text.

    Falkenburg, Brigitte
    Particle Metaphysics
    Signatur: Bb/Fal/3545
    Datum: 29.11.2018

    über dieses Buch:

    The empirical successes of atomic, nuclear, and particle physics have not reduced -- and may never fully resolve -- the philosophical controversies about the inner constitution of matter. This book examines these debates by exploring the particle concept in physics. Are the particles of modern physics "real" or are they fictitious entities, their existence deduced merely by the careless application of abstract theories? Or are the philosophers involved in the debate about "scientific realism" dedicating themselves to a problem that has long been solved by physicists? Studies of the experimental basis and theoretical relevance of the particle concept reveal that these questions are far from easy to answer, because, since the introduction of quantum theory, physical science no longer possesses a single unambiguous particle concept. All those interested in the "true meaning" of such physical concepts will find this book informative and thought provoking. It is written at a level accessible to scholars, students and teachers of science and philosophy.

    Müller-Kirsten, Harald J.W.
    Introduction to Quantum Mechanics
    Signatur: Ca/Mül/3544
    Datum: 26.11.2018

    über dieses Buch:

    After a consideration of basic quantum mechanics, this introduction aims at a side by side treatment of fundamental applications of the Schrödinger equation on the one hand and the applications of the path integral on the other. Different from traditional texts and using a systematic perturbation method, the solution of Schrödinger equations includes also those with anharmonic oscillator potentials, periodic potentials, screened Coulomb potentials and a typical singular potential, as well as the investigation of the large order behavior of the perturbation series. On the path integral side, after introduction of the basic ideas, the expansion around classical configurations in Euclidean time, such as instantons, is considered, and the method is applied in particular to anharmonic oscillator and periodic potentials. Numerous other aspects are treated on the way, thus providing the reader an instructive overview over diverse quantum mechanical phenomena, e.g. many other potentials, Green's functions, comparison with WKB, calculation of lifetimes and sojourn times, derivation of generating functions, the Coulomb problem in various coordinates, etc. All calculations are given in detail, so that the reader can follow every step.

    Grossmann, Frank
    Theoretical Femtosecond Physics
    Signatur: Kb/Gro/3543
    Datum: 22.11.2018

    über diese Buch:

    Theoretical investigations of atoms and molecules interacting with pulsed or continuous wave lasers up to atomic field strengths on the order of 10^16 W/cm² are leading to an understanding of many challenging experimental discoveries. This book deals with the basics of femtosecond physics and goes up to the latest applications of new phenomena. The book presents an introduction to laser physics with mode-locking and pulsed laser operation. The solution of the time-dependent Schrödinger equation is discussed both analytically and numerically. The basis for the non-perturbative treatment of laser-matter interaction in the book is the numerical solution of the time-dependent Schrödinger equation. The light field is treated classically, and different possible gauges are discussed. Physical phenomena, ranging from Rabi-oscillations in two-level systems to the ionization of atoms, the generation of high harmonics, the ionization and dissociation of molecules as well as the control of chemical reactions are presented and discussed on a fundamental level. In this way the theoretical background for state of the art experiments with strong and short laser pulses is given. The text is augmented by more than thirty exercises, whose worked-out solutions are given in the last chapter. Some detailed calculations are performed in the appendices. Furthermore, each chapter ends with references to more specialized literature.

    Graff, Karl F.
    Wave Motion in Elastic Solids
    Signatur: Dc/Gra/3542
    Datum: 02.10.2018
    über dieses Buch:
    Self-contained coverage of topics ranging from elementary theory of waves and vibrations in strings to three-dimensional theory of waves in thick plates. Over 100 problems.

    Morgan, David
    Surface Acoustic Wave Filters
    Signatur: Dc/Mor/3541
    Datum: 02.10.2018

    über dieses Buch:

    Surface Acoustic Wave Filters gives the fundamental principles and device design techniques for surface acoustic wave filters. It covers the devices in widespread use today: bandpass and pulse compression filters, correlators and non-linear convolvers and resonators. The newest technologies for low bandpass filters are fully covered such as unidirectional transducers, resonators in impedance element filters, resonators in double-mode surface acoustic wave filters and transverse-coupled resonators using waveguides. The book covers the theory of acoustic wave physics, the piezoelectric effect, electrostatics at a surface, effective permittivity, piezoelectric SAW excitation and reception, and the SAW element factor. These are the main requirements for developing quasi-static theory, which gives a basis for the non-reflective transducers in transversal bandpass filters and interdigital pulse compression filters. It is also needed for the reflective transducers used in the newer devices.

    Baumberg, Jeremy J.
    The Secret Life of Science
    Signatur: O/Bau/3540
    Datum: 27.09.2018
    über dieses Buch:
    A revealing and provocative look at the current state of global science. We take the advance of science as given. But how does science really work? Is it truly as healthy as we tend to think? How does the system itself shape what scientists do? The Secret Life of Science takes a clear-eyed and provocative look at the current state of global science, shedding light on a cutthroat and tightly tensioned enterprise that even scientists themselves often don't fully understand. The Secret Life of Science is a dispatch from the front lines of modern science. It paints a startling picture of a complex scientific ecosystem that has become the most competitive free-market environment on the planet. It reveals how big this ecosystem really is, what motivates its participants, and who reaps the rewards. Are there too few scientists in the world or too many? Are some fields expanding at the expense of others? What science is shared or published, and who determines what the public gets to hear about? What is the future of science? Answering these and other questions, this controversial book explains why globalization is not necessarily good for science, nor is the continued growth in the number of scientists. It portrays a scientific community engaged in a race for limited resources that determines whether careers are lost or won, whose research visions become the mainstream, and whose vested interests end up in control. The Secret Life of Science explains why this hypercompetitive environment is stifling the diversity of research and the resiliency of science itself, and why new ideas are needed to ensure that the scientific enterprise remains healthy and vibrant.

    Cleland, Andrew N.
    Foundations of Nanomechanics
    Signatur: Dc/Cle/3539
    Datum: 03.09.2018

    über dieses Buch:

    This text provides an introduction, at the level of an advanced student in engineering or physics, to the field of nanomechanics and nanomechanical devices. It provides a unified discussion of solid mechanics, with notation consistent with modern convention. A discussion of electrical transducer applications is included, covering such topics as piezoresistance and piezoelecticity. The text includes a discussion of fundamental and spurious sources of noise, and how these sources affect both the amplitude and phase of a mechanical resonator. A brief discussion of nonlinearity in mechanical systems is given. Demonstrated applications of these devices, as well as an introduction to fabrication techniques, are also discussed; a primer on optical as well as electron beam lithography is given in two concise chapters. The text concludes with an overview of potential future technologies, including a discussion of carbon nanotubes and other molecular assemblies.

    Son, Wonmin
    Solid State Quantum Information
    Signatur: Ce/Son/3531
    Datum: 13.07.2018

    über dieses Buch:

    This book on solid state physics has been written with an emphasis on recent developments in quantum many-body physics approaches. It starts by covering the classical theory of solids and electrons and describes how this classical model has failed. The authors then present the quantum mechanical model of electrons in a lattice and they also discuss the theory of conductivity. Extensive reviews on the topic are provided in a compact manner so that any non-specialist can follow from the beginning. The authors cover the system of magnetism in a similar way and various problems in magnetic materials are discussed. The book also discusses the Ising chain, the Heisenberg model, the Kondo effect and superconductivity, amongst other relevant topics. In the final chapter, the authors present some works related to contemporary research topics, such as quantum entanglement in many-body systems and quantum simulations. They also include a short review of some of the possible applications of solid state quantum information in biological systems.

    Landau, Rubin H.
    Computational Physics: Problem Solving with Python
    Signatur: Al/Lan/3530
    Datum: 18.06.2018

    über dieses Buch:

    The use of computation and simulation has become an essential part of the scientific process. Being able to transform a theory into an algorithm requires significant theoretical insight, detailed physical and mathematical understanding, and a working level of competency in programming. This upper-division text provides an unusually broad survey of the topics of modern computational physics from a multidisciplinary, computational science point of view. Its philosophy is rooted in learning by doing (assisted by many model programs), with new scientific materials as well as with the Python programming language. Python has become very popular, particularly for physics education and large scientific projects. It is probably the easiest programming language to learn for beginners, yet is also used for mainstream scientific computing, and has packages for excellent graphics and even symbolic manipulations. The text is designed for an upper-level undergraduate or beginning graduate course and provides the reader with the essential knowledge to understand computational tools and mathematical methods well enough to be successful. As part of the teaching of using computers to solve scientific problems, the reader is encouraged to work through a sample problem stated at the beginning of each chapter or unit, which involves studying the text, writing, debugging and running programs, visualizing the results, and the expressing in words what has been done and what can be concluded. Then there are exercises and problems at the end of each chapter for the reader to work on their own (with model programs given for that purpose). The text could be used for a one-semester course on scientific computing. The relevant topics for that are covered in the first third of the book. The latter two-thirds of the text includes more physics and can be used for a two-semester course in computational physics, covering nonlinear ODEs, Chaotic Scattering, Fourier Analysis, Wavelet Analysis, Nonlinear Maps, Chaotic systems, Fractals and Parallel Computing.

    Vonsovsky, Serghey V.
    Quantum Solid-State Physics
    Signatur: Da/Von/3528
    Datum: 13.03.2018

    über diese Buch:

    This book treats the major problems of the quantum physics of solids, ranging from fundamental concepts to topical issues. Rather than use a deductive method of exposition, the authors consider and analyze simple empirically established properties of solids and employ more complicated models only as the need arises. Detailed treatment is given of classical problems such as chemical bonding in crystals, the one-dimensional Schrödinger equation with a periodic potential, the metal-insulator criterion, and the quantum theory of band electron motion in external fields. Consideration is also given to topical problems such as neutron scattering by the crystal lattice, plasma and Fermi liquid effects, the theory of disordered systems, and the polaron. The reader is expected to know only the fundamentals of quantum mechanics and statistical physics. Compared with the Russian edition (Nauka, Moscow 1983), the book has been substantially revised and enlarged, new sections have been written and recent results have been incorporated.

    Katsnelson, Mikhail I.
    Graphene: Carbon in Two Dimensions
    Signatur: Dg/Kat/3526
    Datum: 23.01.2018

    über dieses Buch:

    Graphene is the thinnest known material, a sheet of carbon atoms arranged in hexagonal cells a single atom thick, and yet stronger than diamond. It has potentially significant applications in nanotechnology, 'beyond-silicon' electronics, solid-state realization of high-energy phenomena and as a prototype membrane which could revolutionise soft matter and 2D physics. In this book, leading graphene research theorist Mikhail Katsnelson presents the basic concepts of graphene physics. Topics covered include Berry phase, topologically protected zero modes, Klein tunneling, vacuum reconstruction near supercritical charges, and deformation-induced gauge fields. The book also introduces the theory of flexible membranes relevant to graphene physics and discusses electronic transport, optical properties, magnetism and spintronics. Standard undergraduate-level knowledge of quantum and statistical physics and solid state theory is assumed. This is an important textbook for graduate students in nanoscience and nanotechnology and an excellent introduction for physicists and materials science researchers working in related areas.
  • 2017 ...

    Schwichtenberg, Jakob
    Physics from Symmetry
    Signatur: Ba/Sch/3517
    Datum: 18.09.2017

    über dieses Buch:

    This is a textbook that derives the fundamental theories of physics from symmetry. It starts by introducing, in a completely self-contained way, all mathematical tools needed to use symmetry ideas in physics. Thereafter, these tools are put into action and by using symmetry constraints, the fundamental equations of Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Field Theory, Electromagnetism, and Classical Mechanics are derived. As a result, the reader is able to understand the basic assumptions behind, and the connections between the modern theories of physics. The book concludes with first applications of the previously derived equations.

    Pelant, Ivan
    Luminescence Spectroscopy of Semiconductors
    Signatur: Dj/Pel/3516
    Datum: 21.07.2017

    über diese Buch:

    Luminescence of semiconductors is nowadays based on very firm background of solid state physics. The purpose of this book is to introduce the reader to the study of the physical principles underlying inorganic semiconductor luminescence phenomena. It guides the reader starting from the very introductory definitions over luminescence of bulk semiconductors and finishing at the up-to-date luminescence spectroscopy of individual nanocrystals. The book thus set the aim of filling the gap between general textbooks on semiconductors and dedicated advanced monographs. At the beginning, important knowledge of the solid state like lattice vibrations, exciton–phonon interaction and the concept of configurational coordinate are reviewed. Self-contained chapters are then devoted to exciton luminescence processes, effects of high optical excitation, and to an overview of the essentials of electroluminescence. Apart from spontaneous luminescence, special attention is paid to stimulated emission and investigation of optical gain. Considerable space is given also to optical processes in low-dimensional semiconductor structures. The book has been written by experimentalists and is destined primarily for experimentalists, too. Visual approach using schemes and graphs is used frequently instead of rigorous mathematical derivation. The chapter devoted to experimental techniques of luminescence spectroscopy is rich in content. Whenever it makes sense, the accent is put on how to extract from the appearance of luminescence emission spectrum (shapes of emission lines, their behaviour with varying experimental parameters) as much information on microscopic origin of luminescence as possible. The book cannot be regarded as a comprehensive monograph on semiconductor luminescence; selected examples from extremely rich literature only have been chosen to illustrate the text.

    Ihn, Thomas
    Semiconductor Nanostructures
    Signatur: Dg/Ihn/3513
    Datum: 04.05.2017

    über diese Buch:

    This book presents the physics of semiconductor nanostructures with emphasis on their electronic transport properties. At its heart are five fundamental transport phenomena: quantized conductance, tunneling transport, the Aharonov–Bohm effect, the quantum Hall effect, and the Coulomb blockade effect. The book starts out with basics of solid state and semiconductor physics, such as crystal structure, band structure, and effective mass approximation, including spin-orbit interaction effects important for research in semiconductor spintronics. It deals with material aspects such as band engineering, doping, gating, and a selection of nanostructure fabrication techniques. The book discusses the Drude–Boltzmann–Sommerfeld transport theory as well as conductance quantization and the Landauer–Büttiker theory. These concepts are extended to mesoscopic interference phenomena and decoherence, magnetotransport, and interaction effects in quantum-confined systems, guiding the reader from fundamental effects to specialized state-of-the-art experiments.

    Bruus, Henrik
    Many-Body Quantum Theory in Condensed Matter Physics
    Signatur: Da/Bru/3507
    Datum: 04.05.2017

    über dieses Buch:

    This book is an introduction to the techniques of many-body quantum theory with a large number of applications to condensed matter physics. The basic idea of the book is to provide a self-contained formulation of the theoretical framework without losing mathematical rigor, while at the same time providing physical motivation and examples. The examples are taken from applications in electron systems and transport theory. On the formal side, the book covers an introduction to second quantization, many-body Green's function, finite temperature Feynman diagrams and bosonization. The applications include traditional transport theory in bulk as well as mesoscopic systems, where both the Landau-Büttiker formalism and recent developments in correlated transport phenomena in mesoscopic systems and nano-structures are covered. Other topics include interacting electron gases, plasmons, electron-phonon interactions, superconductivity and a final chapter on one-dimensional systems where a detailed treatment of Luttinger liquid theory and bosonization techniques is given. Having grown out of a set of lecture notes, and containing many pedagogical exercises, this book is designed as a textbook for an advanced undergraduate or graduate course, and is also well suited for self-study.

    Toropov, Alexey A.
    Plasmonic Effects in Metal-Semiconductor Nanostructures
    Signatur: Dg/Tor/3506
    Datum: 04.05.2017

    über dieses Buch:

    This book offers an up-to-date overview of the growing trends in the field of solid state physics known as plasmonics. Initially, plasmonics was concerned with the study of resonant interactions of light with various metal structures. In recent years, however, the emphasis has shifted towards investigation of more sophisticated nanostructures involving not only metals but also semiconductors. The combination of strong surface plasmon resonances inherent to conducting structures with high responsivity of semiconductors to external electromagnetic fields have opened new exciting pathways to control light in ultra-compact geometries. The purpose of the book is to give a general view of electromagnetic and quantum phenomena taking place in metal-semiconductor plasmonic structures, ranging from basic physical theories to practical engineering applications, such as plasmonic nanolasers, plasmon-enhanced light-emitting diodes and solar cells, plasmonic emitters of quantum light, and advanced plasmonic devices operating in infrared and terahertz domains. The list of topics also includes achievement of the strong coupling regime in plasmonic cavities with both organic and inorganic semiconductors and preservation of the non-classical statistics of photons by propagating surface plasmon polaritons.

    Rand, Stephen C.
    Lectures on Light
    Signatur: Ib/Ste/3498
    Datum: 04.05.2017

    über dieses Buch:

    This book attempts to bridge in one step the enormous gap between introductory quantum mechanics and the research front of modern optics and scientific fields that make use of light. Hence, while it is suitable as a reference for the specialist in quantum optics, it will also be useful to the non-specialists from other disciplines who need to understand light and its uses in research. With a unique approach it introduces a single analytic tool, namely the density matrix, to analyze complex optical phenomena encountered in traditional as well as cross-disciplinary research. It moves swiftly in a tight sequence from elementary to sophisticated topics in quantum optics, including laser tweezers, laser cooling, coherent population transfer, optical magnetism, electromagnetically induced transparency, squeezed light, quantum information science and cavity quantum electrodynamics. A systematic approach is used that starts with the simplest systems - stationary two-level atoms - then introduces atomic motion, adds more energy levels, and moves on to discuss first-, second-, and third-order coherence effects that are the basis for analyzing new optical phenomena in incompletely characterized systems.

    Nolting, Wolfgang
    Theoretical Physics 5
    Signatur: Ba/Nol/3455
    Datum: 09.01.2017

    über dieses Buch:

    This concise textbook offers a clear and comprehensive introduction to thermodynamics, one of the core components of undergraduate physics courses. It follows on naturally from the previous volumes in this series, defining macroscopic variables, such as internal energy, entropy and pressure, together with thermodynamic principles. The first part of the book introduces the laws of thermodynamics and thermodynamic potentials. More complex themes are covered in the second part of the book, which describes phases and phase transitions in depth. Ideally suited to undergraduate students with some grounding in classical mechanics, the book is enhanced throughout with learning features such as boxed inserts and chapter summaries, with key mathematical derivations highlighted to aid understanding. The text is supported by numerous worked examples and end of chapter problem sets.

    Cohen, Marvin L.
    Fundamentals of Condensed Matter Physics
    Signatur: Da/Coh/3449
    Datum: 09.01.2017

    über dieses Buch:

    Based on an established course and covering the fundamentals, central areas and contemporary topics of this diverse field, Fundamentals of Condensed Matter Physics is a much-needed textbook for graduate students. The book begins with an introduction to the modern conceptual models of a solid from the points of view of interacting atoms and elementary excitations. It then provides students with a thorough grounding in electronic structure and many-body interactions as a starting point to understand many properties of condensed matter systems - electronic, structural, vibrational, thermal, optical, transport, magnetic and superconducting - and methods to calculate them. Taking readers through the concepts and techniques, the text gives both theoretically and experimentally inclined students the knowledge needed for research and teaching careers in this field. It features 246 illustrations, 9 tables and 100 homework problems, as well as numerous worked examples, for students to test their understanding. Solutions to the problems for instructors are available at


    Martin, Richard M.
    Interacting Electrons
    Signatur: Db/Mar/3448
    Datum: 22.12.2016

    über dieses Buch:

    Recent progress in the theory and computation of electronic structure is bringing an unprecedented level of capability for research. Many-body methods are becoming essential tools vital for quantitative calculations and understanding materials phenomena in physics, chemistry, materials science and other fields. This book provides a unified exposition of the most-used tools: many-body perturbation theory, dynamical mean field theory and quantum Monte Carlo simulations. Each topic is introduced with a less technical overview for a broad readership, followed by in-depth descriptions and mathematical formulation. Practical guidelines, illustrations and exercises are chosen to enable readers to appreciate the complementary approaches, their relationships, and the advantages and disadvantages of each method. This book is designed for graduate students and researchers who want to use and understand these advanced computational tools, get a broad overview, and acquire a basis for participating in new developments.

    Wilson, Edgar B.
    Molecular Vibrations
    Signatur: Kb/Wil/3445
    Datum: 19.10.2016

    über dieses Buch:

    Because of its connection with laser technology, the theory of infrared and Raman vibrational spectra is even more important now than when this book was first published. As the pioneering text in the field and as the text still preferred today, Molecular Vibrations is the undeniable choice of anyone teaching or studying molecular spectroscopy at the graduate level. It is the only book of its kind in the area written by well-known scientists, and besides its value as a pedagogical classic, it is an essential reference for anyone engaged in research.

    Blanchard, Philippe
    Mathematical Methods in Physics
    Signatur: Al/Bla/3444
    Datum: 19.10.2016

    über dieses Buch:

    The second edition of this textbook presents the basic mathematical knowledge and skills that are needed for courses on modern theoretical physics, such as those on quantum mechanics, classical and quantum field theory, and related areas. The authors stress that learning mathematical physics is not a passive process and include numerous detailed proofs, examples, and over 200 exercises, as well as hints linking mathematical concepts and results to the relevant physical concepts and theories. All of the material from the first edition has been updated, and five new chapters have been added on such topics as distributions, Hilbert space operators, and variational methods.

    Schwinger, Julian
    Quantum Mechanics
    Signatur: Ca/Sch/3442
    Datum: 19.10.2016

    über dieses Buch:

    Julian Schwinger, who shared the 1965 Nobel Prize for physics with Richard Feynman and Sin-Itiro Tomonaga for his pioneering work on quantum electrodynamics, had a considerable influence on the conceptual development of modern quantum field theory. In addition to being an extremely productive researcher he was also a brilliant teacher, and this book demonstrates his outstanding ability to expose a difficult subject in a clear and concise style. In marked contrast to many textbooks on quantum physics, the whole of quantum kinematics and the underlying quantum action principle, which now bears his name, are derived through a systematic analysis of experimental phenomena, thus avoiding the ad hoc postulates of the axiomatic approach. Many applications, all worked out in detail, follow and culminate in an introduction to quantum electrodynamics. A unique legacy, these lecture notes of Schwingers course held at the University of California at Los Angeles were carefully edited by his former collaborator Berthold-Georg Englert and constitute both a self-contained textbook on quantum mechanics and an indispensable source of reference on this fundamental subject by one of the foremost thinkers of twentieth century physics.

    Marques, Miguel A.L.
    Fundamentals of Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory
    Signatur: Ca/Mar/3427
    Datum: 19.10.2016

    über dieses Buch:

    There have been many significant advances in time-dependent density functional theory over recent years, both in enlightening the fundamental theoretical basis of the theory, as well as in computational algorithms and applications. This book, as successor to the highly successful volume Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory (Lect. Notes Phys. 706, 2006) brings together for the first time all recent developments in a systematic and coherent way.

    Nolting, Wolfgang
    Theoretical Physics 4 - Special Theory of Relativity
    Signatur: Ba/Nol/3418
    Datum: 19.10.2016

    über dieses Buch:

    This concise textbook offers a clear and comprehensive introduction to special relativity, one of the core components of undergraduate physics courses. It follows on naturally from the previous volumes in this series, thus developing the relativistic expansion of classical mechanics and electrodynamics. The first part of the book introduces Lorentz transformations, time dilation, length contraction and Minkowski diagrams. More complex themes are covered in the second part of the book, which describes the four-dimensional covariant formulation for classical mechanics and electrodynamics, including discussion of Maxwell’s equations, the Lorentz force and the covariant Lagrangian formulation. Ideally suited to undergraduate students with some grounding in classical mechanics and electrodynamics, the book is enhanced throughout with learning features such as boxed inserts and chapter summaries, with key mathematical derivations highlighted to aid understanding. The text is supported by numerous worked examples and end of chapter problem sets.

    Nolting, Wolfgang
    Theoretical Physics 3 - Electrodynamics
    Signatur: Ba/Nol/3411
    Datum: 19.10.2016

    über dieses Buch:

    This textbook offers a clear and comprehensive introduction to electrodynamics, one of the core components of undergraduate physics courses. The first part of the book describes the interaction of electric charges and magnetic moments by introducing electro- and magnetostatics. The second part of the book establishes deeper understanding of electrodynamics with the Maxwell equations, quasistationary fields and electromagnetic fields. All sections are accompanied by a detailed introduction to the math needed. Ideally suited to undergraduate students with some grounding in classical and analytical mechanics, the book is enhanced throughout with learning features such as boxed inserts and chapter summaries, with key mathematical derivations highlighted to aid understanding. The text is supported by numerous worked examples and end of chapter problem sets.

    Nolting, Wolfgang
    Theoretical Physics 2 - Analaytical Mechaics
    Signatur: Ba/Nol/3404
    Datum: 19.10.2016

    über dieses Buch:

    This textbook offers a clear and comprehensive introduction to analytical mechanics, one of the core components of undergraduate physics courses. The book starts with a thorough introduction into Lagrangian mechanics, detailing the d’Alembert principle, Hamilton’s principle and conservation laws. It continues with an in-depth explanation of Hamiltonian mechanics, illustrated by canonical and Legendre transformation, the generalization to quantum mechanics through Poisson brackets and all relevant variational principles. Finally, the Hamilton-Jacobi theory and the transition to wave mechanics are presented in detail. Ideally suited to undergraduate students with some grounding in classical mechanics, the book is enhanced throughout with learning features such as boxed inserts and chapter summaries, with key mathematical derivations highlighted to aid understanding. The text is supported by numerous worked examples and end of chapter problem sets.

    Nolting, Wolfgang
    Theoretical Physics 1 - Classical Mechanics
    Signatur: Ba/Nol/3403
    Datum: 19.10.2016

    über dieses Buch:

    This textbook offers a clear and comprehensive introduction to classical mechanics, one of the core components of undergraduate physics courses. The book starts with a thorough introduction to the mathematical tools needed, to make this textbook self-contained for learning. The second part of the book introduces the mechanics of the free mass point and details conservation principles. The third part expands the previous to mechanics of many particle systems. Finally the mechanics of the rigid body is illustrated with rotational forces, inertia and gyroscope movement. Ideally suited to undergraduate students in their first year, the book is enhanced throughout with learning features such as boxed inserts and chapter summaries, with key mathematical derivations highlighted to aid understanding. The text is supported by numerous worked examples and end of chapter problem sets.

    Nolting, Wolfgang
    Grundkurs Theoretische Physik 3 - Elektrodynamik
    Signatur: Ba/Nol/3402
    Datum: 22.09.2016

    über dieses Buch:

    Der Grundkurs Theoretische Physik deckt in sieben Bänden alle für Bachelor-, Master- oder Diplom-Studiengänge maßgeblichen Gebiete ab. Jeder Band vermittelt gut durchdacht das im jeweiligen Semester benötigte theoretisch-physikalische Wissen. Der 3. Band behandelt die Elektrodynamik in ihrer induktiven Formulierung. Mathematische Inhalte (Vektoranalysis) werden immer dann in den Text eingeschoben, wenn sie für das weitere Verständnis unverzichtbar sind. Der Band enthält in der 10. Auflage mehr als 200 Abbildungen, neue Übungsaufgaben und Lösungen und ist im Ganzen überarbeitet und aktualisiert worden.

    Rindler, Wolfgang
    Signatur: Hd/Rin/3401
    Datum: 19.09.2016

    über dieses Buch:

    Dieses Buch bringt Studierenden schon in frühen Semestern die spannenden und herausfordernden Aspekte der Relativitätstheorie und der modernen Kosmologie nahe und hält gleichzeitig auch für Fortgeschrittene und Wissenschaftler reichlich neues Material bereit. Die besondere Stärke des Buches ist die Betonung der fundamentalen, logischen und geometrischen Aspekte der Theorie. Berücksichtigt werden sowohl die spezielle als auch die allgemeine Relativitätstheorie in Verbindung mit aktuellen Entwicklungen der Kosmologie. Eine weitere Besonderheit ist der Vorrang von Anschauung und Verständnis vor mathematischem Formalismus: erst nach Festigung des erworbenen Wissens wird dieses in eine mathematische, handhabbare Form überführt. Das Buch enthält zahlreiche Übungsaufgaben und bietet sich als vorlesungsbegleitende Lektüre an.

    Tsymbal, Evgeny Y.
    Handbook of Spin Transport and Magnetism
    Signatur: Hb/Tsy/3400
    Datum: 05.09.2016

    über dieses Buch:

    In the past several decades, the research on spin transport and magnetism has led to remarkable scientific and technological breakthroughs, including Albert Fert and Peter Grünberg’s Nobel Prize-winning discovery of giant magnetoresistance (GMR) in magnetic metallic multilayers. Handbook of Spin Transport and Magnetism provides a comprehensive, balanced account of the state of the art in the field known as spin electronics or spintronics. It reveals how key phenomena first discovered in one class of materials, such as spin injection in metals, have been revisited decades later in other materials systems, including silicon, organic semiconductors, carbon nanotubes, graphene, and carefully engineered nanostructures.

    Levitt, Malcom H.
    Spin Dynamics - Basics of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
    Signatur: Dd/Lev/3399
    Datum: 27.07.2016

    über dieses Buch:

    Spin Dynamics: Basics of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Second Edition is a comprehensive and modern introduction which focuses on those essential principles and concepts needed for a thorough understanding of the subject, rather than the practical aspects. The quantum theory of nuclear magnets is presented within a strong physical framework, supported by figures.

    Hunklinger, Siegfried
    Signatur: Da/Hun/3398
    Datum: 27.07.2016

    über dieses Buch:

    n dem ausgefeilten und klar strukturierten Lehrbuch werden alle wichtigen Teilgebiete der Festkörperphysik behandelt und anschaulich die grundlegenden Gesetzmäßigkeiten und die für die Festkörperphysik typische Betrachtungsweise eingeführt. Konsequente Berücksichtigung finden zudem die ungeordneten Festkörper, die in unserer Umwelt eine wichtige Rolle spielen und in der Wissenschaft zunehmend an Bedeutung gewinnen. Zur Illustration von experimentellen Ergebnissen werden nicht nur schematische Darstellungen präsentiert, sondern in erster Linie Originaldaten herangezogen. Hierdurch sollen nicht zuletzt auch die Schwierigkeiten verdeutlicht werden, denen ein Experimentalphysiker in der Praxis gegenübersteht. An die Kapitel schließen sich Übungsaufgaben an, die die unmittelbare Überprüfung des Gelernten ermöglichen.

    Lovesey, Stephen W.
    Condensed Matter Physics - Dynamic Correlations
    Signatur: Da/Lov/3397
    Datum: 27.07.2016

    Anderson, Philip W.
    Basic Notions of Condensed Matter Physics
    Signatur: Da/And/3383
    Datum: 27.07.2016

    über dieses Buch:

    First published in 1984, Basic Notions of Condensed Matter Physics is an accessible introduction to some of the most significant concepts in the physics of condensed matter. The general principles of many-body physics and perturbation theory are emphasized, providing supportive mathematical structure. This text is an expansion and restatement of the second half of Nobel laureate Philip Anderson's classic Concepts in Solids.

    Toda, Morikazu
    Theory of Nonlinear Lattices
    Signatur: Do/Tod/3382
    Datum: 27.07.2016

    über dieses Buch:

    Soliton theory, the theory of nonlinear waves in lattices composed of particles interacting by nonlinear forces, is treated rigorously in this book. The presentation is coherent and self-contained, starting with pioneering work and extending to the most recent advances in the field. Special attention is focused on exact methods of solution of nonlinear problems and on the exact mathematical treatment of nonlinear lattice vibrations. This new edition updates the material to take account of important new advances.

    French, A.P.
    Vibrations and Waves
    Signatur: Gb/Fre/3376
    Datum: 27.07.2016

    über dieses Buch:

    The M.I.T. Introductory Physics Series is the result of a program of careful study, planning, and development that began in 1960. The Education Research Center at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (formerly the Science Teaching Center) was established to study the process of instruction, aids thereto, and the learning process itself, with special reference to science teaching at the university level. Generous support from a number of foundations provided the means for assembling and maintaining an experienced staff to co-operate with members of the Institute's Physics Department in the examination, improvement, and development of physics curriculum materials for students planning careers in the sciences. After careful analysis of objectives and the problems involved, preliminary versions of textbooks were prepared, tested through classroom use at M.I.T. and other institutions, re-evaluated, rewritten, and tried again. Only then were the final manuscripts undertaken.

    Lam, Lui
    Wave Phenomena - Theoretical, Computational and Practical Aspects
    Signatur: Ib/Lam/3375
    Datum: 27.07.2016

    über dieses Buch:

    IJ:1 June of 1987 the Center for Applied Mathematics and Computer Science at San Jose State University received a bequest of over half a million dollars from the estate of Mrs. Marie Woodward. In the opening article of this collection of papers Jane Day, the founder of the Center, describes the background that led to this gift. In recognition of the bequest it was decided that a series of Woodward Conferences be established. The First Woodward Conference took place at San Jose State University on June 2-3 1988. The themes of the conference were the Theoretical, Computational and Practical Aspects of Wave Phenomena and these same themes have been used to divide the contributions to this volume. Part I is concerned with papers on theoretical aspects. This section includes papers on pseudo-differential operator techniques, inverse problems and the mathematical foundations of wave propagation in random media. Part II consists of papers that involve significant amounts of computation. Included are papers on the Fast Hartley Transform, computational algorithms for electromagnetic scattering problems, and nonlinear wave interaction problems in fluid mechanics. vi Part III contains papers with a genuine physics flavor. This final section illustrates the widespread importance of wave phenomena in physics. Among the phenomena considered are waves in the atmosphere, viscous fingering in liquid crystals, solitons and wave localization.

    Morse, Philip M.
    Theoretical Acoustics
    Signatur: Gc/Mor/3374
    Datum: 27.07.2016

    über dieses Buch:

    This volume, available for the first time in paperback, is a standard work on the physical aspects of acoustics. Starting from first principles, the authors have successfully produced a unified and thorough treatment of the subjects of generation, propagation, absorption, reflection, and scattering of compressional waves in fluids, progressing to such topics as moving sound sources, turbulence, and wave-induced vibration of structures. Material is included on viscous and thermal effects, on the acoustics of moving media, on plasma acoustics, on nonlinear effects, and on the interaction between light and sound. Problems, with answers in many cases, are given at the end of each chapter. They contain extensions to further applications, thus enhancing the reference value of the book. Many of the examples worked out in the text and in the problem solutions were not previously published. Anyone familiar with calculus and vector analysis should be able to understand the mathematical techniques used here.

    Greiner, Walter
    Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics
    Signatur: Ba/Gre/3371
    Datum: 23.06.2016

    über dieses Buch:

    More than a generation of German-speaking students around the world have worked their way to an understanding and appreciation of the power and beauty of modem theoretical physics-with mathematics, the most fundamental of sciences-using WaIter Greiner's textbooks as their guide. The idea of developing a coherent, complete presentation of an entire field of science in a series of closely related textbooks is not a new one. Many older physicians remember with real pleasure their sense of adventure and discovery as they worked their ways through the classic series by Sommerfeld, by Planck and by Landau and Lifshitz. From the students' viewpoint, there are a great many obvious advantages to be gained through use of consistent notation, logical ordering of topics and coherence of presentation; beyond this, the complete coverage of the science provides a unique opportunity for the author to convey his personal enthusiasm and love for his subject. These volumes on classical physics, finally available in English, complement Greiner's texts on quantum physics, most of which have been available to English-speaking audiences for some time. The complete set of books will thus provide a coherent view of physics that includes, in classical physics, thermodynamics and statistical mechanics, classical dynam­ ics, electromagnetism, and general relativity; and in quantum physics, quantum mechanics, symmetries, relativistic quantum mechanics, quantum electro- and chromodynamics, and the gauge theory of weak interactions.

    Ferreira, Robson
    Capture and Relaxation in Self-Assembled Semiconductor Quantum Dots
    Signatur: Dj/Fer/3370
    Datum: 25.04.2016

    über dieses Buch:

    This is an overview of different models and mechanisms developed to describe the capture and relaxation of carriers in quantum-dot systems. Despite their undisputed importance, the mechanisms leading to population and energy exchanges between a quantum dot and its environment are not yet fully understood. The authors develop a first-order approach to such effects, using elementary quantum mechanics and an introduction to the physics of semiconductors. The book results from a series of lectures given by the authors at the Master's level.

    Blood, Peter
    Quantum Confined Laser Devices
    Signatur: Dj/Blo/3367
    Datum: 03.02.2016

    über dieses Buch:

    The semiconductor laser, invented over 50 years ago, has had an enormous impact on the digital technologies that now dominate so many applications in business, commerce and the home. The laser is used in all types of optical fibre communication networks that enable the operation of the internet, e-mail, voice and skype transmission. Approximately one billion are produced each year for a market valued at around $5 billion. Nearly all semiconductor lasers now use extremely thin layers of light emitting materials (quantum well lasers). Increasingly smaller nanostructures are used in the form of quantum dots. The impact of the semiconductor laser is surprising in the light of the complexity of the physical processes that determine the operation of every device. This text takes the reader from the fundamental optical gain and carrier recombination processes in quantum wells and quantum dots, through descriptions of common device structures to an understanding of their operating characteristics. It has a consistent treatment of both quantum dot and quantum well structures taking full account of their dimensionality, which provides the reader with a complete account of contemporary quantum confined laser diodes. It includes plenty of illustrations from both model calculations and experimental observations. There are numerous exercises, many designed to give a feel for values of key parameters and experience obtaining quantitative results from equations. Some challenging concepts, previously the subject matter of research monographs, are treated here at this level for the first time.

    Manousakis, Efstratios
    Practical Quantum Mechanics - Modern Tools and Applications
    Signatur: Ca/Man/3366
    Datum: 22.01.2016

    über dieses Buch:

    Quantum mechanics forms the foundation of all modern physics, including atomic, nuclear, and molecular physics, the physics of the elementary particles, condensed matter physics. Modern astrophysics also relies heavily on quantum mechanics. Quantum theory is needed to understand the basis for new materials, new devices, the nature of light coming from stars, the laws which govern the atomic nucleus, and the physics of biological systems. As a result the subject of this book is a required course for most physics graduate students. While there are many books on the subject, this book targets specifically graduate students and it is written with modern advances in various fields in mind. Many examples treated in the various chapters as well as the emphasis of the presentation in the book are designed from the perspective of such problems. For example, the book begins by putting the Schrödinger equation on a spatial discrete lattice and the continuum limit is also discussed, inspired by Hamiltonian lattice gauge theories. The latter and advances in quantum simulations motivated the inclusion of the path integral formulation. This formulation is applied to the imaginary-time evolution operator to project the exact ground state of the harmonic oscillator as is done in quantum simulations. As an example of how to take advantage of symmetry in quantum mechanics, one-dimensional periodic potentials are discussed, inspired by condensed matter physics. Atoms and molecules are discussed within mean-field like treatment (Hartree-Fock) and how to go beyond it. Motivated by the recent intense activity in condensed matter and atomic physics to study the Hubbard model, the electron correlations in the hydrogen molecule are taken into account by solving the two-site Hubbard model analytically. Using the canonical Hamiltonian quantization of quantum electrodynamics, the photons emerge as the quanta of the normal modes, in the same way as the phonons emerge in the treatment of the normal modes of the coupled array of atoms. This is used later to treat the interaction of radiation with atomic matter.

    Picasso, Luigi E.
    Lectures in Quantum Mechanics
    Signatur: Ca/Pic/3365
    Datum: 05.01.2016

    über dieses Buch:

    Based on a series of university lectures on nonrelativistic quantum mechanics, this textbook covers a wide range of topics, from the birth of quantum mechanics to the fine-structure levels of heavy atoms. The author sets out from the crisis in classical physics and explores the seminal ideas of Einstein, Bohr, and de Broglie and their vital importance for the development of quantum mechanics. There follows a bottom-up presentation of the postulates of quantum mechanics through real experiments (such as those of neutron interferometry), with consideration of their most important consequences, including applications in the field of atomic physics. A final chapter is devoted to the paradoxes of quantum mechanics, and particularly those aspects that are still open and hotly debated, to end up with a mention to Bell's theorem and Aspect's experiments. In presenting the principles of quantum mechanics in an inductive way, this book has already proved very popular with students in its Italian language version.It complements the exercises and solutions book "Problems in Quantum Mechanics", by E. d'Emilio, L.E. Picasso (Springer).