Institute of Applied Physics

The institute is divided into three research groups in the main research "Nonlinear Physics" and "Nanophysics". The groups represent the teaching in the optional studies "Nonlinear Physics" and "Photonics and Magnonics".


Prof. Dr. Carsten Fallnich

Office and Address

Corrensstr. 2
D 48149 Münster
Fax: +49 251-83 3 35 13


Room 110
Tel.: +49 251-83 3 35 10

Office Prof. Fallnich / Prof. Demokritov

Room 209
Tel.: +49 251-83 3 61 61
Fax: +49 251-83 3 61 62


Room 112
Tel.: +49 251-83 3 62 27

Mechanical Workshop

Room 408
Tel.: +49 251-83 3 35 30
Fax: +49 251-83 3 35 56

Electronical Workshop

Room 017
Tel.: +49 251-83 3 62 28
Tel.: +49 251-83 3 35 37

Preparation of Experiments for Lectures

Room 310
Tel.: +49 251-83 3 35 40


Room 101
Tel.: +49 251-83-3 91 19