Research Areas

  • Neurophysiology
  •  EEG and MEG
  •  MEG-fMRI integration
  •  Event-related transient and steady state potentials and fields
  •  Functional organization and reorganization of cortical structures
  •  Induced brain activity and oscillatory brain dynamics
  •  Perception of spectral and virtual pitch
  •  Time processsing in the central auditory system
  •  Neurophysiological basics of music
  •  Cortical plasticity and music
  •  Multimodal cortical plasticity
  •  Auditory attention and auditory learning
  •   Tinnitus


Selected publications

Pantev C, Dinnesen A, Ross B, Wollbrink A, Knief A (2006) Dynamics of auditory plasticity after cochlear implantation: a longitudinal study. Cereb Cortex 16: 31-36.

Elbert T, SterrA, Rockstroh B, Pantev C, Müller MM, Taub E (2002) Expansion of the tonotopic area in the auditory cortex of the blind. J. of Neuroscience 22 (22): 9941-9944

Ross B, Herdman AT, Pantev C (2005) Right hemispheric laterality of human 40 Hz auditory steady-state responses. Cereb Cortex 2005a; 15: 2029-39.

Pantev C, Okamoto H, Ross B, Stoll W, Giurlia-Guy E, Kakigi R, Kubo T (2003) Lateral inhibition and habituation of the human auditory cortex. Euro J Neuroscience, 19: 2337-2344.

Fujioka T, Trainor LJ, Ross B, Kakigi R, Pantev C (2005) Automatic encoding of polyphonic melodies in musicians and nonmusicians. J Cogn Neurosci 17: 1578-1592.


Academic CV

Undergraduate Electronics and Computers, Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria (1967-1969)
Institute for Bionics and Biocybernetics, Technical University Ilmenau, Germany (1969-70)
Institute for Physiology and Biocybernetics, University of Leipzig, Germany (1971)
Masters Institute for Bionics and Biocybernetics, Technical University Ilmenau, Germany (1972), Bionics and Biocybernetics
Doctorate Institute for Bionics and Biocybernetics, Technical University Ilmenau, Germany (1973-1976), Ph.D., Bionics and Biocybernetics
Habilitation University of Münster, Faculty of Medicine, Venia legendi: Biomagnetism and Biosignal Analysis