M.Sc. Geogr. Nguyễn Hồ
© Ho Nguyen
M.Sc. Geogr. Nguyễn Hồ
Scholar and PhD student
Institute of Landscape Ecology
Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research Group

Consultation hours: Nguyễn Hồ is currently no longer working at the ILÖK.
  • Research Interests

    • Biodiversity and nature conservation
    • Ecosystem under global change
    • Applying GIS and Remote sensing on natural resources management and land-use
    • Minimizing impact and adapting to climate changes in Mekong River Delta, Vietnam
  • Curriculum vitae

    Since 10/2013

    PhD student

    Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research Group, Institute of Landscape Ecology, University of Münster

    Since 07/2013

    Teaching and researching

    Faculty of Environment and Natural Resources, Dong Thap University, Viet Nam

    08/2006 – 06/2013

    Teaching and researching

    Faculty of Geography, Dong Thap University, Viet Nam


    M.Sc. in Physical Geography

    Institute of Geography, Ha Noi National University of Education, Viet Nam

    Thesis: Researching and evaluating Dong Thap landscape for appropriate utilizing purposes and sustainable development


    B.Sc. in Geography

    Ho Chi Minh City University of Education, Viet Nam

  • Publications

    Publications (peer-reviewed)


    • Trung TH, Phan DC, Nguyen H, Tran TA, Ly NTH, Nasahara KN, Hölzel N (Submitted) Transformation of rural landscapes in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta from 1990 to 2019: A spatio-temporal analysis.


    • Tran TV, Tran DX, Nguyen H, Latorre‐Carmona P, Myint SW (2021) Characterising spatiotemporal vegetation variations using LANDSAT time‐series and Hurst exponent index in the Mekong River Delta. Land Degradation and Development 1–17: [doi:10.1002/ldr.3934]


    • Pham-Duc B, Nguyen H, Le Minh C, Hoang Khanh L, Trung T (2020) A Bibliometric and Content Analysis of Articles in Remote Sensing From Vietnam Indexed in Scopus for the 2000–2019. Serials Review: 1-15 [doi:10.1080/00987913.2020.1854155]


    • Nguyen H, Hölzel N, Völker A, Kamp J (2018) Patterns and Determinants of Post-Soviet Cropland Abandonment in the Western Siberian Grain Belt. Remote Sensing 10 (12): 1973 [doi:10.3390/rs1012973] Open Access


    Conference Proceedings and Presentations (Vietnamese)

    • Tran The Dinh, Nguyen Ho (2012), Assessment of An giang landscape for sustainable development purposes agriculture, aquaculture and sylviculture, 6th National Scientific Geography Conference, Geography Institute and University of Hue, Hue city, Vietnam, 09/2012.
    • Pham The Hung, Nguyen Ho (2012), Building the series of flood forecasting maps, a case study in Tam nong district area, Dong thap province, 6th National Scientific Geography Conference, Geography Institute and University of Hue, Hue city, Vietnam, 09/2012.
    • Pham Hoang Hai, Nguyen Ho (2010), Preliminary research on landscape change in Mekong Delta River Area under dual effects of dams and climate change, The 10th International Geography Conference of Southeast Asian Geography Association – SEAGA, Southeast Asia Geography Association, Hanoi, 23-26/11/2010
    • Nguyen Ho (2010), Climate change education at Dong Thap University, National science conference about climate change Strengthening climate Change Education for sustainable development in formal and informal Education, Center for Research and Promotion of Education for Sustainable Development (Hanoi University of Education), Funded by Germany Academy Exchange (DAAD), Hanoi, 13-14/10/2010
    • Nguyen Ho, Hoang Bac (2010), Building a classify landscape system and Dong Thap province landscape maps serving appropriate use natural resources and sustainable development, 5th National Scientific Geography Conference, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (VAST), Hanoi, 06/2010.
    • Nguyen Ho (2008), Researching human’s influences on wetland landscape in Thap Muoi Plain and orientation for sustainable development, 3rd National Scientific Geography Conference, Geography Institute, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (VAST), Hanoi, 12/2008.