Dr. Kai SchreiberInstitute of Psychology Westfälische Wilhelms University Münster Fliednerstraße 21 D-48149 Münster Phone: +49 (0)251/83-34171 Fax: +49 (0)251/83-34173 Mail: kschr_02@uni-muenster.de → Website |
Research Areas
I'm interested in the interaction of perception and action. I study how eye movements influence the perception of space, how the construction of a 3d representation of a visual scene is influenced by changes in eye position, and how the brain implements optimal strategies to coordinate the active exploration of space and the extraction of binocular visual information. The methods I use include behavioral experiments, psychophysics, mathematical modeling and brain imaging using fMRI.
Selected Publications
G Blohm, AZ Khan, L Ren, KM Schreiber, JD Crawford (2008)Depth estimation from retinal disparity requires eye and head orientation signals. Journal of Vision, 8(15):3, 1-23.
KM Schreiber, JM Hillis, HR Filippini, CM Schor and MS Banks (2007)The Surface of the Empirical Horopter. Journal of Vision, 8(3):7, 1-20.
KM Schreiber, DB Tweed and CM Schor (2007)A Virtual Ophthalmotrope Illustrating Oculomotor Coordinate Systems and Retinal Projection Geometry. Journal of Vision, 7(10):1-14.
KM Schreiber, DB Tweed and CM Schor (2006). The Extended Horopter: Quantifying Retinal Correspondence Across Changes of 3D Eye Position. Journal of Vision, 6(1):64-74.
KM Schreiber and T Haslwanter (2004). A New Calibration Method for 3-D Video Oculography. IEEE Transactions in Biomedical Engineering, 51(4):676-9.
KM Schreiber and DB Tweed (2003). Influence of Eye Position On Stereo MatchingStrabismus 11(1):9-16.
KM Schreiber, JD Crawford, M Fetter and DB Tweed (2001). The Motor Side of Depth VisionNature 410(6380):819-22.
Academic CV
1999 | Philosophikum, Eberhard-Karls-Universität, Tübingen, Germany |
1999 | Diploma in Physics, Eberhard-Karls-Universität, Tübingen, Germany. |
2003 | PhD in Physiology / Program in Neuroscience, University of Toronto, Canada |
2003–2007 | Postdoctoral Fellow, School of Optometry, University of California at Berkeley, USA |
2007-2010 | Assistant Instructor, Rutgers University Newark, USA |
2010 - | Akademischer Rat, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Germany. |
Funding and Awards
2000-2002 | PhD Fellowship, DAAD - German Academic Exchange Program, Germany. |
2002 | Brain-Star Award, Canadian Institutes for Health Research, Canada. |
2003-2005 | Postdoctoral Emmy-Noether-Fellowship, German Research Council, Germany. |