Dr. Julia KürtenFormer Affiliation: |
Research Areas
- Brain plasticity and learning
- Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS)
- Genetic basis of cognitive functions
- Interaction of emotion and cognition
Selected Publications
List J, Albers J, Kürten J, Schwindt A, Wilbers E & Flöel A. (2012) Reperfusion does not improve impaired rapid-onset cortical plasticity in patients with severe stenosis of the internal carotid artery. PLoS One,7(7), e41004. Epub 2012 Jul 23.
Witte AV, Kürten J, Jansen S, Schirmacher A, Brand E, Sommer J & Flöel A. (2012) Interaction of BDNF and COMT polymorphisms on paired-associative stimulation-induced cortical plasticity. Journal of Neuroscience, 32(13), 4553-61.
List J, Duning T, Kürten J, Deppe M, Wilbers E & Flöel A. (2012) Cortical plasticity is preserved in nondemented older individuals with severe ischemic small vessel disease. Human Brain Mapping, doi: 10.1002/hbm.22003. [Epub ahead of printt]
Flöel A, Suttorp W, Kohl O, Kürten J, Lohmann H, Breitenstein C & Knecht S. (2012) Non-invasive brain stimulation improves object-location learning in the elderly. Neurobiology of Aging, 33(8), 1682-9.
List J, Duning T, Meinzer M, Kürten J, Schirmacher A, Deppe M, Evers S, Young P & Flöel A. (2011) Enhanced rapid-onset cortical plasticity in CADASIL as a possible mechanism of preserved cognition. Cerebral Cortex, 21(12), 2774-87.
Kürten J, De Vries MH, Kowal K, Zwitserlood P & Flöel A. (2012) Age affects chunk-based, but not rule-based learning in artificial grammar acquisition. Neurobiology of Aging, 33(7), 1311-7.
Academic CV
2012 | Postdoc position with Prof Dr. T. Straube, Institute of Medical Psychology and Systems Neuroscience, Medical Department, University of Muenster |
2010-2012 | Neuropsychologist at the Dianaklinik, Bad Bevensen |
2011 | Dr. rer. medic., Medical Department (Neurology), University of Muenster, Supervisor: Prof. Dr. A. Flöel |
2007 | Diploma in Psychology, University of Bielefeld |