© Anna Lampei-Bucharova

PD Dr. Anna Lampei-Bucharova

Assistant Professor

Anna Lampei-Bucharova is currently no longer working at the ILÖK.

Since 01.06.2021: Philipps-Universität Marburg,
E-Mail: anna.lampei-bucharova [at) uni-marburg.de
Tel.  +0049 6421 28 26586



© Twitter

Anna Lampei-Bucharova can also be found on Twitter.

  • Student projects available


    GLUE: Global Urban Evolution Project

    Supervision: Anna Lampei-Bucharova & Christian Lampei





  • Research interests

    • Plant evolutionary ecology
    • Challenges in using seeds for ecological restoration under changing environment
    • The effect of plant within-species diversity on biotic interactions
    • Rapid evolution in the era of climate change
    • Urban ecology
  • Curriculum vitae


    07/2019 Habilitation and venia legendi
    Faculty of Geosciences, University of Münster, Germany
    since 03/2018 Research scientist and lecturer (Akademische Rätin auf Zeit)
    Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research Group, Institute of Landscape Ecology, University of Münster, Germany
    2015-2018 Postdoc
    Plant Evolutionary Ecology, Institut of Evolution and Ecology, University Tübingen, Germany
    2014-2015 Maternal leave
    2013-2014 Postdoc
    Plant Evolutionary Ecology, Institut of Evolution and Ecology, University Tübingen, Germany
    2011-2013 Maternal leave
    2011 PhD in Botany
    Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
    2008-2011 Researcher
    Czech Academy of Science, Pruhonice, Czech Republic
    2008 Visiting scientist
    University Bern, Switzerland
    2003-2008 Botanist
    Municipal Museum Marianske lazne, Czech Republic (non-academic position)
    1997-2003 Diploma in Biology
    Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic



  • Projects

    Rapid evolution in novel environment: multispecies approach

    • DFG (2018-2021), together with Walter Durka (UFZ Halle)

    Seeds for the future: Plant material for ecosystem restoration under climate change

    • Margarete von Wrangell fellowship for excellent women in science (2018-2021), declined because of commitment with University of Münster
  • Services, Memberships in scientific organisations

    Editorial board

    Member of the editorial board of  American Journal of Botany


    Reviewer for various international journals Publons profile

    Membership in scientific organizations
    • Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland (GfÖ, Gesellschaft für Ökologie), Speaker of GfÖ working group Nature conservation and Restoration
    • Society for Ecological Restoration International (SER), European Chapter


  • Publications

    International publications (peer-reviewed)

    Google Scholar

    Please note that Web of Science and related platforms do not recognize all citations of my papers because of the special character in my name (á), or in the names of my Czech co-authors.

    * supervised students

    • Willems FM, Scheepens JF, Ammer C, Block S, Bucharova A, Schall P, Sehrt M*, Bossdorf O (submitted) Effects of forest management on the phenology of early-flowering understory herbs (Preprint: [doi:10.1101/733907])


    • Bucharova A, Lampei C, Conrady M, May E, Matheja J, Meyer M, Ott D (accepted) Plant provenance affects pollinator network: implications for ecological restoration. Journal of Applied Ecology [doi: 10.1111/1365-2664.13866], (Preprint: [doi: 10.1101/2020.11.26.399493])
    • Rupprecht D, Hölzel N, Bucharova A (accepted): Is there local adaptation in plant species to soil reaction? A lesson from a multispecies experiment. Restoration Ecology.


    • Heim RJ, Bucharova A, Brodt L, Kamp J, Rieker D, Soromotin AV, Yurtaev A, Hölzel N (2021) Post-fire vegetation succession in the Siberian subarctic tundra over 45 years. Science of The Total Environment 760: 143425 [doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.143425]
    • Lampinen J, Tuomi M, Fischer LK, Neuenkamp L, Alday JG, Bucharova A, … Klaus VH (2021). Acceptance of near-natural greenspace management relates to ecological and socio-cultural assigned values among European urbanites. Basic and Applied Ecology 50: 119-131 [doi: 10.1016/j.baae.2020.10.006]
    • Bucharova A, Farwig N, Kollmann J (2020) Nature conservation and restoration in central Europe – the value of human-shaped ecosystetems. Basic and Applied Ecology 42: 1–3 [doi:10.1016/j.baae.2019.12.003]
    • Bucharova A, Krahulec F (2020) Native seed addition as an effective tool for post-invasive restoration. Basic and Applied Ecology 42: 56–61 [doi:10.1016/j.baae.2020.01.002]
    • Fischer L*, Neuenkamp L*, Lampinen J, Tuomi M, Alday JG, Bucharova A, Cancellieri C, Casado-​​Arzuaga I, Čeplová N, Cerveró L, Deák B, Eriksson E, Fellowes MDE, Fernández de Manuel B, Filibeck G, González-​​Guzmán A, Hinojosa MB, Kowarik I, Lumbierres B, Miguel A, Pardo R, Pons X, Rodríguez-​​García E, Schröder R, Gaia Sperandii M, Unterweger P, Valkó O, Vázquez V, Klaus VH (2020) Public attitudes towards biodiversity-​​friendly greenspace management in Europe. Conservation Letters e12718 [doi: 10.1111/conl.12718] * equal contributions
    • Sehrt M, Freitag M, Bossdorf O, Bucharova A (2020) Less is more! Rapid increase in plant species richness after reduced mowing of urban grasslands. Basic and Applied Ecology 42: 47–53 [doi:10.1016/j.baae.2019.10.008]
    • Smith AL, Hodkinson TR, Villellas J, Catford JA, Csergő AM, Blomberg SP, Crone EE, Ehrlén J, Garcia MB, Laine AL, Roach DA, Salguero-Gómez R, Wardle GM, Childs DZ, Elderd BD, Finn A, Munné-Bosch S, Baudraz MEA, Bódis J, Brearley FQ, Bucharova A, Caruso CM, Duncan RP, Dwyer JM, Gooden B, Groenteman R, Hamre LN, Helm A, Kelly R, Laanisto L, Lonati M, Moore JL, Morales M, Olsen SL, Pärtel M, Petry WK, Ramula S, Rasmussen PU, Ravetto Enri S, Roeder A, Roscher C, Saastamoinen M, Tack AJM, Töpper JP, Vose GE, Wandrag EM, Wingler A, Buckley YM (2020) Global gene flow releases invasive plants from environmental constraints on genetic diversity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117(8): 4218–4227 [doi:10.1073/pnas.1915848117] Open Access
    • Bucharova A, Bossdorf O, Hölzel N, Kollmann J, Prasse R, Durka W (2019) Mix and match: regional admixture provenancing strikes a balance among different seed-sourcing strategies for ecological restoration. Conservation Genetics 20: 7–17 [doi:10.1007/s10592-018-1067-6]
    • Nagel R*, Durka W, Bossdorf O, Bucharova (2019) Rapid evolution of plant material for ecosystem restoration: Not a general pattern. Plant Biology 3: 551–558 [doi:10.1111/plb.12901]
    • Breed M, Harrison PA, Bischoff A, Durruty P, Gellie NJ, Gonzales EK, Havens K, Karmann K, Kilkenny FF, Krauss SL, Lowe AJ, Marques P, Nevill PG, Vitt PL, Bucharova A (2018) Priority actions to improve provenance decision-making. BioScience 68 (7): 510–516 [doi:10.1093/biosci/biy050]
    • Bucharova A, Durka W, Hölzel N, Kollmann J, Michalski S, Bossdorf O (2017) Are local plants the best for ecosystem restoration? It depends on how you analyze the data. Ecology and Evolution 7 (24): 10683–10689 [doi:10.1002/ece3.3585]
    • Mody K, Collatz J, Bucharova A, Dorn S (2017) Crop cultivar affects performance of herbivore enemies and may trigger enhanced pest control by coaction of different parasitoid species. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 245: 74–82 [doi:10.1016/j.agee.2017.05.009]
    • Macel M, Dostalek T, Esch S, Bucharova A, van Dam NM, Tielboerger K, Verhoeven KJF, Muenzbergova Z (2017) Evolutionary responses to climate change in a range expanding plant. Oecologia 184 (2): 543–554 [doi:10.1007/s00442-017-3864-x]
    • Bucharova A, Michalski S, Hermann J-M, Heveling K, Durka W, Hölzel N, Kollmann J, Bossdorf O (2017) Genetic differentiation and regional adaptation among seed origins used for grassland restoration: lessons from a multispecies transplant experiment. Journal of Applied Ecology 54 (1): 127–136 [doi:10.1111/1365-2664.12645]
    • Durka W, Michalski SG, Berendzen KW, Bossdorf O, Bucharova A, Hermann JM, Hölzel N, Kollmann J (2017) Genetic differentiation within multiple common grassland plants supports seed transfer zones for ecological restoration. Journal of Applied Ecology 54 (1): 116–126 [doi: 10.1111/1365-2664.12636]
    • Bucharova A (2017) Assisted migration within species ignores biotic interactions and lacks evidence. Restoration Ecology 25 (1): 14–18 [doi:10.1111/rec.12457]
    • Bucharova A, Frenzel M, Mody K, Parepa M, Durka W (2016) Plant ecotype identity affects interacting organisms across multiple trophic levels. Basic and Applied Ecology 17 (8): 688–69 [doi:10.1016/j.baae.2016.09.001]
    • Bucharova A, Durka W, Hermann J-M, Hölzel N, Michalski S, Kollmann J,  Bossdorf O (2016) Plants adapted to warmer climate do not outperform regional plants during a natural heat wave. Ecology and Evolution 6: 4160–4165 [doi: 10.1002/ece3.2183]
    before 2015
    • Bucharova A, Münzbergová Z (2012) Gene flow among populations of two rare co-occurring fern species differing in ploidy level. Plos ONE 7 (9): e45855 [doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0045855] Open Access
    • Bucharova A, Brabec J, Münzbergová Z (2012) Effect of land use and climate change on the future fate of populations of an endemic species in central Europe. Biological Conservation 145 (1): 39–47 [doi:10.1016/j.biocon.2011.09.016]
    • Tájek P, Bucharova A, Münzbergová Z (2011) Limitation of distribution of two rare ferns in fragmented landscape. Acta Oecologica – International Journal of Ecology 37 (5): 495–502 [doi:10.1016/j.actao.2011.06.009]
    • Bucharova A, Münzbergová Z, Tájek P (2010) Population biology of two rare fern species: long life and long-lasting stability. American Journal of Botany 97: 1260–1271 [doi:10.3732/ajb.0900351]
    • Bucharova A, van Kleunen M (2009) Introduction history and species characteristics partly explain naturalization success of North American woody species in Europe. Journal of Ecology 97 (2): 230–238 [doi:10.1111/j.1365-2745.2008.01469.x]
    • Münzbergová Z, Křivánek M, Bucharova A, Juklíčková V, Herben T (2005) Ramet performance in two tussock plants - do the tussock-level parameters matter? Flora 200 (3): 275–284 [doi:10.1016/j.flora.2004.08.002]