• Curriculum vitae

    10/2015 - 03/2019 PostDoc
    Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research Group, Institute of Landscape Ecology, University of Münster
    2016 PhD in Landscape Ecology, Faculty of Geosciences, University of Münster
    Thesis Grassland management by year-round grazing – opportunities and constraints
    02/2015 - 10/2015 Maternity Leave
    2011-2016 "Lehrkraft für besondere Aufgaben" (Lecturer/Research assistant) and PhD student
    Working Group Ecosystem Research, Institute of Landscape Ecology, University of Münster
    2011 Diploma in Landscape Ecology
    Institute of Landscape Ecology, University of Münster
    Diploma Thesis What role do large herbivores play for Orthoptera in restored floodplain grasslands?
    2008 -
    Student assistant
    Institute of Landscape Ecology, University of Münster
    2005 -
    Studies of Landscape Ecology
    University of Münster

  • Teaching

    • Lecture, Seminar and practical course "Grassland ecology and managment"
    • Determination of herbs and grasses
    • Determination of woody plant species in winter
    • 3 day field trips e.g. Northern Hesse, Lüneburger Heide
    • Research projects (Bachelor/Master) (e.g. Endozoochoric seed dispersal, Orthoptera in year-round grazing)
  • Research interests

    • Year-round Grazing Projects
    • Grasshoppers
    • Vegetation Ecology
    • Floodplain Ecology
    • Grassland ecology and managment
  • Memberships in scientific organisations

    • Floristisch-soziologische Arbeitsgemeinschaft (FlorSoz)
  • Publications

    Publications (peer-reviewed)


    • Gilhaus K, Freitag M, Kunze S, Hölzel N (2017) High fodder value and feeding likelihood favor endozoochorous plant dispersal. Journal of Vegetation Science 28(2): 357–367 [doi:10.1111/jvs.12481]
    • Gilhaus K, Boch S, Fischer M, Hölzel, N, Kleinebecker T, Prati D, Rupprecht D, Schmitt B, Klaus VH (2017) Grassland management in Germany: effects on plant diversity and vegetation composition. Tuexenia 37: 379–397 [doi:10.14471/2017.37.0 10]
    • Wolff C, Gilhaus K, Hölzel N, Schneider S (2017) Status and restoration potential of heathlands and sand grasslands in the southwest of Luxembourg. Tuexenia 37: 179–200 [doi:10.14471/2017.37.007]
    • Wolff C, Gilhaus K, Schneider S (2017) Butterflies and grasshoppers in relict and restored heathlands and sand grasslands in the southwest of Luxembourg. Bulletin de la Société des naturalistes luxembourgeois 119: 113–128   Link Open Access


    • Gilhaus K, Hölzel N (2016) Seasonal variations of fodder quality and availability as constraints for stocking rates in year-round grazing schemes. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 234: 5–15  [doi:10.1016/j.agee.2016.03.013] - Special Issue 
    • Rupprecht D, Gilhaus K, Hölzel N (2016) Effects of year-round grazing on the vegetation of nutrient-poor grass- and heathlands—Evidence from a large-scale survey. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 234: 16-22 [doi:10.1016/j.agee.2016.02.015] - Special Issue


    • Gilhaus K, Vogt V, Hölzel N (2015) Restoration of sand grasslands by topsoil removal and self-greening. Applied Vegetation Science 18(4): 661–673 [doi: 10.1111/avsc.12176]


    • Gilhaus K, Stelzner F, Hölzel N (2014) Cattle foraging habits shape vegetation patterns of alluvial year-round grazing systems. Plant Ecology 215(2): 169–179 [doi:10.1007/s11258-013-0287-6]


    • Fleischer K, Streitberger M, Fartmann T (2013) The importance of disturbance for the conservation of a low-competitive herb in mesotrophic grassland. Biologia 68(3): 398–403 [doi:10.2478/s11756-013-0164-8]


    • Fleischer K, Hölzel N, Hrsg. (2012) Jahrestagung der Floristisch-soziologischen Arbeitsgemeinschaft (FlorSoz) in Münster 2012 mit Exkursionen in Westfalen und den benachbarten Niederlanden. Tuexenia, Beiheft Nr. 5


    • Fleischer K, Streitberger M, Fartmann T (2010) Zur Ökologie der Wiesen-Glockenblume (Campanula patula) und des Echten Tausendgüldenkrauts (Centaurium erythraea) im Magergrünland Nordwestdeutschlands. Tuexenia 30: 209–229 [Download www.tuexenia.de]

    Conference Presentations

    • Gilhaus K, Hölzel N (2016) Seasonal variations of fodder quality and availability as constraints for stocking rates in year-round grazing schemes. Oral presentation. 10th European Conference on Ecological Restoration, Freising, Germany

    • Gilhaus K, Hölzel N (2014) Year-round grazing as approach for the restoration and management of sand grasslands. Oral presentation. 9th European Conference on Ecological Restoration, Oulu, Finland

    • Gilhaus K (2013) Cattle foraging habits benefit vegetation structure diversity and Orthoptera under year-round grazing. Oral presentation. Open Landscapes, 29.09.-03.10.2013, Hildesheim, Germany
    • Fleischer K (2013) Cattle foraging habits in alluvial grassland. Oral presentation. SER Symposium, 26.-28. April, Münster, Germany
    • Fleischer K (2012) Year-round grazing as restoration approach in floodplains: Impact on vegetation and Orthoptera. Oral presentation. 8th European Conference on Ecological Restoration, 9.-14. September, Budweis, Czech Republic
    • Klaus VH, Fleischer K & Weking S (2012) Raum für Wasser: Auenrenaturierung an der Ems. Poster. 3. Auenökologischer Workshop, Neuburg an der Donau, Germany
    • Fleischer K, Fartmann T & Hölzel N (2011) What role do large herbivores play for Orthoptera in restored floodplain grassland? Oral presentation. Lippe-Symposium, 29.-30. Oktober 2011, ILÖK Münster
    • Fleischer K, Fartmann T & Hölzel N (2011) What role do large herbivores play for Orthoptera in restored floodplain grassland? Oral presentation. 41st Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland (Gesellschaft für Ökologie, GfÖ), Oldenburg, Germany
    • Fleischer K, Fartmann T & Hölzel N (2011) Welche Bedeutung haben große Pflanzenfresser für Heuschrecken in renaturiertem Auengrünland? Poster presenation. 2. Auenökologischer Workshop, Stockstadt am Rhein
    • Fleischer K, Kämpf I, Römer J, Weking S, Poniatowski D & Fartmann T (2010) Die Heuschreckengemeinschaften der Trockenrasen des Nationalparks Unteres Odertal. Oral presentation. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Orthopterologie, Mainz
    • Weking S, Fleischer K & Fartmann T (2010) Larvalökologie des Schlüsselblumen-Würfelfalters (Hamearis lucina) in den Kalkmagerrasen des Diemeltales. Oral presentation. 12. UFZ–Workshop zur Populationsbiologie von Tagfaltern und Widderchen, UFZ Leipzig
    • Fleischer K, Streitberger M & Fartmann T (2009) Ecology of two plant target species (Campanula patula and Centaurium erythraea) in mesic grasslands in Northwestern Germany. Poster presentation. 39th Annual Conference of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland (Gesellschaft für Ökologie, GfÖ), Bayreuth


    • Gilhaus K (2016) Grassland management by year-round grazing – opportunities and contraints. Dissertation. Fachbereich Geowissenschaften, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster.

    Diploma Thesis 

    • Fleischer K (2011) What role do large herbivores play for Orthoptera in restored floodplain grassland? Diploma Thesis, Institute of Landscape Ecology, University of Münster, Germany.