Sachgebiet E


  • Ea - Allgemeine Tieftemperaturphysik


    Brewer Progress in Low Temperature Physics, Vol. 7a Ea/Bre/4351
    Brewer Progress in Low Temperature Physics, Vol. 7b Ea/Bre/4352
    Gopal Specific Heats at low Temperatures Ea/Gop/1490
    Gorter Progress in Low Temperature Physics, Vol. 5 Ea/Gor/1789
    Gorter Progress in Low Temperature Physics Vol. 4 Ea/Gor/2
    Gorter Progress in Low Temperature Physics Ea/Gor/2359
    Gorter Progress in Low Temperature Physics, Vol. 1 Ea/Gor/4874
    Gorter Progress in Low Temperature Physics, Vol. 2 Ea/Gor/4875
    Gorter Progress in Low Temperature Physics, Vol. 3 Ea/Gor/4876
    Griffin Bose-Einstein Condensation Ea/Gri/4559
    Jackson Low Temperature Physics Ea/Jac/509
    Pethick Bose-Einstein Condensation in Dilute Gases Ea/Pet/3778
    Pitaevskii Bose-Einstein-Condensation Ea/Pit/3459
    Proukakis Quantum Gases, Finite Temperature and Non-Equilibrium Dynamics Ea/Pro/3174
    Rosenberg Low Temp. Sol. State Physics Ea/Ros/60
    Simon Low Temperature Physics Ea/Sim/605
  • Eb - Supraleiter

    Alexandrov Theory of Superconductivity Eb/Ale/1694
    Anderson The Theory of Superconductivity in the High-Tc Cuprates Eb/And/566
    Annett Superconductivity, Superfluids and Condensates Eb/Ann/1621
    Annett Supraleitung, Superfluidität und Kondensate Eb/Ann/2778
    Balachandran Hubbard Model and Anyon Superconductivity Eb/Bal/5298
    Bednorz Earlier and Recent Aspects of Superconductivity Eb/Bed/1180
    Blatt Theory of Superconductivity Eb/Bla/56
    Bogolinbov New Methods in the Theory of Supercond. Eb/Bog/329
    Bogolinbov The Theory of Superconductivity Eb/Bog/77
    Brechna Superconducting Magnet Systems Eb/Bre/3245
    Brusov Mechanisms of HTSC I Eb/Bru/1106
    Brusov Mechanisms of HTSC II Eb/Bru/1107
    Buckel Supraleitung Eb/Buc/2991
    Buckel Supraleitung Eb/Buc/4407
    Campbell Critical Currents in Superconductors Eb/Cam/3229
    Cooper BCS: 50 Years Eb/Coo/4125
    Deutscher New Superconductors - From Granular to High Tc Eb/Deu/1959
    Fishlock A Guide to Superconductivity Eb/Fis/2681
    Foner Superconducting Machines and Devices Eb/Fon/3492
    Furrer Neutron Scattering in Layered Copper-Oxide Superconductors Eb/Fur/1113
    Galasiewicz Superconductivity and Quantum Fluids Eb/Gal/2334
    Gan High temperature Superconductivity Eb/Gan/5273
    Geilikman Kinetic and Non-Steady State Effects in Superconductors Eb/Gei/3490
    Gennes Superconductivity of Metals and Alloys Eb/Gen/2446
    Ginzburg High-Temperature Superconductivity Eb/Gin/4912
    Ginsberg Physical properties of high temperature superconductors I Eb/Gin/5365
    Ginsberg Physical properties of high temperature superconductors II Eb/Gin/5366
    Ginsberg Physical properties of high temperature superconductors III Eb/Gin/5367
    Ginsberg Physical Properties of High Temperature Superconductors V Eb/Gin/5493
    Ginsberg Physical Properties of High Temperature Superconductors IV Eb/Gin/5498
    Gonzáles Quantum Electron Liquids and High-Tc Superconductivity Eb/Gon/5478
    Gupta Selected Topics im Superconductivity Eb/Gup/317
    Kita Statistical Mechanics of Superconductivity Eb/Kit/4649
    Kopnin Theory of Nonequilibrium Superconductivity Eb/Kop/3147
    Kuper An Introd. to the Theory of Super-Conductivity Eb/Kup/1827
    Livingston Progress in Materials Science Vol. 12 (1964) Heft 3 Eb/Liv/1
    Lundqvist High temperature Superconductors Vol. 1 Eb/Lun/5272
    Lynton Supraleitung Eb/Lyn/1916
    Lynton Superconductivity Eb/Lyn/328
    Maple Superconductivity in Ternary Compounds II Eb/Map/4952
    Mishonov Theory of High Temperature Superconductivity Eb/Mis/2808
    Moshchalkov Nanostructured Superconductors Eb/Mos/3166
    Newhouse Applied Superconductivity, Vol. 1 Eb/New/3694
    Newhouse Applied Superconductivity, Vol. 2 Eb/New/3695
    Parks Superconductivity Vol. I Eb/Par/2143
    Parks Superconductivity Vol. II Eb/Par/2144
    Petley Einführung in die Josephsa-Effect Eb/Pet/3600
    Phillips Physics of High-T Superconductors Eb/Phi/5262
    Phys. Ges. DDR Physikalische Abhandlungen aus der Sowjetunion Eb/Phy/1048
    Physikalische Gesellschaft Zürich Vorträge über Supraleitung Eb/Phy/2467
    Plakida High-Temperature Cuprate Superconductors Eb/Pla/2725
    Plakida High-Temperature Superconductivity Eb/Pla/5387
    Poole Superconductivity Eb/Pol/5466
    Ricayzen Theory of Superconductivity Eb/Ric/74
    Rose Introduction to superconductivity Eb/Ros/4218
    SaintJames Type 2 Superconductivity Eb/Sai/2271
    Savitskii Superconducting Materials Eb/Sav/3392
    Sawaritzki Supraleitung Eb/Saw/1189
    Saxena High-Temperature Superconductors Eb/Sax/2669
    Schrieffer Handbook of High-Temperature Superconductivity Eb/Sch/2040
    Schrieffer Theory of Superconductivity Eb/Sch/23
    Schrieffer The Theory of Superconductivity Eb/Sch/5231
    Schmidt The Physics of Superconductors Eb/Sch/5502
    Shenoy Ternary Superconductors Eb/She/4804
    Shoenberg Superconductivity Eb/Sho/387
    Solymar Superconductive Tunneling Eb/Sol/3499
    Taylor Superconductivity Eb/Tay/2532
    Tilley Superfluidity and Superconductivity Eb/Til/3780
    Tinkham Introduction to Superconductivity Eb/Tin/1984
    Tinkham Introduction to Superconductivity Eb/Tin/4377
    Vonsovsky Superconductivity of Translation Metals Eb/Von/4887
    Waldram Superconductivity of Metals and Cuprates Eb/Wal/457
    Weber High TC Superconductors Eb/Web/5265
    Williams Superconductivity and its Applications Eb/Wil/2687
  • Ec - Supraflüssigkeiten, Flüssiges Helium

    Bennemann The Physics of Liquid and Solid Helium, Part I Ec/Ben/3801
    Feenberg Theory of Quantum Fluids Ec/Fec/2238
    Galasiewicz Helium 4 Ec/Gal/2697
    Griffin Excitations in a Bose-Condensed Liquid Ec/Gri/5382
    Khatlatnidov Introduktion to the Theory of Superfluidity Ec/Kha/797
    Lane Superfluid Physics Ec/Lan/17
    Leggett Quantum Liquids Bose Condensation and Cooper Pairing in Condensed-Matter Systems Ec/Leg/1977
    Lifshits A Supplement to "Helium" Ec/Lif/537
    London Superfluids, Vol. 1 Ec/Lon/212
    London Superfluids, Vol. 2 Ec/Lon/213
    Pines The Theory of Quantum Liquids Vol. I Ec/Pin/751
    Putterman Superfluid Hydro dynamics Ec/Put/3519
    Tilley Superfluidity and Superconductivity Ec/Til/3981
    Wilks An Introduction to Liquid Helium Ec/Wil/2370
    Wilks The Properties of Liquid and Solid Helium Ec/Wil/2379
    Wilks Properties of Liquid and Solid Helium Ec/Wil/3987
    Wilks Properties of Liquid and Solid Helium Ec/Wil/3988
  • El - Elektronik


    Amos Principles of Transistor Circuits El/Amo/4871
    Aumiaux Pratique de l'électronique/L'amplification El/Aum/3968
    Benson Electric-Circuit Theory El/Ben/3806
    Bergh Light-Emitting Diodes El/Ber/3797
    Blicher Thyristor Physics El/Bli/3898
    Bosch Gunn-effect Electronics El/Bos/3673
    Clayton Operational Amplifiers El/Cla/4675
    Connor Networks El/Con/3979
    Dance Op-Amps El/Dan/4134
    Durcansky Digitale Elektronik El/Dur/4089
    Fant Speech Communication El/Fan/3884
    Feldman The Physics and Circuit Properties of Transistors El/Fel/3098
    Goodwin Advances in Quantum Electronics, Vol. 2 El/Goo/3712
    Hamer Thick Film Hybrid Microcircuit Technology El/Ham/3186
    Hershberger Topics in Solid State and Quantum Electronics El/Her/3097
    Hobson The Gunn Effect El/Hob/3718
    Horowitz The Art of Electronics El/Hor/4827
    Howes Microwave Devices El/How/3883
    Jackson Wave Filters El/Jac/4008
    Johnson Rapid Practical Designs of Active Fil. El/Joh/4494
    Jones Practical Introduction to electronic circuits El/Jon/4036
    Kite An Introduction to Linear Electric Circuits El/Kit/3805
    Kremer Numerische Berechnung linear Netzw. u. Supt. El/Kre/4373
    Leblond Les Tubes hyperfréquences, Bd. I El/Leb/3684
    Leblond Les Tubes hyperfréquences, Bd. II El/Leb/3685
    Lowenberg Schaltungen der Elektronik El/Low/3931
    Malmstadt Electronics for Scientists El/Mal/799
    Marchais L'amplificateur operational El/Mar/3686
    Marston Wave from Generator Projects El/Mar/4337
    Murr Solid Stae Electronics El/Mur/4354
    Pauli Vierpoltheorie u. ihre Anwendung auf elektr. Schaltung El/Pau/3719
    Pfeifer Elektronik für den Physiker VI El/Pfe/1701
    Pregla Passive Netzwerke El/Pre/3677
    Roberge Operational Amplifiers El/Rob/3669
    Rohe Elektronik für Physiker El/Roh/4358
    Römisch Berechnung von Verstärkerschaltungen El/Röm/3678
    Rutkowski Handbook of integrated-circuit op. amplifiers El/Rut/3667
    Steudel Gleichstromverstärker El/Ste/2225
    Steidle Transitoren-Taschentabelle El/Ste/4907
    Sze Semiconductor Devices El/Sze/3720
    Telefunken Der Transistor I El/Tel/2124
    Telefunken Der Transistor II El/Tel/2125
    Tholl Bauelemente der Halbleiterlektronik, Bd. I El/Tho/3790
    Tietze Halbleiterschaltungstechnik El/Tie/3674
    Tietze Halbleiter-Schaltungstechnik 5. Aufl. El/Tie/4661
    Ziel Sol. State Physical Electronics El/Zie/1241
  • Es - Konferenzberichte, Symposien, etc. zur Tieftemperaturphysik


    Allen Superfluid Helium Es/All/1960
    Armitage The Helium Liquids Es/Arm/3689
    Brewer Quantum Fluids Es/Bre/1193
    Careri Elio liquido Es/Car/986
    Chilton Proceedings of the International Conference on the Science of Superconductiviti Es/Chi/2858
    CNRS Conference de Physique der Basses Temperatures, Paris 2.-8. Setembre 1955 Es/Cnr/885
    Daunt Low Temperature Physics LT 9, Part A Es/Dau/874
    Daunt Low Temperature Physics LT 9, Part B Es/Dau/875
    Davies Low Temperature Physics Es/Dav/243
    Dijk Proceedings of the Kamerlingh onnes Conferences on Low Temperature Physics Es/Dij/730
    Dillinger Low Temperature Physicst Chemistry Es/Dil/1236
    Douglass Superconductivity in d- and f-Band Metals Es/Dou/3070
    AIP Superconductivity in d- and f-Band Metals Es/Dou/3753
    Douglass Superconductivity in d- and f-band metals Es/Dou/4894
    Graham Proceedings of the VII International Conference on low temperature Physics Es/Gra/146
    Gregory The Science and Technology of Superconductivity Es/Gre/3205
    Gregory The Science and Technology of Superconductivity, Vol. 2 Es/Gre/3206
    Itterbeck Problems of Low Temperature Physics II Es/Itt/575
    Itterbeck Problems of Low Temperature Physics III Es/Itt/576
    Kanda Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics Es/Kan/3431
    Krusius Low Temperature Physiks, Vol. 1 Es/Kru/3850
    Krusius Low Temperature Physiks, Vol. 2 Es/Kru/3851
    Krusius Low Temperature Physiks, Vol. 3 Es/Kru/3852
    Krusius Low Temperature Physiks, Vol. 4 Es/Kru/3853
    Krusius Low Temperature Physiks, Vol. 5 Es/Kru/3854
    Malkov 10th Conf. on Low Temperature Physics, 1966, Vol. 1 Es/Mal/1961
    Malkov 10th Conf. on Low Temperature Physics, 1966, Vol. 2a Es/Mal/1962
    Malkov 10th Conf. on Low Temperature Physics, 1966, Vol. 2b Es/Mal/1963
    Malkov 10th Conf. on Low Temperature Physics, 1966, Vol. 3 Es/Mal/1964
    Malkov 10th Conf. on Low Temperature Physics, 1966, Vol. 4 Es/Mal/1965
    Timmerhaus Low Temperature Physics Es/Tim/3533
    Timmerhaus Low Temperature Physics 13, Vol. 2 Es/Tim/3550
    Timmerhaus Low Temperature Physics 13, Vol. 3 Es/Tim/3551
    Timmerhaus Low Temperature Physics 13, Vol. 4 Es/Tim/3552
    Trickey Quantum Fluids and Solido Es/Tri/4168
    Wallace Superconductivity Bd. I Es/Wal/2176
    Wallace Superconductivity Bd. II Es/Wal/2178
    Wiser Quantum Fluids Es/Wis/2617
    deWitt Low-Temperature Physics Es/Wit/370