Research Areas
Reproducibility and replicability in cognitive neuroscience and psychology
Functional role of alpha oscillations
Neural dynamics of resting-state EEG and its link to cognition
Selected Publications
Cesnaite, Steinfath, Jamshidi Idaji, Stephani, Haufe, Sander, Hensch, Hegerl, Riedel-Heller, Witte, Schroeter, Villringer, Nikulin (2022). Age-Related Alterations in Alpha-Peak Parameters, 1/f Neuronal Noise and Their Relation to Cognition. Under revision
Kumral*, Cesnaite*, Beyer, Hofmann, Hensch, Sander, Hegerl, Haufe, Villringer, Witte, Nikulin (2022). Relationship between Regional White Matter Hyperintensities and Alpha Oscillations in Older Adults. Neurobiology of Aging.
Mahjoory*, Cesnaite*, Hohlefeld, Villringer, Nikulin (2018). Power and temporal dynamics of alpha oscillations at rest differentiate cognitive performance involving sustained and phasic cognitive control. NeuroImage.
Zsido, Molloy, Cesnaite, Zheleva, Regenthal, Villringer, Nikulin, Sacher (2022). One-week escitalopram intake alters the excitation–inhibition balance in the healthy female brain. Human Brain Mapping.
*Equal contribution
Academic CV
Since 2023 | Postdoctoral Researcher at the Institute of Psychology at the University of Münster |
20017-2022 | PhD candidate at the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany (thesis submitted) |
2015-2016 | Research assistant: Behavioral Neurology Research Unit, University Clinics, Tampere, Finland |
2013-2016 | Master of Science in Cognitive Science, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria |
2008-2013 | Bachelor of Science in Psychology, Mykolas Romeris University, Vilnius, Lithuania |