Dr. Jörg Lesting

Institute of Physiology I (Neurophysiology)
Robert-Koch-Str. 27a
D-48149 Münster

Phone: +49 (0)251 / 83 – 55561
Fax: + 49 (0)251 / 83 – 55551
Email: lesting@uni-muenster.de

Research Areas

1. Influence of early life stress on anxiety-like behavior
2. The role of synchronized neuronal activity for the organization of fear memory and extinction


Figure: Schematic representation of principle methods. Shown are field potential activities in the tripartite circuit  prefrontal cortex (PFC)-hippocampus (CA1)-amygdala (LA) during fear memory retrieval 24 hours after auditory fear conditioning in mice, respective wavelet spectrograms, cross correlation analyses and extracellular unit waveform sorting during confrontation with the conditioned stimulus.

Selected Publications

H.-C. Pape, K. Jüngling, T. Seidenbecher, J. Lesting & R.K. Reinscheid (2010). Neuropeptide S: A transmitter system in the brain regulating fear and anxiety. Neuropharmacol. 58: 29-34

S. Graebenitz, J. Lesting, L. Sosulina, T. Seidenbecher & H.-C. Pape (2010). Alteration of NMDA receptor-mediated synaptic interactions in the lateral amygdala associated with seizure activity in a mouse model of chronic temporal lobe epilepsy. Epilepsia, in press.

J. Lesting, M. Geiger, R.T. Narayanan, H.-C. Pape & T. Seidenbecher (2010). Impaired extinction of fear and maintained amygdala-hippocampal theta synchrony in a mouse model of temporal lobe epilepsy. Epilepsia. 2010 Nov 3. doi: 10.1111/j.1528-1167

K Jüngling, T Seidenbecher, L Sosulina, J Lesting, S Sangha, S Clark, N Okamura, D Duangdao, Y-L Xu, R Reinscheid and H-C Pape (2008). Neuropeptide S-mediated control of fear expression and extinction: role of intercalated GABAergic neurons in the amygdala. Neuron 59: 293-310.

J Lesting, J Neddens, G Teuchert-Noodt (2005). Ontogeny of the dopamine innervation in the nucleus accumbens of gerbils. Brain Res. Vol. 1066 (1-2): 16-23.

Academic CV

1991-1993 Vocational education as biological-technical-assistant (BTA) in Osnabrück
1993-2001 Study of Biology at the University of Bielefeld (Dipl.-Biol.)
2001-2005 Dr. rer. nat. at the University of Bielefeld
Thesis title: „Adaptive Reifung von Dopamin und Serotonin im Nucleus accumbens, der integrativen Schnittebene zwischen Emotion und Bewegung: Isolationsaufzucht und Methamphetamin-Intoxikation als Induktoren einer gestörten Reifung bei Meriones unguiculatus.“
Since 2006 Postdoctoral research associate at the Instiute of Physiology I (Neurophysiology, Prof. Dr. Hans-Christian Pape), Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster