© Frederike Velbert

Dr. Frederike Velbert

Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research Group
Institute of Landscape Ecology
Heisenbergstr. 2, D-48149 Münster
room 522
phone +49(0)251-83 39770
fax +49(0)251-83 38 338
e-mail frederike.velbert [at] uni-muenster.de

consultation hours: Tuesday 14-15 h, during semester break n.a.


  •  Lecture Introduction to Vegetation Ecology
  • Seminar Dynamic and Biodiversity of Ecosystems
  • Practical course Analysis and Management of Ecosystems
  • Field course Vegetation Ecology
  • Seminar Determination of woody plants in winter
  • Curriculum vitae

    since 2021

    Research associate

    Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research Group, Institute of Landscape Ecology, University of Münster


    PhD in Landscape Ecology (Dr. rer. nat.), Institute of Landscape Ecology, University of Münster

    Title: "Functional responses to restoration in the vegetation and seed bank of wet grasslands"


    Research assistant and PhD student

    Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research Group, Institute of Landscape Ecology, University of Münster


    Graduate assistant

    Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research Group, Institute of Landscape Ecology, University of Münster


    Studies of Landscape Ecology (M.Sc.)

    Institute of Landscape Ecology, University of Münster

    Master Thesis "Management and functional diversity of wet meadows - Einfluss des Managements auf die funktionelle Diversität im Feuchtgrünland"


    Student assistant

    Working Group Ecosystem Research, Institute of Landscape Ecology, University of Münster


    Studies of Landscape Ecology (B.Sc.)

    Institute of Landscape Ecology, University of Münster

    Bachelor Thesis "Vegetation changes in swamp forests"

  • Research interests

    • Steppe ecosystems of central asia
    • Plant functional traits
    • Urban grasslands
  • Publications

    Publications (peer-reviewed)


    • Koshkina, A., Freitag, M., Grigoryeva, I., Hölzel, N., Stirnemann, I., Velbert, F., & Kamp, J. (2023) Post‐Soviet fire and grazing regimes govern the abundance of a key ecosystem engineer on the Eurasian steppe, the yellow ground squirrel Spermophilus fulvus. Diversity and Distributions, 29(3), 395-408 [doi: 10.1111/ddi.13668]


    • Maestre, F. T., Le Bagousse-Pinguet, Y., Delgado-Baquerizo, M., Eldridge, D. J., Saiz, H., Berdugo, M., ..., Hölzel, N., ... , Velbert, F., ... & Gross, N. (2022) Grazing and ecosystem service delivery in global drylands. Science, 378(6622), 915-920 [doi: 10.1126/science.abq4062]


    • Freitag M, Kamp J, Dara A, Kuemmerle T, Sidorova TV, Stirnemann IA, Velbert F, Hölzel N (2020) Post-Soviet shifts in fire and grazing regimes changed the functional plant community composition on the Eurasian steppe. Global Change Biology 27:388–401 [doi: 10.1111/gcb.15411]


    • Rudolph M, Velbert F, Schwenzfeier S, Kleinebecker T, Klaus VH (2017) Patterns and potentials of plant species richness in high- and low-maintenance urban grasslands. Applied Vegetation Science 20 (1): 18–27 [doi: 10.1111/avsc.12267]
    • Velbert F, Kleinebecker T, Mudrák O, Schwartze P, Hölzel N (2017) Time lags in functional response to management regimes – evidence from a 26-year field experiment in wet meadows. Journal of Vegetation Science 28 (2): 313–324 [doi: 10.1111/jvs.12497]