Topics for theses

We are open for the supervision of theses. Under research you will find our current research focus areas as well as possible contact persons.

Your own ideas or wishes for a topic are welcome, feel free to contact us. Below you will find suggestions for theses in current projects. Together we can (almost always) develop new or modified topics for your thesis.

© L. Seifert

Ornithological Thesis in project GiBBS

Interested in birds and automated sound recognition systems?

We offer a bachelor/master thesis on the diversity of birds in mining sites!

You can find all information here.

© Kollmann

NEW Topics for 2024 in the GolfBiodivers project

Golf courses are monotonous and species-poor lawns? Wrong! Large areas are only extensively maintained and offer potential for biodiversity. The GolfBiodivers project investigates and evaluates ecological enhancement measures such as species enrichment or new maintenance concepts on golf courses throughout Germany. We are looking for interested people who would like to participate in the investigations with an initial site survey of the current state as part of their final thesis.

More information is available here (german) and from Dr. Frederike Velbert.

© AG Hölzel

Topics in the Biodiversity Exploratories

We need efficient restoration measures to halt the progressive degradation of European grassland biodiversity, functions and services due to land use intensification. Land use extensification could be the simplest technique for grassland restoration, based on the idea that returning to the land use intensity of a reference grassland system is sufficient to restore species-rich plant communities.The RecovFun project is testing a new holistic approach to determine the efficiency and mechanisms of grassland extensification as a restoration measure. To this end, the RecovFUN project is investigating the mechanisms of extensification in the novel, multi-site experiments (REX, LUX) of the DFG Biodiversity Exploratories (BE) framework project.

Topics from 2023 theses can be found here (German).

© Denise Rupprecht