Current Diploma and Bachelor Students


Freitag, Martin (2014) Floristic composition and ecology of pine forests in southern West-Siberia

Frings, Pia (2014) Kalkflachmoor-Vegetation in Steinbrüchen

Härting, Christian (2014) Factors influencing the nest survival of Montagu´s Harrier in the Hellwegbörde

Martens, Lilia (2014) Trends in land use and land-use intensity across the Western Siberian forest steppe

Nieberding, Felix (2014) Classification of Fuegian bog vegetation by means of multispectral image data

Smiatek, Maren (2014) Adaptation of the factor ‚grazing‘ within the index of land-use intensity (LUI)

Stahlhut, Nils (2014) Experiment on floristic enrichment in urban grasslands with with regionally produced seed mixtures


FELDMANN, Stefanie (2013) Impact of Land use on leaf traits of Taraxacum sect. ruderalia

HUBER, Jakob (2013) Vertical phosphate translocation in bog meadows

SCHWENZFEIER, Stefan (2013) Plant diversity in multiple-cut grasslands in Münster

VERHAERT, Elaine (2013) Orchid populations on the Kuttenberg near Eschweiler (Eifel) - temporal dynamics and spatial patterns

WOLANSKA, Kolja (2013) Distribution and habitat preferences of the globally threatened Yellow-breasted Bunting in the Russian Far East


BÜLTER, Sarah (2012) Spatial variation in chemical composition of above ground biomass along a gradient of landuse intensity (D)

NOVAK, Michael (2012) Vegetation of floodplain waters - a comparison between the rivers Lippe and Ruhr

WITTIG, Sabrina (2012) Interanual variation in chemical composition of above ground biomass and fodder along a gradient of landuse intensity (D)


AGETHEN, Svenja (2011) Seedbanks of rewettet bogs (D)

HELD, Mirijam (2011) Monitoring of wet meadows in the Münsterland (D)

KLEIN, Birte (2011) Habitat classification in restored cut-over bogs using UAV-based remote sensing data (D)

KLEVESAHL, Jutta (2011) Management options for a species-rich wet meadow near Havixbeck (D)

LEIDHOLDT, Julia (2011) Effects of liming on nitrogen mineralisation of nutrient-poor forest soils (D)

MOENICKES, Max (2011) Dendrochronologische Untersuchungen an Nothofagus betuloides in Südpatagonien (Chile) (D)

RUPRECHT, Denise (2011) Year-round grazing projects in German wetlands (D)

SCHILD, Susanne (2011) Rewettet bogs: seedbanks and dispersal potential of indicator species (D)

VELBERT, Frederike (2011) Monitoring of wet forests near the brown coal open-cast mining Garzweiler (D)


LENZE, Sarah (2010) Saisonal changes in the chemical composition of grassland biomass (D)

PESCHEL, Anja (2010) Indicator plants for local conditions of bogs with special regard to assessment of restoration success in Germany (D)

SCHWARZ, Cinja (2010) Prediction of compositional features of grassland vegetation with near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) (D)

VOGT, Vera (2010) Habitat use of the Lapwing in an agricultural landscape of the upper Lippe valley (D)

WELCHERING, Liselotte (2010) Evaluation of grassland development along a gas pipeline(D)


BRINKERT, Annika (2009) Evaluation of the restoration of spoil heaps (D)

GOERKE, Manuel (2009) Restoration of bogs in NW Germany (D)

HAMMES, Verena (2009) Forest development in Germany and the effects on native woodpeckers (D)

KRIEGER, Annemarie (2009) Distribution of halophilous Cochlearia danica along highways in western Germany [abstract (E) pdf 674 KB]

REMKE, Philipp (2009) Prediction of the functional composition of grassland canopies using near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) (D) [abstract (E) pdf 31 KB]

ROSINSKI, Eva (2009) Floristic changes of restored flood meadows (D) [abstract (E) pdf 16 KB]

TILLMANN, Claudia (2009) Fen restoration in Germany