Dr. Jenny Schmidt

Research Group
Applied Landscape Ecology and
Ecological Planning

Institute of Landscape Ecology
Heisenbergstraße 2, 48149 Münster

  • Curriculum vitae


    Research assistant at the Institute of Landscape Ecology, Working Group "Applied Landscape Ecology and Ecological Planning", WWU Münster


    Graduation (Dr. phil.) in Landscape Ecology, University of Münster, Institut of Landscape Ecology.

    "Green infrastructure – creating habitats with agirculture"

    2013-2016 PhD candidate, Department of Environmental Politics, UFZ and the Working Group "Applied Landscape Ecology and Ecological Planning", WWU Münster
    2008-2012 Arvato direct services GmbH, Muenster, customer service, coaching and quality management
    2003-2004, 2005-2006 Research in South Africa
    2000-2012 Studies of landscape ecology, political science and social geography at the University of Muenster
  • Teaching

    Wise 2017/18

    • M 7: Method seminar: human-environmental systems

    SoSe 2017

    WiSe 2016/17

    • B 11: general studies (project management and good scientific practice)
    • M 7: human-environmental systems
    • supervizing Bachelor and Master theses
  • Research / Fields of interest

    •     Green infrastructure, biodiversity in agricultural landscapes, environmental planning
    •     Land-use conflicts and participatory methods
    •     European and German environmental and agricultural politics
    •     Science communication, transfer and ethics
  • Research projects

    Past projects

    • European Conservation for the 21st century (BiodivERsA): WP 6: Socio-political scenarios for the local implementation of landscape conservation
    • In our sub-project „Green Infrastructure – creating habitats with agriculture“ we study implementation options of the EU-strategy for Green Infrastructure. We cooperate with local land-users and regional stakeholders and conduct a policy analysis.
  • Memberships

  • Publications

    • Oppermann, R., Sutcliffe, L.M.E., Arndt, J., Gottwald, F., Jedicke, E., Keelan, S., Kretzschmar, C., Meyerhoff, E., Metzner, J., Ochsner, S., Pfeffer, H., Schmidt, J., Stein-Bachinger, K., Wiersbinski, N., 2018. Naturwertfördernde Maßnahmen und Natur-Agrar-Beratung - fünf Anforderungen. Natur und Landschaft 120–124. doi.org/10.17433/3.2018.50153559.120-124
    • Zinngrebe, Y., Pe’er, G., Schueler, S., Schmitt, J., Schmidt, J., Lakner, S., 2017. The EU’s ecological focus areas – How experts explain farmers’ choices in Germany. Land Use Policy 65, 93–108. doi.org/10.1016/j.landusepol.2017.03.027
    • Schmidt, J. & Hauck, J. (2017): Implementing green infrastructure policy in agricultural landscapes—scenarios for Saxony-Anhalt, Germany. Reg Environ Change. doi: 10.1007/s10113-017-1241-2
    • Pe’er,G.; Zinngrebe,Y.; Hauck, J.; Schindler, S.; Dittrich, A.; Zingg, S.; Tscharntke, T.; Oppermann, R.; Sutcliffe, S.; Sirami, C.; Schmidt, J.; Hoyer, C.; Schleyer, C; Lakner, S. (2016): Adding some green to the greening: improving the EU’s Ecological Focus Areas for biodiversity and farmers. Conservation Letters, doi: 10.1111/conl.12333
    • Hauck, J.; Schmidt, J. & Werner, A. (2016): Using social network analysis to identify key stakeholders in agricultural biodiversity governance and related land-use decisions at regional and local level. Ecology and Society 21 (2), 49. DOI: 10.5751/ES-08596-210249
    • Schröter-Schlaack, C. & Schmidt, J. (2015): Ökosystemleistungen grüner Infrastrukturen. RaumPlanung 180, 16-21.
    • Pe'er, G., L. V. Dicks, P. Visconti, R. Arlettaz, A. Báldi, T. G. Benton, S. Collins, M. Dieterich, R. D. Gregory, F. Hartig, K. Henle, P. R. Hobson, D. Kleijn, R. K. Neumann, T. Robijns, J. Schmidt, A. Shwartz, W. J. Sutherland, A. Turbé, F. Wulf, A. V. Scott (2014): EU agricultural reform fails on biodiversity. Science 6 June 2014: 344 (6188), 1090-1092. [DOI:10.1126/science.1253425]
    • Hauck, J.; Schweppe-Kraft, B.; Albert, C.; Görg, C.; Jax, K.; Jensen, R.; Fürst, C.; Maes, J.; Ring, I.; Hönigová, I.; Burkhard, B.; Mehring, M.; Tiefenbach, M.; Grunewald, K.; Schwarzer, M.; Meurer, J.; Sommerhäuser, M.; Priess, J.A.; Schmidt, J. & Grêt-Regamey, A. (2013): The Promise of the Ecosystem Services Concept for Planning and Decision-Making. GAIA – Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society 22 (4), 232-236.
    • Schmidt, J.A. & Buttschardt, T.K. (2011): Addressing the information needs of small-scale rooibos farmers in rural South Africa can help to combat desertification and improve livelihoods. In: Runge, J. & Becker, E. (Ed.): Afrika 2010 – Natürliche Ressourcen und nachhaltige(?) Entwicklung. Jahrestagung der Afrikagruppe deutscher Geowissenschaftler (AdG) 2010 in Frankfurt. Zentralblatt für Geologie und Paläontologie, 1, 2009 (1/2).