Research areas
I have two main areas of research:
Phase transformations in minerals (including displacive transformations, order-disorder transformations, and exsolution), with particular reference to the evolution of the microstructure, as studied by transmission electron microscopy (see ICEM) as well as the characterization of structural changes by diffraction and spectroscopic methods. Computational methods and statistical thermodynamic modelling are being used to determine the thermodynamic properties of solid solutions with different degrees of short and long range order.
Mineral Surface Science, which broadly covers the fields of crystal growth and dissolution processes and the role of organic and inorganic additives. We have two atomic force microscopes equiped to study these processes in situ in fluid cells, as well as carrying out macroscopic growth and dissolution experiments.
These two areas (the first, essentially ‘solid state’, the second, essentially mineral-fluid interaction) come together in the more general question of how minerals equilibrate in the presence of a fluid phase. Specifically, we are interested in the relative roles of volume diffusion and coupled dissolution-reprecipitation processes in mineral replacement.
I am a participant in four FP7 Marie Curie Initial Training Network (ITN) projects of the European Union:
Mineral Scale formation - from the nano to the field scale (MINSC). MINSC addresses the current and future challenges of mineral scale formation. The research themes of MINSC relate to the mechanisms of nucleation, growth and inhibition of mineral scale formation through experimental and field projects. Scale formation is a common and costly phenomenon in many industrial processes that deal with water or other fluid handling systems (i.e., wells, heat exchangers, tanks and delivery lines, etc.), where mineral precipitation in pipes, on equipment or as fracture filling has a detrimental effect on process efficiency, cost and lifetime of processing technologies. Scale formation is encountered in a large number of industries including paper-making, chemical manufacturing, cement operations, food processing, as well as non-renewable, (i.e., oil and gas) and renewable (i.e., geothermal) energy production. To learn more about MINSC see
Flow in Transforming Porous Media (FlowTrans). The characterization and the understanding of flow of fluids within rocks and granular media has become an ever-increasing problem in Earth Sciences, Physics, and in many industrial
applications, including CO2 sequestration, hydrocarbon migration, ore deposit development, and radioactive waste disposal. One of the main problems is the understanding of flows in transforming porous media (PM), where the rocks and fluid pathways evolve spatially and temporally, for example due to chemical interactions with the flow, or due to compaction of the solid matrix. The dynamic feedbacks between flow, destruction of permeability due to compaction or local precipitation, and creation of permeability due to dissolution, chemical reaction or fracturing, makes understanding of such complex systems a challenge. Such feedbacks between flow of fluids and PM in which they are flowing, are important in both relatively slowly deforming PM such as in naturally evolving reservoirs, and in rapidly evolving PM such as fluid-filled fault zones or soils experiencing earthquakes, rapidly flowing grain-fluid mixtures in debris flows, or industrial processes in petroleum production such as pyrolysis or hydrofracking. We propose to study the feedback mechanisms and their impact on the porous media through an interdisciplinary approach between Earth Scientists and Physicists. State of the art analytical and experimental methods will be used on natural systems and rock analogues, and will be complemented by multi-scale dynamical simulations, to develop new basic understanding and new
methods that can be directly used in industrial applications.
The fate and consequences of CO2 injection into the subsurface (CO2-REACT). The injection of CO2 into the subsurface leads to mineral-fluid reactions, including dissolution, adsorption, nucleation, precipitation, and solid-solution formation: This network will provide training through research in these areas related to optimizing CO2 storage efforts in the subsurface. Mineral-fluid
reactions are also central to a large number of other societal issues including assuring drinking water quality, safe storage of radioactive waste products, and minimizing pollutant transport. The ability to accurately predict reactions in these systems is of utmost importance for municipalities and for industry
in Europe today, but it relies on a detailed description of mineral-fluid reactions. The motivation for focusing CO2-REACT on fluid-rock reactions is that the most important chemical reactions in nature take place at these interfaces. These reactions control the composition of both the solid and the fluid. They define the quality of the natural environment and they determine processes of importance to industry and society in general. In the past, it has been impossible to study solid-fluid interfaces, which are only a few molecules thick, but new, state-of-the-art techniques now allow direct,
in-situ and time resolved observation of reactions at the atomic scale. When coupled with traditional, macroscopic observations, these powerful techniques allow access to a previously inaccessible world.
Mechanisms of Mineral Replacement Reactions Initial Training Network (Delta-MIN). The research themes of Delta-MIN relate to the mechanisms of mineral reequilibration (phase transformation) in the presence of a fluid phase and will be investigated in a wide range of minerals and rocks, under a range of chemical and physical conditions, using both natural and experimental samples. The principles of interface-coupled dissolution-reprecipitation will be applied to investigate the mechanisms of processes important in earth sciences and in industry, including metasomatic reactions in rocks, chemical weathering, mechanisms in CO2 sequestration, the aqueous durability of nuclear waste materials, remediation of contaminated water by mineral reaction, and the preservation of stone-based cultural heritage. The research methods bring together a range of complementary expertise, from field-related studies to nano-scale investigations of reaction interfaces using state-of-the-art high resolution analytical methods. The application of fundamental principles of mineral reequilibration to a wide range of applications, together with industrial involvement at all levels will ensure that the project provides a strong platform for training. For further information see:
- Baumaterial der Erde
- Angewandte Geowissenschaften
- Gesteine, Minerale, Fluide
- Intrakristalline Prozesse in Mineralen (I+II)
- Kristallchemie gesteinsbildender Minerale
- Übungen zu Gesteinsbildende Minerale
- Mineralogie
- Analytische Methoden
Academic Education
- PhD., University of Cambridge, England
- Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Geology, University of London, Birkbeck College
- Diploma in Education, University of Newcastle, Australia
- Bachelor of Science in Physics, University of Newcastle, NSW, Australia
- Professor of pure and applied Mineralogy, University of Münster
- Churchill College Cambridge, Admissions and senior tutor
- Lecturer, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Cambridge
- Senior research associate, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Cambridge
- Postdoctoral research fellow, Depatment of Mineralogy and Petrology, University of Cambridge
- Physics teacher, London
- Physics teacher, Sydney Australia
- Roebling Medal – Mineralogical Society of America
- Robert Wilhelm Bunsen Medal – European Geosciences Union (EGU)
- Abraham-Gottlob-Werner-Medaille in Silber (silver) – Deutsche Mineralogische Gesellschaft
External Functions
- Member of the European Geochemical Society
- Member of the German Mineralogical Society (DMG)
- Member of the Mineralogical Society of Great Britain
- Member of the American Mineralogical society
- CO2-React – CO2-React - Geological Carbon Storage ( – )
EU-Project Hosted outside the University of Münster: EC FP 7 - Marie Curie Actions - Initial Training Networks | Project Number: PITN-GA-2012-317235 - FlowTrans – Flow in Transforming Porous Media ( – )
EU-Project Hosted outside the University of Münster: EC FP 7 - Marie Curie Actions - Initial Training Networks | Project Number: PITN-GA-2012-316889 - MINSC – Mineral Scale formation: from the atomic to the field scale ( – )
EU-Project Hosted outside the University of Münster: EC FP 7 - Marie Curie Actions - Initial Training Networks | Project Number: PITN-GA-2011-290040 - CO2 sequestration in peridotites - experimental carbonation of olivine and pyroxene ( – )
Individual Granted Project: DFG - Individual Grants Programme | Project Number: 584265 - Investigation of inclusions in 3.0-4.4 Gyr old zircon from the Mt. Narryer terrane, Western Australia ( – )
Individual Granted Project: DFG - Individual Grants Programme | Project Number: 561612 - NMOC – Novel Nanomagnetic Oxide Composites: Giant-exchange-bias storage devices ( – )
Individual Granted Project: NRW.Bank - DELTA-MIN – Mechanisms of Mineral Replacement Reactions ( – )
EU-Project Hosted at University the of Münster: EC FP 7 - Marie Curie Actions - Initial Training Networks | Project Number: PITN-GA-2008-215360 - High resolution transmission electron microscopy and analytical study of ilmenite weathering and oxidation ( – )
Individual Granted Project: DFG - Individual Grants Programme | Project Number: PU 153/14-2 - Surface energy and strain effects on calcite dissolution ( – )
Individual Granted Project: DFG - Individual Grants Programme | Project Number: PU 153/15-1 - Mercator Gastprofessur für Prof. Dr. A. Nemchin ( – )
Individual Granted Project: DFG - Mercator Visiting Professorship | Project Number: INST 211/559-1 - Hydrothermal alteration of pyrochlore and associated minerals of an alkali pegmatite from Zomba-Malosa (Malawi): A record of pyrochlore-fluid re-equilibration ( – )
Individual Granted Project: DFG - Individual Grants Programme | Project Number: 545658 - MIN-GRO – Mineal Nucleation and Growth Kinetics: Generating a general, fundemental model by integrating atomic, macro- and field-scale investigations ( – )
EU-Project Hosted outside the University of Münster: EC FP 6 - Marie Curie Actions - Research Training Networks | Project Number: 35488 - CELLNANOTOX – Cellular Interaction and Toxicology with Engineered Nanoparticles ( – )
EU-Project Hosted outside the University of Münster: EC FP 6 - Specific Targeted Research Projects | Project Number: 32731 - MIR – Mineral-Fluid Interface Reactivity ( – )
EU-Project Hosted outside the University of Münster: EC FP 6 - Marie Curie Actions - Early-stage Training | Project Number: 21120 - High resolution transmission electron microscopy and analytical study of ilmenite weathering and oxidation ( – )
Individual Granted Project: DFG - Individual Grants Programme | Project Number: PU 153/14-1 - SPP 1117 - Teilprojekt: Untersuchungen zur Mineralisation von CaCO3 in nach biologischem Vorbild künstlich funktionalisierten Hydrogelmatrices ( – )
Subproject in DFG-Joint Project Hosted outside the University of Münster: DFG - Priority Programme | Project Number: PU 153/6-3 - Thermodynamics of mixing and ordering in solid solutions with coupled substitutions: A computer simulation approach ( – )
Individual Granted Project: DFG - Individual Grants Programme - SALTCONTROL – Prevention of salt damage to the built cultural heritage by the use of crystallisation inhibitors ( – )
EU-Project Hosted outside the University of Münster: EC FP 6 - Specific Targeted Research Projects | Project Number: 501571
- CO2-React – CO2-React - Geological Carbon Storage ( – )
- Moore, J., Beinlich, A., Porter, JK., Talavera, C., Berndt, J., Piazolo, A., & Putnis, A. (). Microstructurally controlled trace element (Zr, U-Pb) concentrations in metamorphic rutile: An example from the amphibolites of the Bergen Arcs. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 38, 103–127.
- Moore, J., Beinlich, A., Austrheim, H., & Putnis, A. (). Stress orientation-dependent reactions during metamorphism. Geology, 47, 151–154. doi: 10.1130/G45632.1.
- Prent, A., Beinlich, A., Morrissey, LJ., Raimondo, T., Clark, C., & Putnis, A. (). Monazite as a monitor of melt-rock interaction during cooling and exhumation. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 37, 415–438.
- Hidalgo, T., Kuhar, L., Beinlich, A., & Putnis, A. (). Kinetics and mineralogical analysis of copper dissolution from a bornite/chalcopyrite composite sample in ferric chloride and methanesulphonic-acid solutions. Hydrometallurgy, 188, 140–156.
- Centrella, S., Putnis, A., Lanari, P., & Austrheim, H. (). Textural and chemical evolution of pyroxene during hydration and deformation: A consequence of retrograde metamorphism. Lithos, 296, 245–264. doi: 10.1016/j.lithos.2017.11.002.
- Zhai, H., Wang, L., Qin, L., Zhang, W., Putnis, CV., & Putnis, A. (). Direct Observation of Simultaneous Immobilization of Cadmium and Arsenate at the Brushite-Fluid Interface. Environmental Science and Technology, 52 (6), 3493–3502. doi: 10.1021/acs.est.7b06479.
- Beinlich, A., Austrheim, H., Mavromatis, V., Grguric, B., Putnis, C., & Putnis, A. (). Peridotite weathering is the missing ingredient of Earth's continental crust composition. Nature Communications, 9 (1). doi: 10.1038/s41467-018-03039-9.
- Scicchitano, MR., Rubatto, D., Hermann, J., Majumdar, AS., & Putnis, A. (). Oxygen isotope analysis of olivine by ion microprobe: Matrix effects and applications to a serpentinised dunite. Chemical Geology, 499, 126–137.
- Hidalgo, T., Kuhar, L., Beinlich, A., & Putnis, A. (). Kinetic study of chalcopyrite dissolution with iron (III) chloride in methanesulfonic acid. Minerals Engineering, 125, 66–74.
- Wang, L., Putnis, CV., Hövelmann, J., & Putnis, A. (). Interfacial precipitation of phosphate on hematite and goethite. Minerals, 8, 207–219. doi: 10.3390/min8050207.
- King, HE., Plümper, O., Putnis, CV., O’Neill, HStC., Klemme, S., & Putnis, A. (). Mineral Surface Rearrangement at High Temperatures: Implications for Extraterrestrial Mineral Grain Reactivity. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, 2017. doi: 10.1021/acsearthspacechem.6b00016.
- Pedrosa, E., Boeck, L., Putnis, C., & Putnis, A. (). The replacement of a carbonate rock by fluorite: Kinetics and microstructure. American Mineralogist, 102 (1), 126–134. doi: 10.2138/am-2017-5725.
- Wang, L., Putnis, CV., King, HE., Hoevelmann, J., Ruiz-Agudo, E., & Putnis, A. (). Imaging Organophosphate and Pyrophosphate Sequestration on Brucite by in Situ Atomic Force Microscopy. Environmental Science and Technology, 51 (1), 328–336. doi: 10.1021/acs.est.6b05456.
- Spruzeniece, L., Piazolo, S., Daczko, NR., Kilburn, MR., & Putnis, A. (). Symplectite formation in the presence of a reactive fluid: insights from hydrothermal experiments. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 35 (3), 281–299. doi: 10.1111/jmg.12231.
- Wu, S., Yu, M., Li, M., Wang, L., Putnis, CV., & Putnis, A. (). In Situ Atomic Force Microscopy Imaging of Octacalcium Phosphate Crystallization and Its Modulation by Amelogenin's C-Terminus. Crystal Growth and Design, 17 (4), 2194–2202. doi: 10.1021/acs.cgd.7b00129.
- Qin, L., Wang, L., Putnis, CV., & Putnis, A. (). Halide-Dependent Dissolution of Dicalcium Phosphate Dihydrate and Its Modulation by an Organic Ligand. Crystal Growth and Design, 17 (7), 3868–3876. doi: 10.1021/acs.cgd.7b00488.
- Putnis, A., Jamtveit, B., & Austrheim, H. (). Metamorphic Processes and Seismicity: the Bergen Arcs as a Natural Laboratory. Journal of Petrology, 58 (10), 1871–1897. doi: 10.1093/petrology/egx076.
- Majumdar, A., Hövelmann, J., Vollmer, C., Berndt, J., Mondal, S., & Putnis, A. (). Formation of mg-rich olivine pseudomorphs in serpentinized dunite from the Mesoarchean Nuasahi Massif, Eastern India: Insights into the evolution of fluid composition at the mineral-fluid interface. Journal of Petrology, 57 (1), 3–26. doi: 10.1093/petrology/egv070.
- Majumdar, A., Hövelmann, J., Vollmer, C., Berndt, J., Mondal, S., & Putnis, A. (). Formation of Mg-rich Olivine Pseudomorphs in Serpentinized Dunite from the Mesoarchean Nuasahi Massif, Eastern India: Insights into the Evolution of Fluid Composition at the Mineral–Fluid Interface. Journal of Petrology, 57 (1), 3–26.
- Wang, L., Qin, L., Putnis, C., Ruiz-Agudo, E., King, H., & Putnis, A. (). Visualizing Organophosphate Precipitation at the Calcite-Water Interface by in Situ Atomic-Force Microscopy. Environmental Science and Technology, 50 (1), 259–268. doi: 10.1021/acs.est.5b05214.
- Pedrosa, E., Putnis, C., & Putnis, A. (). The pseudomorphic replacement of marble by apatite: The role of fluid composition. Chemical Geology, 425 (null), 1–11. doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2016.01.022.
- Jamtveit, B., Austrheim, H., & Putnis, A. (). Disequilibrium metamorphism of stressed lithosphere. Earth-Science Reviews, 154, 1–13. doi: 10.1016/j.earscirev.2015.12.002.
- Majumdar, AS., Hoevelmann, J., Mondal, SK., & Putnis, A. (). The role of reacting solution and temperature on compositional evolution during harzburgite alteration: Constraints from the Mesoarchean Nuasahi Massif (eastern India). Lithos, 256, 228–242. doi: 10.1016/j.lithos.2016.04.016.
- Ruiz-Agudo, E., King, HE., Patino-Lopez, LD., Putnis, CV., Geisler, T., Rodriguez-Navarro, C., & Putnis, A. (). Control of silicate weathering by interface-coupled dissolution-precipitation processes at the mineral-solution interface. Geology, 44 (7), 567–570. doi: 10.1130/G37856.1.
- Centrella, S., Austrheim, H., & Putnis, A. (). Mass transfer and trace element redistribution during hydration of granulites in the Bergen Arcs, Norway. Lithos, 262, 1–10. doi: 10.1016/j.lithos.2016.06.019.
- Ruiz-Agudo, C., Ruiz-Agudo, E., Putnis, C., & Putnis, A. (). Mechanistic Principles of Barite Formation: From Nanoparticles to Micron-Sized Crystals. Crystal Growth and Design, 15 (8), 3724–3733. doi: 10.1021/acs.cgd.5b00315.
- Wang, L., Putnis, C., Ruiz-Agudo, E., Hövelmann, J., & Putnis, A. (). In situ imaging of interfacial precipitation of phosphate on goethite. Environmental Science and Technology, 49 (7), 4184–4192. doi: 10.1021/acs.est.5b00312.
- Ruiz-Agudo, E., Putnis, C., Hövelmann, J., Álvarez-Lloret, P., Ibáñez-Velasco, A., & Putnis, A. (). Experimental study of the replacement of calcite by calcium sulphates. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 156 (null), 75–93. doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2015.02.012.
- Centrella, S., Austrheim, H., & Putnis, A. (). Coupled mass transfer through a fluid phase and volume preservation during the hydration of granulite: An example from the Bergen Arcs, Norway. Lithos, null (null), 245–255. doi: 10.1016/j.lithos.2015.09.010.
- Kusebauch, C., John, T., Whitehouse, M.J., Klemme, S., & Putnis, A. (). Distribution of Halogens between Fluid and Apatite during fluid-mediated replacement processes. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 170, 225–246. doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2015.08.023.
Research Articles (Journals)
- Putnis, A. (). Why mineral interfaces matter. Science, 343 (6178), 1441–1442. doi: 10.1126/science.1250884.
- Jonas, L., John, T., King, H.E., Geisler, T., & Putnis, A. (). The role of grain boundaries and transient porosity in rocks as fluid pathways for reaction front propagation. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 386 (null), 64–74. doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2013.10.050.
- King, H.E., Satoh, H., Tsukamoto, K., & Putnis, A. (). Surface-specific measurements of olivine dissolution by phase-shift interferometry. American Mineralogist, 99 (null), 377–386. doi: 10.1515/am.2014.4606.
- Dunkel, K.G., & Putnis, A. (). Replacement and ion exchange reactions of scolecite in a high pH aqueous solution. European Journal of Mineralogy, 26 (1), 61–69. doi: 10.1127/0935-1221/2013/0025-2346.
- Majumdar, A.S., King, H.E., John, T., Kusebauch, C., & Putnis, A. (). Pseudomorphic replacement of diopside during interaction with (Ni,Mg)Cl2 aqueous solutions: Implications for the Ni-enrichment mechanism in talc- and serpentine-type phases. Chemical Geology, 380 (null), 27–40. doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2014.04.016.
- Di Tommaso, D., Ruiz-Agudo, E., De Leeuw, N.H., Putnis, A., & Putnis, C.V. (). Modelling the effects of salt solutions on the hydration of calcium ions. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 16 (17), 7772–7785. doi: 10.1039/c3cp54923b.
- Ruiz-Agudo, C., Putnis, C. V., & Putnis, A. (). The effect of a copolymer inhibitor on barite precipitation. Mineralogical Magazine, 78. doi: 10.1180/minmag.2014.078.6.09.
- Ruiz-Agudo, C., Putnis, C. V., Ruiz-Agudo, E., & Putnis, A. (). The influence of pH on barite nucleation and growth. Chemical Geology, 000.
- Mukai, H., Austrheim, H., Putnis, C.V., & Putnis, A. (). Textural evolution of plagioclase feldspar across a shear zone: Implications for deformation mechanism and rock strength. Journal of Petrology, 55 (8), 1457–1477. doi: 10.1093/petrology/egu030.
- Bast, R., Scherer, EE., Mezger, K., Austrheim, H., Ludwig, T., Marschall, HR., Putnis, A., & Löwen, K. (). Boron isotopes in tourmaline as a tracer of metasomatic processes in the Bamble sector of Southern Norway. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 168. doi: 10.1007/s00410-014-1069-4.
Review (Journals)
- Ruiz-Agudo, E., Putnis, C.V., & Putnis, A. (). Coupled dissolution and precipitation at mineral-fluid interfaces. Chemical Geology, 383 (null), 132–146. doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2014.06.007.
- Putnis, CV., Renard, F., King, HE., Montes-Hernandez, G., & Ruiz-Agudo, E. (). Sequestration of selenium on calcite surfaces revealed by nanoscale imaging. Environmental Science and Technology, 47 (23), 13469–76. doi: 10.1021/es403637u.
- King, H.E., Satoh, H., Tsukamoto, K., & Putnis, A. (). Nanoscale observations of magnesite growth in chloride- and sulfate-rich solutions. Environmental Science and Technology, 47 (15), 8684–8691. doi: 10.1021/es401188j.
- Jonas, L., John, T., & Putnis, A. (). Influence of temperature and Cl on the hydrothermal replacement of calcite by apatite and the development of porous microstructures. American Mineralogist, 98 (null), 1516–1525. doi: 10.2138/am.2013.4288.
- Perdikouri, C., Piazolo, S., Kasioptas, A., Schmidt, B.C., & Putnis, A. (). Hydrothermal replacement of aragonite by calcite: Interplay between replacement, fracturing and growth. European Journal of Mineralogy, 25 (2), 123–136. doi: 10.1127/0935-1221/2013/0025-2261.
- Ruiz-Agudo, E., Kudlacz, K., Putnis, C.V., Putnis, A., & Rodriguez-Navarro, C. (). Dissolution and carbonation of portlandite [Ca(OH)2] single crystals. Environmental Science and Technology, 47 (19), 11342–11349. doi: 10.1021/es402061c.
- Klasa, J., Ruiz-Agudo, E., Wang, L.J., Putnis, C.V., Valsami-Jones, E., Menneken, M., & Putnis, A. (). An atomic force microscopy study of the dissolution of calcite in the presence of phosphate ions. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 117 (null), 115–128. doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2013.03.025.
- Ruiz-Agudo, E., Alvarez-Lloret, P., Putnis, C.V., Rodriguez-Navarro, A.B., & Putnis, A. (). Influence of chemical and structural factors on the calcite-calcium oxalate transformation. CrystEngComm, 15 (46), 9968–9979. doi: 10.1039/c3ce41294f.
- Wang, L., Putnis, C.V., Ruiz-Agudo, E., King, H.E., & Putnis, A. (). Coupled dissolution and precipitation at the cerussite-phosphate solution interface: Implications for immobilization of lead in soils. Environmental Science and Technology, 47 (23), 13502–13510. doi: 10.1021/es4041946.
Research Articles (Journals)
- Urosevic, M., Rodriguez-Navarro, C., Putnis, CV., Cardell, C., Putnis, A., & Ruiz-Agudo, E. (). In situ nanoscale observations of the dissolution of (10 4) dolomite cleavage surfaces. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 80, 1–13. doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2011.11.036.
- Ruiz-Agudo, E., Putnis, CV., Kowacz, M., Ortega-Huertas, M., & Putnis, A. (). Boron incorporation into calcite during growth: Implications for the use of boron in carbonates as a pH proxy. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 345-348, 9–17. doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2012.06.032.
- Wang, L., Li, S., Ruiz-Agudo, E., Putnis, CV., & Putnis, A. (). Posner's cluster revisited: Direct imaging of nucleation and growth of nanoscale calcium phosphate clusters at the calcite-water interface. CrystEngComm, 14 (19), 6252–6256. doi: 10.1039/c2ce25669j.
- Ruiz-Agudo, E., Putnis, CV., Rodriguez-Navarro, C., & Putnis, A. (). Mechanism of leached layer formation during chemical weathering of silicate minerals. Geology, 40 (10), 947–950. doi: 10.1130/G33339.1.
- Wang, L., Ruiz-Agudo, E., Putnis, CV., Menneken, M., & Putnis, A. (). Kinetics of calcium phosphate nucleation and growth on calcite: Implications for predicting the fate of dissolved phosphate species in alkaline soils. Environmental Science and Technology, 46 (2), 834–842. doi: 10.1021/es202924f.
- Urosevic, M., Rodriguez-Navarro, C., Putnis, C.V., Cardell, C., Putnis, A., & Ruiz-Agudo, E. (). In situ nanoscale observations of the dissolution of {101̄4} dolomite cleavage surfaces. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 80 (null), 1–13. doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2011.11.036.
Research Article (Book Contributions)
- Putnis, A., & Austrheim, H. (). Mechanisms of metasomatism and metamorphism on the local mineral scale: The role of dissolution-reprecipitation during mineral reequilibration. in Harlov, D., & Austrheim, H. (ed.), Lecture Notes in Earth System SciencesMetasomatism and the Chemical Transformation of Rock: The Role of Fluids in Terrestrial and Extraterrestrial Processes (pp. 139–167). Springer VDI Verlag.
- Ruiz-Agudo, E., Putnis, CV., Rodriguez-Navarro, C., & Putnis, A. (). Effect of pH on calcite growth at constant aCa2+/aCO32- ratio and supersaturation. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 75 (1), 284–296. doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2010.09.034.
- Kasioptas, A., Geisler, T., Perdikouri, C., Trepmann, C., Gussone, N., & Putnis, A. (). Polycrystalline apatite synthesized by hydrothermal replacement of calcium carbonates. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2011.03.027.
- Ruiz-Agudo, E., Putnis, CV., Wang, L., & Putnis, A. (). Specific effects of background electrolytes on the kinetics of step propagation during calcite growth. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 75 (13), 3803–3814. doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2011.04.012.
- Janssen, A., & Putnis, A. (). Processes of oxidation and HCl-leaching of Tellnes ilmenite. Hydrometallurgy, 109 (3-4), 194–201. doi: 10.1016/j.hydromet.2011.07.004.
- Perdikouri, C., Kasioptas, A., Geisler, T., Schmidt, BC., & Putnis, A. (). Experimental study of the aragonite to calcite transition in aqueous solution. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 75 (20), 6211–6224. doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2011.07.045.
- King, HE., Plümper, O., Geisler, T., & Putnis, A. (). Experimental investigations into the silicification of olivine: Implications for the reaction mechanism and acid neutralization. American Mineralogist, 96 (10), 1503–1511. doi: 10.2138/am.2011.3779.
- Poml, P., Geisler, T., Cobos-Sabate, J., Wiss, T., Raison, PE., Schmid-Beurmann, P., Deschanels, X., Jegou, C., Heimink, J., & Putnis, A. (). The mechanism of the hydrothermal alteration of cerium- and plutonium-doped zirconolite. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 410 (1-3), 10–23. doi: 10.1016/j.jnucmat.2010.12.218.
- Wang, L., Ruiz-Agudo, E., Putnis, C.V., & Putnis, A. (). Direct observations of the modification of calcite growth morphology by Li+ through selectively stabilizing an energetically unfavourable face. CrystEngComm, 13 (12), 3962–3966. doi: 10.1039/c1ce05091e.
- Ruiz-Agudo, E., Urosevic, M., Putnis, CV., Rodriguez-Navarro, C., Cardell, C., & Putnis, A. (). Ion-specific effects on the kinetics of mineral dissolution. Chemical Geology, 281 (3-4), 364–371. doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2011.01.003.
- Ruiz-Agudo, E., Putnis, CV., Rodriguez-Navarro, C., & Putnis, A. (). Effect of pH on calcite growth at constant a(Ca2+)/a(CO32-) ratio and supersaturation. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 75 (1), 284–296. doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2010.09.034.
Research Articles (Journals)
- de Leeuw, NH., Catlow, C. RA., King, HE., Putnis, A., Muralidharan, K., Deymier, P., Stimpfl, M., & Drake, MJ. (). Where on Earth has our water come from? Chemical communications, 46 (47), 8923–8925.
- Pinto, AJ., Ruiz-Agudo, E., Putnis, CV., Putnis, A., Jimenez, A., & Prieto, M. (). AFM study of the epitaxial growth of brushite (CaHPO4 center dot 2H(2)O) on gypsum cleavage surfaces. American Mineralogist, 95 (11-12), 1747–1757.
- Pinto, AJ., Ruiz-Agudo, E., Putnis, CV., Putnis, A., Jiménez, A., & Prieto, M. (). AFM study of the epitaxial growth of brushite (CaHPO4· 2H2O) on gypsum cleavage surfaces. American Mineralogist, 95 (11-12), 1747–1757. doi: 10.2138/am.2010.3557.
- Ruiz-Agudo, E., Di Tommaso, D., Putnis, CV., De Leeuw, NH., & Putnis, A. (). Interactions between organophosphonate-bearing solutions and (1014) calcite surfaces: An atomic force microscopy and first-principles molecular dynamics study. Crystal Growth and Design, 10 (7), 3022–3035. doi: 10.1021/cg1000864.
- King, HE., Stimpfl, M., Deymier, P., Drake, MJ., Catlow, C. RA., Putnis, A., & de Leeuw, NH. (). Computer simulations of water interactions with low-coordinated forsterite surface sites: Implications for the origin of water in the inner solar system. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 300 (1-2), 11–18. doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2010.10.019.
- Sethmann, I., Wang, JW., Becker, U., & Putnis, A. (). Strain-Induced Segmentation of Magnesian Calcite Thin Films Growing on a Calcite Substrate. Crystal Growth and Design, 10 (10), 4319–4326. doi: 10.1021/cg100202h.
- Janssen, A., Putnis, A., Geisler, T., & Putnis, CV. (). The experimental replacement of ilmenite by rutile in HCl solutions. Mineralogical Magazine, 74 (4), 633–644. doi: 10.1180/minmag.2010.074.4.633.
- King, HE., Plumper, O., & Putnis, A. (). Effect of Secondary Phase Formation on the Carbonation of Olivine. Environmental Science and Technology, 44 (16), 6503–6509.
- King, HE., Plümper, O., & Putnis, A. (). Effect of secondary phase formation on the carbonation of olivine. Environmental Science and Technology, 44 (16), 6503–6509. doi: 10.1021/es9038193.
- Kasioptas, A., Geisler, T., Putnis, CV., Perdikouri, C., & Putnis, A. (). Crystal growth of apatite by replacement of an aragonite precursor. Journal of Crystal Growth, 312 (16-17), 2431–2440.
- Ruiz-Agudo, E., Di Tommaso, D., Putnis, CV., de Leeuw, NH., & Putnis, A. (). Interactions between Organophosphonate-Bearing Solutions and (10(1)over-bar4) Calcite Surfaces: An Atomic Force Microscopy and First-Principles Molecular Dynamics Study. Crystal Growth and Design, 10 (7), 3022–3035. doi: 10.1021/cg1000864.
- Putnis, A., & John, T. (). Replacement Processes in the Earth's Crust. Elements, 6 (3), 159–164.
- Putnis, A., & Austrheim, H. (). Fluid-induced processes: metasomatism and metamorphism. Geofluids, 10 (1-2), 254–269. doi: 10.1111/j.1468-8123.2010.00285.x.
- Astilleros, JM., Fernandez-Diaz, L., & Putnis, A. (). The role of magnesium in the growth of calcite: An AFM study. Chemical Geology, 271 (1-2), 52–58.
- Ruiz-Agudo, E., Kowacz, M., Putnis, CV., & Putnis, A. (). The role of background electrolytes on the kinetics and mechanism of calcite dissolution. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 74 (4), 1256–1267.
- Vavouraki, AI., Putnis, CV., Putnis, A., & Koutsoukos, PG. (). Crystal Growth and Dissolution of Calcite in the Presence of Fluoride Ions: An Atomic Force Microscopy Study. Crystal Growth and Design, 10 (1), 60–69.
- Hovelmann, J., Putnis, A., Geisler, T., Schmidt, BC., & Golla-Schindler, U. (). The replacement of plagioclase feldspars by albite: observations from hydrothermal experiments. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 159 (1), 43–59. doi: 10.1007/s00410-009-0415-4.
- Kowacz, M., Prieto, M., & Putnis, A. (). Kinetics of crystal nucleation in ionic solutions: Electrostatics and hydration forces. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 74 (2), 469–481. doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2009.10.028.
Research Article (Book Contributions)
- Putnis, A. (). Effects of kinetics and mechanisms of crystal growth on ion-partitioning in solid solution-aqueous solution (SS-AS) systems. in Prieto, M., & Stoll, H. (ed.), European Mineralogical Union Notes in Mineralogy: Vol. 10. Ion partitioning in ambient-temperature aqueous systems (pp. 43–64). Selbstverlag / Eigenverlag. doi: 10.1180/EMU-notes.10.2.
Other Scientific Publications
- Cai, YF., & Putnis, A. (). Crystallographical constraints on the leaching of chalcopyrite in hydrochloride acid.
- Ruiz-Agudo, E., Putnis, CV., Di Tommaso, D., De Leeuw, NH., & Putnis, A. (). Effect of phosphonates on calcite-solution reactions.
Research Articles (Journals)
- Kowacz, M., Putnis, CV., & Putnis, A. (). The Control of Solution Composition on Ligand-Promoted Dissolution: DTPA-Barite Interactions. Crystal Growth and Design, 9 (12), 5266–5272.
- Putnis, A. (). Mineral replacement reactions. Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry, 70 (1), 87–124. doi: 10.2138/rmg.2009.70.3.
- Perdikouri, C., Putnis, CV., Kasioptas, A., & Putnis, A. (). An Atomic Force Microscopy Study of the Growth of a Calcite Surface as a Function of Calcium/Total Carbonate Concentration Ratio in Solution at Constant Supersaturation. Crystal Growth and Design, 9 (10), 4344–4350.
- Kasioptas, A., Perdikouri, C., Putnis, CV., Geisler, T., & Putnis, A. (). Apatite from calcium carbonates: A pseudomorphic replacement reaction. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 73 (13), A624–A624.
- King, HE., Stimpfl, M., De Leeuw, NH., & Putnis, A. (). Dissociated water adsorption to stepped forsterite surfaces: Implications for planetary accretion. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 73 (13), A659–A659.
- Janssen, A., MacKenzie, M., & Putnis, A. (). Fluid controlled alteration of ilmenite to rutile. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 73 (13), A586–A586.
- Plumper, O., & Putnis, A. (). The Complex Hydrothermal History of Granitic Rocks: Multiple Feldspar Replacement Reactions under Subsolidus Conditions. Journal of Petrology, 50 (5), 967–987.
- Xia, F., Brugger, J., Chen, GR., Ngothai, Y., O'Neill, B., Putnis, A., & Pring, A. (). Mechanism and kinetics of pseudomorphic mineral replacement reactions: A case study of the replacement of pentlandite by violarite. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 73 (7), 1945–1969.
- Kasama, T., Dunin-Borkowski, RE., Asaka, T., Harrison, RJ., Chong, R. KK., Mcenroe, SA., Simpson, ET., Matsui, Y., & Putnis, A. (). The application of Lorentz transmission electron microscopy to the study of lamellar magnetism in hematite-ilmenite. American Mineralogist, 94 (2-3), 262–269.
- Niedermeier, D., Putnis, A., Geisler, T., Golla-Schindler, U., & Putnis, C. (). The mechanism of cation and oxygen isotope exchange in alkali feldspars under hydrothermal conditions. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 157 (1), 65–76. doi: 10.1007/s00410-008-0320-2.
Research Article (Book Contributions)
- Putnis, A. (). Mineral Replacement Reactions. in Oelkers, E., & Schott, J. (ed.), Rev Mineral Geochem: Vol. 30. Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Water-Rock Interaction (pp. 87–124). Selbstverlag / Eigenverlag.
Other Scientific Publications
- Engvik, AK., Austrheim, H., & Putnis, A. (). Metasomatic crystallisation of sapphirine during Mg-enrichment of gabbros.
- Geisler, T., Janssen, A., & Putnis, A. (). The interaction of borosilicate glass with aqueous solutions.
- Vavouraki, AI., Putnis, CV., Putnis, A., Oelkers, EH., & Koutsoukos, PG. (). A comparative study of calcite dissolution in the presence of aqueous sulphate: Batch and AFM experiments.
- Kowacz, M., Prieto, MR., & Putnis, A. (). Crystallization and the role of solvent structure dynamics.
- Ruiz-Agudo, E., Putnis, CV., Putnis, A., & Rodriguez-Navarro, C. (). Growth and phase transformations in Mg hydrated sulfates: Effect of organic additives.
- Putnis, A., Janssen, A., Jamtveit, B., & Putnis, CV. (). Reaction-induced fracturing during replacement reactions.
- Perdikouri, C., Putnis, CV., Kasioptas, A., & Putnis, A. (). An Atomic Force Microscopy study of calcite growth, as a function of the Ca2+:CO32- ratio in solution at constant supersaturation.
Research Articles (Journals)
- Engvik, AK., Putnis, A., Gerald, J. DF., & Austrheim, H. (). ALBITIZATION OF GRANITIC ROCKS: THE MECHANISM OF REPLACEMENT OF OLIGOCLASE BY ALBITE. Canadian Mineralogist, 46, 1401–1415.
- Pollok, K., Lloyd, GE., Austrheim, H., & Putnis, A. (). Complex replacement patterns in garnets from Bergen Arcs eclogites: A combined EBSD and analytical TEM study. Chemie der Erde / Geochemistry, 68 (2), 177–191.
- Putnis, CV., Austrheim, H., Engvik, AK., & Putnis, A. (). A mechanism of fluid infiltration through minerals - Implications for element mobilisation within the earth. Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Publication Series, 625–629.
- Austrheim, H., Putnis, CV., Engvik, AK., & Putnis, A. (). Zircon coronas around Fe-Ti oxides: a physical reference frame for metamorphic and metasomatic reactions. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 156 (4), 517–527.
- Putnis, CV., Kowacz, M., & Putnis, A. (). The mechanism and kinetics of DTPA-promoted dissolution of barite. Applied Geochemistry, 23 (9), 2778–2788.
- Kowacz, M., & Putnis, A. (). The effect of specific background electrolytes on water structure and solute hydration: Consequences for crystal dissolution and growth. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 72 (18), 4476–4487. doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2008.07.005.
- Vavouraki, AI., Putnis, CV., Putnis, A., & Koutsoukos, PG. (). An Atomic Force Microscopy study of the growth of calcite in the presence of sodium sulfate. Chemical Geology, 253 (3-4), 243–251.
- Vavouraki, AI., Putnis, CV., Putnis, A., Oelkers, EH., & Koutsoukos, PG. (). Macro- to nanoscale study of the effect of aqueous sulphate on calcite growth. Mineralogical Magazine, 72 (1), 141–144.
- Kasioptas, A., Perdikouri, C., Putnis, CV., & Putnis, A. (). Pseudomorphic replacement of single calcium carbonate crystals by polycrystalline apatite. Mineralogical Magazine, 72 (1), 77–80.
- Perdikouri, C., Kasioptas, A., Putnis, CV., & Putnis, A. (). The effect of fluid composition on the mechanism of the aragonite to calcite transition. Mineralogical Magazine, 72 (1), 111–114.
Other Scientific Publications
- Kowacz, M., & Putnis, A. (). Mineral surface reactions and the role of solvent structure dynamics and ion hydration in solution.
- Putnis, A., Kasioptas, A., Perdikouri, C., & Putnis, CV. (). The mechanism of phosphate, immobilization by the replacement of carbonates by apatite.
- Putnis, CV., Austrheim, H., & Putnis, A. (). Mineral textures as indicators of fluid-driven mineral replacement processes.
- Soman, A., Geisler, T., Tomaschek, F., Berndt, J., & Putnis, A. (). Multi-stage hydrothermal alteration of accessory minerals from an alkali pegmatite from Zomba-Malosa (Malawi).
Research Articles (Journals)
- Prieto, M., Astilleros, JM., Pina, CM., Fernández-Díaz, L., & Putnis, A. (). Comment: Supersaturation in binary solid solution - Aqueous solution systems. American Journal of Science, 307 (7), 1034–1045. doi: 10.2475/07.2007.04.
- Kowacz, M., Putnis, CV., & Putnis, A. (). The effect of cation:anion ratio in solution on the mechanism of barite growth at constant supersaturation: Role of the desolvation process on the growth kinetics. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 71 (21), 5168–5179. doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2007.09.008.
- Kowacz, M., Putnis, C., & Putnis, A. (). The effect of cation : anion ratio in solution on the mechanism of barite growth at constant supersaturation: Role of the desolvation process on the growth kinetics. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 71 (21), 5168–5179. doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2007.09.008.
- Prieto, M., Astilleros, JM., Pina, CM., Fernandez-Diaz, L., & Putnis, A. (). Comment: Supersaturation in binary solid solution-aqueous solution systems. American Journal of Science, 307 (7), 1034–1045.
- Vinograd, VL., Perchuk, LL., Gerya, TV., Putnis, A., Winkler, B., & Gale, JD. (). Order/disorder phase transition in cordierite and its possible relationship to the development of symplectite reaction textures in granulites. Petrology, 15 (5), 427–440. doi: 10.1134/S0869591107050013.
- Poml, P., Menneken, M., Stephan, T., Niedermeier, D. RD., Geisler, T., & Putnis, A. (). Mechanism of hydrothermal alteration of natural self-irradiated and synthetic crystalline titanate-based pyrochlore. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 71 (13), 3311–3322. doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2007.03.031.
- Putnis, A., & Putnis, CV. (). The mechanism of reequilibration of solids in the presence of a fluid phase. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 180 (5), 1783–1786. doi: 10.1016/j.jssc.2007.03.023.
- Putnis, A., Hinrichs, R., Putnis, CV., Golla-Schindler, U., & Collins, LG. (). Hematite in porous red-clouded feldspars: Evidence of large-scale crustal fluid-rock interaction. Lithos, 95 (1-2), 10–18. doi: 10.1016/j.lithos.2006.07.004.
- Genkinger, S., & Putnis, A. (). Crystallisation of sodium sulfate: supersaturation and metastable phases. Environmental Geology, 52 (2), 295–303.
Other Scientific Publications
- Putnis, CV., Austrheim, H., & Putnis, A. (). A mechanism of fluid transport through minerals.
- Oelkers, EH., Putnis, CV., & Putnis, A. (). Do fluids flow through or around mineral grains?
- Niedermeier, D. RD., Putnis, A., & Geisler, T. (). Hydrothermal alkali and oxygen-isotope exchange in alkali feldspars controlled by dissolution reprecipitation mechanisms.
- Godelitsas, A., Astilleros, JM., Hallam, K., Wright, K., Tomaschek, F., & Putnis, A. (). Interaction of calcite with Cr(III) and evidence for direct inorganic formation of vaterite.
- Kowacz, A., Putnis, C., & Putnis, A. (). The effect of [Ba2+]/[SO42-] ratio on the mechanism of barite growth at constant supersaturation.
- Janssen, A., Geisler, T., Putnis, C., & Putnis, A. (). The mechanism of oxidation and "leaching" of ilmenite during natural and experimental alteration.
- Kasioptas, A., Perdikouri, C., Putnis, C., & Putnis, A. (). The replacement of calcium carbonate by hydroxyapatite.
- Austrheim, H., Putnis, CV., Engvik, AK., & Putnis, A. (). Tracing metasomatic reactions using inert zircon coronas around ilmenite.
- Casarin, FO., Austrheim, H., & Putnis, A. (). Compositional gradient of Cpx produced by fluid assisted eclogitization.
- Engvik, AK., Golla-Schindler, U., Austrheim, H., & Putnis, A. (). Intragranular replacement of chlorapatite by hydroxyapatite during scapolitisation.
Research Articles (Journals)
- Golla-Schindler, U., Hinrichs, R., Bomati-Miguel, O., & Putnis, A. (). Determination of the oxidation state for iron oxide minerals by energy-filtering TEM. Micron, 37 (5), 473–477.
- Vinograd, VL., Winkler, B., Wilson, DJ., Putnis, A., & Gale, JD. (). Monte Carlo simulation of mixing in Ca3Fe2 Ge3O12-Ca4Ge4O12 garnets and implications for the thermodynamic stability of pyrope-majorite solid solution. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 33 (8-9), 533–544. doi: 10.1007/s00269-006-0099-5.
- Astilleros, JM., Pina, CM., Fernández-Díaz, L., Prieto, M., & Putnis, A. (). Nanoscale phenomena during the growth of solid solutions on calcite {101̄4} surfaces. Chemical Geology, 225 (3-4), 322–335. doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2005.08.025.
- Vinograd, VL., Winkler, B., Wilson, DJ., Putnis, A., & Gale, JD. (). Monte Carlo simulation of mixing in Ca3Fe2Ge3O12-Ca4Ge4O12 garnets and implications for the thermodynamic stability of pyrope-majorite solid solution. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 33 (8-9), 533–544. doi: 10.1007/s00269-006-0099-5.
- Schindler, M., Mandaliev, P., Hawthorne, FC., & Putnis, A. (). Dissolution of uranyl-oxide-hydroxy-hydrate minerals. I. Curite. Canadian Mineralogist, 44, 415–431.
- Tenailleau, C., Pring, A., Etschmann, B., Brugger, J., Grguric, B., & Putnis, A. (). Transformation of pentlandite to violarite under mild hydrothermal conditions. American Mineralogist, 91 (4), 706–709.
- Vinograd, VL., Winkler, B., Putnis, A., Kroll, H., Milman, V., Gale, JD., & Fabrichnaya, OB. (). Thermodynamics of pyrope-majorite, Mg3Al2Si3O12-Mg4Si4O12, solid solution from atomistic model calculations. Molecular Simulation, 32 (2), 85–99. doi: 10.1080/08927020500501599.
- Sethmann, I., Hinrichs, R., Worheide, G., & Putnis, A. (). Nano-cluster composite structure of calcitic sponge spicules - A case study of basic characteristics of biominerals. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, 100 (1), 88–96. doi: 10.1016/j.jinorgbio.2005.10.005.
- Astilleros, JM., Pina, CM., Fernandez-Diaz, L., Prieto, M., & Putnis, A. (). Nanoscale phenomena during the growth of solid solutions on calcite {1014} surfaces. Chemical Geology, 225 (3-4), 322–335. doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2005.08.025.
- Vinograd, VL., Winkler, B., Putnis, A., Gale, JD., & Sluiter, M. HF. (). Static lattice energy calculations of mixing and ordering enthalpy in binary carbonate solid solutions. Chemical Geology, 225 (3-4), 304–313.
- Zhang, M., Putnis, A., & Salje, E. KH. (). Infrared spectroscopy of superionic conductor LiNaSO4: Vibrational modes and thermodynamics. Solid State Ionics, 177 (1-2), 37–43.
Other Scientific Publications
- Golla-Schindler, U., Poml, P., Geisler, T., & Putnis, A. (). Energy filtered TEM/sTEM applied to mineralogical issues.
- Putnis, A., Niedermeier, D. RD., & Putnis, CV. (). From epitaxy to topotaxy: The migration of reaction interfaces through crystals.
- Poml, P., Menneken, M., Stephan, T., Niedermeier, D., Geisler, T., & Putnis, A. (). O-18-tracing of the hydrothermal alteration of pyrochlore.
- Sánchez-Pastor, N., Pina, CM., Astilleros, JM., Fernández-Díaz, L., & Putnis, A. (). Epitaxial growth of celestite on barite (0 0 1) face at a molecular scale. Surface Science, 581 (2-3), 225–235. doi: 10.1016/j.susc.2005.02.051.
- McEnroe, SA., Harrison, RJ., Jackson, MJ., Hirt, AM., Robinson, P., Langenhorst, F., Heidelbach, F., Kasama, T., Putnis, A., Brown, LL., & Golla-Schindler, U. (). Lamellar magnetism: Effects of interface versus exchange interactions of nanoscale exsolutions in the ilmenite-hematite system. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 17 (1), 154–167. doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/17/1/022.
- Shtukenberg, AG., Astilleros, JM., & Putnis, A. (). Nanoscale observations of the epitaxial growth of hashemite on barite (0 0 1). Surface Science, 590 (2-3), 212–223. doi: 10.1016/j.susc.2005.06.013.
- Geisler, T., Poml, P., Stephan, T., Janssen, A., & Putnis, A. (). Experimental observation of an interface-controlled pseudomorphic replacement reaction in a natural crystalline pyrochlore. American Mineralogist, 90 (10), 1683–1687. doi: 10.2138/am.2005.1970.
- Shtukenberg, AG., Astilleros, JM., & Putnis, A. (). Nanoseale observations of the epitaxial growth of hashemite on barite (001). Surface Science, 590 (2-3), 212–223. doi: 10.1016/j.susc.2005.06.013.
- Golla-Schindler, U., O'Neill, H. SC., & Putnis, A. (). Direct observation of spinodal decomposition in the magnetite-hercynite system by susceptibility measurements and transmission electron microscopy. American Mineralogist, 90 (8-9), 1278–1283.
- Weyer, HJ., Muller, I., Schmitt, B., Bosbach, D., & Putnis, A. (). Time-resolved monitoring of cement hydration: Influence of cellulose ethers on hydration kinetics. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 238 (1-4), 102–106.
- Sethmann, I., Putnis, A., Grassmann, O., & Lobmann, P. (). Observation of nano-clustered calcite growth via a transient phase mediated by organic polyanions: A close match for biomineralization. American Mineralogist, 90 (7), 1213–1217. doi: 10.2138/am.2005.1833.
- Sanchez-Pastor, N., Pina, CM., Astilleros, JM., Fernandez-Diaz, L., & Putnis, A. (). Epitaxial growth of celestite on barite (001) face at a molecular scale. Surface Science, 581 (2-3), 225–235. doi: 10.1016/j.susc.2005.02.051.
- Hochella, MF., Kasama, T., Putnis, A., Putnis, CV., & Moore, JN. (). Environmentally important, poorly crystalline Fe/Mn hydrous oxides: Ferrihydrite and a possibly new vernadite-like mineral from the Clark Fork River Superfund Complex. American Mineralogist, 90 (4), 718–724. doi: 10.2138/am.2005.1591.
- Hochella, MF., Moore, JN., Putnis, CV., Putnis, A., Kasama, T., & Eberl, DD. (). Direct observation of heavy metal-mineral association from the Clark Fork River Superfund Complex: Implications for metal transport and bioavailability. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 69 (7), 1651–1663.
- Freij, SJ., Godelitsas, A., & Putnis, A. (). Crystal growth and dissolution processes at the calcite-water interface in the presence of zinc ions. Journal of Crystal Growth, 273 (3-4), 535–545.
Research Articles (Journals)
- Schindler, M., & Putnis, A. (). Crystal growth of schoepite on the (104) surface of calcite. Canadian Mineralogist, 42, 1667–1681.
- Schindler, M., Hawthorne, FC., Putnis, C., & Putnis, A. (). Growth of uranyl-hydroxy-hydrate and uranyl-carbonate minerals on the (104) surface of calcite. Canadian Mineralogist, 42, 1683–1697. doi: 10.2113/gscanmin.42.6.1683.
- Schindler, M., Mutter, A., Hawthorne, FC., & Putnis, A. (). Prediction of crystal morphology of complex uranyl-sheet minerals. I. Theory. Canadian Mineralogist, 42, 1629–1649.
- Schindler, M., Mutter, A., Hawthorne, FC., & Putnis, A. (). Prediction of crystal morphology of complex uranyl-sheet minerals. II. observations. Canadian Mineralogist, 42, 1651–1666.
- Etschmann, B., Pring, A., Putnis, A., Grguric, BA., & Studer, A. (). A kinetic study of the exsolution of pentlandite (Ni,Fe 9S8 from the monosulfide solid solution (Fe,Ni)S. American Mineralogist, 89 (1), 39–50.
- Geisler, T., Berndt, J., Meyer, HW., Pollok, K., & Putnis, A. (). Low-temperature aqueous alteration of crystalline pyrochlore: correspondence between nature and experiment. Mineralogical Magazine, 68 (6), 905–922. doi: 10.1180/0026461046860230.
- Dunin-Borkowski, RE., Kasama, T., Wei, A., Tripp, SL., Hytch, MJ., Snoeck, E., Harrison, RJ., & Putnis, A. (). Off-axis electron holography of magnetic nanowires and chains, rings, and planar arrays of magnetic nanoparticles. Microscopy Research and Technique, 64 (5-6), 390–402.
- Kasama, T., McEnroe, SA., Ozaki, N., Kogure, T., & Putnis, A. (). Effects of nanoscale exsolution in hematite-ilmenite on the acquisition of stable natural remanent magnetization. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 224 (3-4), 461–475.
- Freij, SJ., Putnis, A., & Astilleros, JM. (). Nanoscale observations of the effect of cobalt on calcite growth and dissolution. Journal of Crystal Growth, 267 (1-2), 288–300. doi: 10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2004.03.044.
- Pina, CM., Putnis, CV., Becker, U., Biswas, S., Carroll, EC., Bosbach, D., & Putnis, A. (). An atomic force microscopy and molecular simulations study of the inhibition of barite growth by phosphonates. Surface Science, 553 (1-3), 61–74.
- Pina, CM., Putnis, A., & Astilleros, JM. (). The growth mechanisms of solid solutions crystallising from aqueous solutions. Chemical Geology, 204 (1-2), 145–161.
- Vinograd, VL., Sluiter, M. HF., Winkler, B., Putnis, A., Halenius, U., Gale, JD., & Becker, U. (). Thermodynamics of mixing and ordering in pyrope-grossular solid solution. Mineralogical Magazine, 68 (1), 101–121.
- Etschmann, B., Pring, A., Putnis, A., Grguric, BA., & Studer, A. (). A kinetic study of the exsolution of pentlandite (Ni,Fe)(9)S-8 from the monosulfide solid solution (Fe,Ni)S. American Mineralogist, 89 (1), 39–50.
Other Scientific Publications
- Sethmann, I., & Putnis, A. (). Calcite crystal growth under organic control.
- Godelitsas, A., Tomaschek, F., & Putnis, A. (). Direct nanoscale observations of mixed REE phosphate crystal growth on the dissolved surface of REE fluorocarbonate minerals.
- Hochella, MF., Madden, AS., Moore, JN., Kasama, T., Putnis, A., & Putnis, CV. (). Environmentally important nanoparticles from a massive acid mine drainage site.
- Pollok, K., Geisler, T., & Putnis, A. (). How does a replacement front proceed? Observations on chlorapatite-hydroxylapatite replacements.
- Geisler, T., Putnis, A., Golla-Schindler, U., Seydoux-Guillaume, AM., & Janssen, A. (). Hydrothermal stability of crystalline and radiation-damaged pyrochlore.
- Golla-Schindler, U., & Putnis, A. (). Investigation of exsolution by energy filtered TEM.
- Putnis, A., & Putnis, CV. (). Reactive fronts at the nanoscale: The nature and origin of a coupled dissolution-precipitation interface.
- Vinograd, VL., Winkler, B., Putnis, A., Halenius, U., & Gale, JD. (). Self-consistent interatomic potentials for oxides: A key to solid solution modelling.
- Mutter, A., Schindler, M., & Putnis, A. (). The bond-valence method - another perspective on crystal surface reactions.
Research Articles (Journals)
- Godelitsas, A., Astilleros, JM., Hallam, KR., Lons, J., & Putnis, A. (). Microscopic and spectroscopic investigation of the calcite surface interacted with Hg(II) in aqueous solutions. Mineralogical Magazine, 67 (6), 1193–1204. doi: 10.1180/0026461036760158.
- Golla-Schindler, U., & Putnis, A. (). Exsolution investigated in magnetite-hercynite solid solution with energy filtered TEM. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 9 (SUPPL. 3), 302–303.
- Golla-Schindler, U., Benner, G., & Putnis, A. (). Laterally resolved EELS for ELNES mapping of the Fe L2,3- and O K-edge. Ultramicroscopy, 96 (3-4), 573–582. doi: 10.1016/S0304-3991(03)00118-9.
- Golla-Schindler, U., & Putnis, A. (). Relationship of nanostructured modulation of chemical composition to magnetic properties investigated by HRTEM and energy filtered TEM. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 9 (SUPPL. 2), 376–377.
- Astilleros, JM., Pina, CM., Fernandez-Diaz, L., & Putnis, A. (). Nanoscale growth of solids crystallising from multicomponent aqueous solutions. Surface Science, 545 (1-2), L767L773. doi: 10.1016/j.susc.2003.08.031.
- Kasama, T., Golla-Schindler, U., & Putnis, A. (). High-resolution and energy-filtered TEM of the interface between hematite and ilmenite exsolution lamellae: Relevance to the origin of lamellar magnetism. American Mineralogist, 88 (8-9), 1190–1196.
- Golla-Schindler, U., Benner, G., & Putnis, A. (). Laterally resolved EELS for ELNES mapping of the Fe L-2,L-3- and OK-edge. Ultramicroscopy, 96 (3-4), 573–582. doi: 10.1016/S0304-3991(03)00118-9.
- Godelitsas, A., Astilleros, JM., Hallam, K., Harissopoulos, S., & Putnis, A. (). Interaction of calcium carbonates with lead in aqueous solutions. Environmental Science and Technology, 37 (15), 3351–3360.
- Astilleros, JM., Pina, CM., Fernandez-Diaz, L., & Putnis, A. (). Supersaturation functions in binary solid solution-aqueous solution systems. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 67 (9), 1601–1608.
- Grassman, O., Neder, RB., Putnis, A., & Lobmann, P. (). Biomimetic control of crystal assembly by growth in an organic hydrogel network. American Mineralogist, 88 (4), 647–652.
- Putnis, A., Pina, CM., Astilleros, JM., Fernandez-Diaz, L., & Prieto, M. (). Nucleation of solid solutions crystallizing from aqueous solutions. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 361 (1804), 615–631. doi: 10.1098/rsta.2002.1142.
- Astilleros, JM., Pina, CM., Fernandez-Diaz, L., & Putnis, A. (). Metastable phenomena on calcite {10(1)over-bar4} surfaces growing from Sr2+-Ca2+-CO32- aqueous solutions. Chemical Geology, 193 (1-2), 93–107.
Other Scientific Publications
- Kelton, KF., & Putnis, A. (). Nucleation of solid solutions crystallizing from aqueous solutions - Discussion.
Research Articles (Journals)
- Harrison, RJ., Putnis, A., & Kockelmann, W. (). Phase transition behaviour and equilibrium phase relations in the fast-ion conductor system Na3PO4-Na2SO4. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 4 (14), 3252–3259. doi: 10.1039/b110947b.
- Bosbach, D., Coveney, PV., Griffin, J. LW., Putnis, A., Risthaus, P., Stackhouse, S., & Whiting, A. (). The rational design, synthesis and demonstration of the recognition and binding of a diaza-dioxa-12-crown-4 diphosphonate macrocycle to all crystal growth faces of barium sulfate. Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 2 (7), 1238–1245.
- Astilleros, JM., Pina, CM., Fernández-Díaz, L., & Putnis, A. (). Metastable phenomena on calcite {101̄4} surfaces growing from Sr2+-Ca2+-CO3 2- aqueous solutions. Chemical Geology, 193 (1-2), 93–107. doi: 10.1016/S0009-2541(02)00228-0.
- Harrison, RJ., Dunin-Borkowski, RE., & Putnis, A. (). Direct imaging of nanoscale magnetic interactions in minerals. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 99 (26), 16556–16561.
- Putnis, A. (). Mineral replacement reactions: from macroscopic observations to microscopic mechanisms. Mineralogical Magazine, 66 (5), 689–708. doi: 10.1180/0026461026650056.
- Astilleros, JM., Pina, CM., Fernandez-Diaz, L., & Putnis, A. (). Molecular-scale surface processes during the growth of calcite in the presence of manganese. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 66 (18), 3177–3189. doi: 10.1016/S0016-7037(02)00892-X.
- Becker, U., Risthaus, P., Bosbach, D., & Putnis, A. (). Selective attachment of monovalent background electrolyte ions and growth inhibitors to polar steps on sulfates as studied by molecular simulations and AFM observations. Molecular Simulation, 28 (6-7), 607–632.
- Pina, CM., & Putnis, A. (). The kinetics of nucleation of solid solutions from aqueous solutions: A new model for calculating non-equilibrium distribution coefficients. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 66 (2), 185–192.
Other Scientific Publications
- Mutter, A., Schindler, M., & Putnis, A. (). AFM-examinations of dissolution and crystal growth processes on the (001) surface of schoepite.
- Schindler, M., Mutter, A., & Putnis, A. (). AFM-examinations on the crystal growth of uranyl-oxide minerals on the surface of calcite.
- Kasama, T., Golla-Schindler, U., & Putnis, A. (). Contribution of fine exsolution lamellae of hematite-ilmenite to magnetic properties.
- Godelitsas, A., Astilleros, JM., Hallam, KR., & Putnis, A. (). Dissolution/precipitation phenomena on Ca carbonate crystals interacted with Pb2+ ions in aqueous solutions.
- Putnis, A., Astilleros, JM., Pina, CM., & Putnis, C. (). Heterogeneity of mineral surfaces and its role in geochemical surface reactions.
- Pollok, K., & Putnis, A. (). On the significance of sharp interfaces on nanometer scale in oscillatory zoned minerals.
- Vinograd, VL., & Putnis, A. (). A two-dimensional spin model of AI/Si order in feldspars: Visualization of short-range and long-range order. European Journal of Mineralogy, 13 (2), 273–288. doi: 10.1127/0935-1221/01/0013-0273.
- Putnis, A., & Mauthe, G. (). The effect of pore size on cementation in porous rocks. Geofluids, 1 (1), 37–41. doi: 10.1046/j.1468-8123.2001.11001.x.
- Liu, HC., Harrison, R., & Putnis, A. (). A triclinic phase of relaxor La-modified Pb(Zr0.65Ti0.35)O-3 and its structure at 40 K by high-resolution neutron diffraction. Journal of Applied Physics, 90 (12), 6321–6326.
- Risthaus, P., Bosbach, D., Becker, U., & Putnis, A. (). Barite scale formation and dissolution at high ionic strength studied with atomic force microscopy. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 191 (3), 201–214.
- Bagdassarov, N., Freiheit, HC., & Putnis, A. (). Ionic conductivity and pressure dependence of trigonal-to-cubic phase transition in lithium sodium sulphate. Solid State Ionics, 143 (3-4), 285–296. doi: 10.1016/S0167-2738(01)00849-9.
- Witschas, M., Eckert, H., Freiheit, H., Putnis, A., Korus, G., & Jansen, M. (). Anion rotation and cation diffusion in low-temperature sodium orthophosphate: Results from solid-state NMR. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 105 (28), 6808–6816.
- Pollok, K., Jamtveit, B., & Putnis, A. (). Analytical transmission electron microscopy of oscillatory zoned grandite garnets. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 141 (3), 358–366.
- Vinograd, VL., & Putnis, A. (). A two-dimensional spin model of Al/Si order in feldspars: visualization of short-range and long-range order. European Journal of Mineralogy, 13 (2), 273–288.
- Golla, U., & Putnis, A. (). Valence state mapping and quantitative electron spectroscopic imaging of exsolution in titanohematite by energy-filtered TEM. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 28 (2), 119–129.
- Vinograd, VL., Putnis, A., & Kroll, H. (). Structural discontinuities in plagioclase and constraints on mixing properties of the low series: a computational study. Mineralogical Magazine, 65 (1), 1–31.
- Bismayer, U., Mathes, D., Aroyo, M., Bosbach, D., Putnis, A., Van Tendeloo, G., & Guttler, B. (). Ferroelastic domains in lead phosphate-arsenate: An AFM, X-ray diffraction, TEM and Raman study. Phase Transitions, 71 (3), 243–270. doi: 10.1080/01411590008229654.
- Pina, CM., Fernández-Díaz, L., Prieto, M., & Putnis, A. (). In situ atomic force microscope observations of a dissolution-crystallisation reaction: The phosgenite-cerussite transformation. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 64 (2), 215–221. doi: 10.1016/S0016-7037(99)00286-0.
- Astilleros, JM., Pina, CM., Fernández-Díaz, L., & Putnis, A. (). The effect of barium on calcite {101̄4} surfaces during growth. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 64 (17), 2965–2972. doi: 10.1016/S0016-7037(00)00405-1.
- Enders, M., Willenborg, W., Albrecht, J., & Putnis, A. (). Alkali retention in hot coal slag under controlled oxidizing gas atmospheres (air-CO2). Fuel Processing Technology, 68 (1), 57–73.
- Astilleros, JM., Pina, CM., Fernandez-Diaz, L., & Putnis, A. (). The effect of barium on calcite {10(1)over-bar4} surfaces during growth. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 64 (17), 2965–2972. doi: 10.1016/S0016-7037(00)00405-1.
- Enders, M., Putnis, A., & Albrecht, J. (). Temperature-dependent fractionation of particulate matter and sulfates from a hot flue gas in pressurized pulverized coal combustion (PPCC). Energy and Fuels, 14 (4), 806–815.
- Pina, CM., Enders, M., & Putnis, A. (). The composition of solid solutions crystallising from aqueous solutions: the influence of supersaturation and growth mechanisms. Chemical Geology, 168 (3-4), 195–210.
- Prieto, M., Fernandez-Gonzalez, A., Becker, U., & Putnis, A. (). Computing Lippmann diagrams from direct calculation of mixing properties of solid solutions: Application to the barite-celestite system. Aquatic Geochemistry, 6 (2), 133–146.
- Enders, M., Spiegel, M., Albrecht, J., & Putnis, A. (). Mineralogical problems in advanced power systems: The contribution of slag and gaseous chemical species to the fly ash. European Journal of Mineralogy, 12 (3), 639–650.
- Grguric, BA., Harrison, RJ., & Putnis, A. (). A revised phase diagram for the bornite-digenite join from in situ neutron diffraction and DSC experiments. Mineralogical Magazine, 64 (2), 213–231.
- Bismayer, U., Mathes, D., Bosbach, D., Putnis, A., van Tendeloo, G., Novak, J., & Salje, E. KH. (). Ferroelastic orientation states and domain walls in lead phosphate type crystals. Mineralogical Magazine, 64 (2), 233–239. doi: 10.1180/002646100549328.
- Becker, U., Fernandez-Gonzalez, A., Prieto, M., Harrison, R., & Putnis, A. (). Direct calculation of thermodynamic properties of the barite/celestite solid solution from molecular principles. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 27 (4), 291–300.
- Pina, CM., Fernandez-Diaz, L., Prieto, M., & Putnis, A. (). In situ atomic force microscope observations of a dissolution-crystallisation reaction: The phosgenite- cerussite transformation. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 64 (2), 215–221. doi: 10.1016/S0016-7037(99)00286-0.
- Hochella, Jr. MF., Moore, JN., Golla, U., & Putnis, A. (). A TEM study of samples from acid mine drainage systems: Metal-mineral association with implications for transport. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 63 (19-20), 3395–3406. doi: 10.1016/S0016-7037(99)00260-4.
- Fernández-González, A., Prieto, M., Putnis, A., & López-Andrés, S. (). Concentric zoning patterns in crystallizing (Cd,Ca)CO3 solid solutions from aqueous solutions. Mineralogical Magazine, 63 (3), 331–343. doi: 10.1180/002646199548556.
- Harrison, RJ., & Putnis, A. (). Determination of the mechanism of cation ordering in magnesioferrite (MgFe2O4) from the time- and temperature-dependence of magnetic susceptibility. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 26 (4), 322–332. doi: 10.1007/s002690050192.
- Harrison, RJ., Dove, MT., Knight, KS., & Putnis, A. (). In-situ neutron diffraction study of non-convergent cation ordering in the (Fe3O4)(1-x)(MgAl2O4)(x) spinel solid solution. American Mineralogist, 84 (4), 555–563.
- Grguric, BA., & Putnis, A. (). Rapid exsolution behaviour in the bornite-digenite series, and implications for natural ore assemblages. Mineralogical Magazine, 63 (1), 1–12.
- Vinograd, VL., & Putnis, A. (). The description of Al, Si ordering in aluminosilicates using the cluster variation method. American Mineralogist, 84 (3), 311–324.
- Grguric, BA., Putnis, A., & Harrison, RJ. (). An investigation of the phase transitions in bornite (Cu5FeS4) using neutron diffraction and differential scanning calorimetry. American Mineralogist, 83 (11-12 PART 1), 1231–1239.
- Vinograd, VL., & Putnis, A. (). Calculation of the configurational entropy of Al, Si in layer silicates using the cluster variation method. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 26 (2), 135–148. doi: 10.1007/s002690050170.
- Grguric, BA., & Putnis, A. (). Compositional controls on phase-transition temperatures in bornite: A differential scanning calorimetry study. Canadian Mineralogist, 36 (1), 215–227.
- Pina, CM., Bosbach, D., Prieto, M., & Putnis, A. (). Microtopography of the barite (0 0 1) face during growth: AFM observations and PBC theory. Journal of Crystal Growth, 187 (1), 119–125. doi: 10.1016/S0022-0248(97)00858-0.
- Bosbach, D., Hall, C., & Putnis, A. (). Mineral precipitation and dissolution in aqueous solution: In-situ microscopic observations on barite (001) with atomic force microscopy. Chemical Geology, 151 (1-4), 143–160. doi: 10.1016/S0009-2541(98)00076-X.
- Pina, CM., Becker, U., Risthaus, P., Bosbach, D., & Putnis, A. (). Molecular-scale mechanisms of crystal growth in barite. Nature, 395 (6701), 483–486. doi: 10.1038/26718.
- Zhang, M., Salje, E. KH., & Putnis, A. (). Phase transitions in LiKSO4 between 1.5 K and 850 K: An infrared spectroscopic study. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 10 (50), 11811–11827. doi: 10.1088/0953-8984/10/50/019.
- Valsami-Jones, E., Rggnarsdottir, KV., Putnis, A., Bosbach, D., Kemp, AJ., & Cressey, G. (). The dissolution of apatite in the presence of aqueous metal cations at pH 2-7. Chemical Geology, 151 (1-4), 215–233. doi: 10.1016/S0009-2541(98)00081-3.
- Harrison, RJ., & Putnis, A. (). The magnetic properties and crystal chemistry of oxide spinel solid solutions. Surveys in Geophysics, 19 (6), 461–520. doi: 10.1023/A:1006535023784.
- Freiheit, H.-Ch., Kroll, H., & Putnis, A. (). The trigonal-to-cubic phase transition in LiNaSO4: An X-ray and calorimetric study. Zeitschrift für Kristallographie, 213 (11), 575–584. doi: 10.1524/zkri.1998.213.11.575.
- Greshake, A., Bischoff, A., & Putnis, A. (). Transmission electron microscope study of compact Type A calcium-aluminum-rich inclusions from CV3 chondrites: Clues to their origin. Meteoritics and Planetary Science, 33 (1), 75–87. doi: 10.1111/j.1945-5100.1998.tb01609.x.
- Bosbach, D., Putnis, A., Bismayer, U., & Güttler, B. (). An AFM study on ferroelastic domains in lead phosphate, Pb3(PO4)2. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 9 (40), 8397–8405. doi: 10.1088/0953-8984/9/40/007.
- Vinograd, VL., Saxena, SK., & Putnis, A. (). Calculation of the probability distribution of basic clusters involved in cluster-variation approximations to the Ising model. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter, 56 (18), 11493–11502. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.56.11493.
- Harrison, RJ., & Putnis, A. (). Interaction between exsolution microstructures and magnetic properties of the magnetite-spinel solid solution. American Mineralogist, 82 (1-2), 131–142.
- Prieto, M., Fernández-González, A., Putnis, A., & Fernández-Díaz, L. (). Nucleation, growth, and zoning phenomena in crystallizing (Ba,Sr)CO3, Ba (SO4,CrO4), (Ba,Sr)SO4, and (Cd,Ca)CO3 solid solutions from aqueous solutions. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 61 (16), 3383–3397. doi: 10.1016/S0016-7037(97)00160-9.
- Harrison, RJ., & Putnis, A. (). The coupling between magnetic and cation ordering: A macroscopic approach. European Journal of Mineralogy, 9 (6), 1115–1130.
- Harrison, RJ., & Putnis, A. (). Magnetic properties of the magnetite-spinel solid solution: Curie temperatures, magnetic susceptibilities, and cation ordering. American Mineralogist, 81 (3-4), 375–384.
- Putnis, A. (). Quantification of disorder in silicate melts, glasses and crystals using NMR spectroscopy. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 23 (4-5), 247.
- Fernández-Díaz, L., Putnis, A., Prieto, M., & Putnis, CV. (). The role of magnesium in the crystallization of calcite and aragonite in a porous medium. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 66 (3), 482–491.
- Putnis, A., Junta-Rosso, JL., & Hochella, Jr. MF. (). Dissolution of barite by a chelating ligand: An atomic force microscopy study. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 59 (22), 4623–4632. doi: 10.1016/0016-7037(95)00324-X.
- Putnis, A., Prieto, M., & Fernandez-Diaz, L. (). Fluid supersaturation and crystallization in porous media. Geological Magazine, 132 (1), 1–13. doi: 10.1017/S0016756800011389.
- Harrison, RJ., & Putnis, A. (). Magnetic properties of the magnetite-spinel solid solution: saturation magnetization and cation distributions. American Mineralogist, 80 (3-4), 213–221.
- Line, C. MB., Putnis, A., Putnis, C., & Giampaolo, C. (). The dehydration kinetics and microtexture of analcime from two parageneses. American Mineralogist, 80 (3-4), 268–279.
- Gajda, MA., Ahmed, H., Shaw, J. EA., & Putnis, A. (). Anisotropic etching of silicon in hydrazine. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 40 (3), 227–236. doi: 10.1016/0924-4247(94)87009-8.
- Prieto, M., Putnis, A., Fernández-Díaz, L., & López-Andrés, S. (). Metastability in diffusing-reacting systems. Journal of Crystal Growth, 142 (1-2), 225–235. doi: 10.1016/0022-0248(94)90291-7.
- Groat, LA., Putnis, A., Kissin, SA., Ercit, TS., Hawthorne, FC., & Gaines, RV. (). Staringite discredited. Mineralogical Magazine, 58 (2), 271–277. doi: 10.1180/minmag.1994.058.391.09.
- Silva, S. RP., Knowles, KM., Amaratunga, G. AJ., & Putnis, A. (). The microstructure of inclusions in nanocrystalline carbon films deposited at low temperature. Diamond and Related Materials, 3 (7), 1048–1055. doi: 10.1016/0925-9635(94)90117-1.
- Putnis, A., Putnis, C., & Giampaolo, C. (). The microtexture of analcime phenocrysts in igneous rocks. European Journal of Mineralogy, 6 (5), 627–632.
- Prieto, M., Putnis, A., & Fernandez-Diaz, L. (). Crystallization of solid solutions from aqueous solutions in a porous medium: zoning in (Ba,Sr)SO4. Geological Magazine, 130 (3), 289–299. doi: 10.1017/S0016756800019981.
- Dove, MT., Cool, T., Palmer, DC., Putnis, A., Salje, E. KH., & Winkler, B. (). On the role of Al-Si ordering in the cubic-tetragonal phase transition of leucite. American Mineralogist, 78 (5-6), 486–492.
- Christy, AG., & Putnis, A. (). The kinetics of barite dissolution and precipitation in water and sodium chloride brines at 44-85°C. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 57 (10), 2161–2168. doi: 10.1016/0016-7037(93)90557-D.
- Groat, LA., Hawthorne, FC., Ercit, TS., & Putnis, A. (). The symmetry of vesuvianite. Canadian Mineralogist, 31 (3), 617–635.
- Putnis, A., Fernandez-Diaz, L., & Prieto, M. (). Experimentally produced oscillatory zoning in the (Ba, Sr)SO4 solid solution. Nature, 358 (6389), 743–745. doi: 10.1038/358743a0.
- Putnis, A. (). Introduction to mineral sciences. Introduction to mineral sciences.
- Swainson, IP., Dove, MT., Schmahl, WW., & Putnis, A. (). Neutron powder diffraction study of the åkermanite-gehlenite solid solution series. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 19 (3), 185–195.
- Fernandez-Diaz, L., Putnis, A., & Cumberbatch, TJ. (). Barite nucleation kinetics and the effect of additives. European Journal of Mineralogy, 2 (4), 495–501.
- Prieto, M., Putnis, A., & Fernandez-Diaz, L. (). Factors controlling the kinetics of crystallization: supersaturation evolution in a porous medium. Application to barite crystallization. Geological Magazine, 127 (6), 485–495. doi: 10.1017/S0016756800015417.
- Amaratunga, G., Putnis, A., Clay, K., & Milne, W. (). Crystalline diamond growth in thin films deposited from a CH4/Ar rf plasma. Applied Physics Letters, 55 (7), 634–635. doi: 10.1063/1.101808.
- Phillips, BL., Kirkpatrick, RJ., & Putnis, A. (). Si,Al ordering in leucite by high-resolution 27Al MAS NMR spectroscopy. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 16 (6), 591–598. doi: 10.1007/BF00202216.
- Güttler, B., Salje, E., & Putnis, A. (). Structural states of Mg cordierite III: Infrared spectroscopy and the nature of the hexagonal-modulated transition. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 16 (4), 365–373.
- Blunt, FJ., Campbell, AM., Edwards, PP., Evetts, JE., Freeman, P., Johnson, J., Loram, J., Mirza, K., Putnis, A., Salje, E., & Schmall, W. (). The effect of twins on critical currents of high Tc superconductors. Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications, 162-164 (PART 2), 1605–1606. doi: 10.1016/0921-4534(89)90844-7.
- Giampaolo, C., & Putnis, A. (). The kinetics of dehydration and order-disorder of molecular H2 O in Mg-cordierite. European Journal of Mineralogy, 1 (2), 193–202.
- Schmahl, WW., Putnis, A., Salje, E., Freeman, P., Graeme-Barber, A., Jones, R., Singh, KK., Blunt, J., Edwards, PP., Loram, J., & Mirza, K. (). Twin formation and structural modulations in orthorhombic and tetragonal YBa2(Cu1-xCox)3O7-δ. Philosophical Magazine Letters, 60 (6), 241–248. doi: 10.1080/09500838908206464.
- Christy, AG., & Putnis, A. (). Planar and line defects in the sapphirine polytypes. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 15 (6), 548–558. doi: 10.1007/BF00311025.
- Kitamura, M., Kondoh, S., Morimoto, N., Miller, GH., Rossman, GR., & Putnis, A. (). Planar OH-bearing defects in mantle olivine. Nature, 328 (6126), 143–145.
- Palmer, DC., Putnis, A., & Salje, E. KH. (). Twinning in tetragonal leucite. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 16 (3), 298–303.
- Putnis, A., Salje, E., Redfern, S. AT., Fyfe, CA., & Strobl, H. (). Structural states of Mg-cordierite I: Order parameters from synchrotron X-ray and NMR data. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 14 (5), 446–454. doi: 10.1007/BF00628822.
- Fyfe, CA., Gobbi, GC., & Putnis, A. (). Elucidation of the mechanism and kinetics of the Si, Al ordering process in synthetic magnesium cordierite by 29Si magic angle spinning NMR spectroscopy. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 108 (12), 3218–3223. doi: 10.1021/ja00272a010.
- Ray, NJ., Putnis, A., & Gillet, P. (). Polytypic relationship between clinozoisite and zoisite. Bulletin de Mineralogie, 109 (6), 667–685.
- Putnis, A., & Holland, T. JB. (). Sector trilling in cordierite and equilibrium overstepping in metamorphism. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 93 (2), 265–272. doi: 10.1007/BF00371328.
- Putnis, A. (). The kinetics of Al,Si ordering in minerals. Kinetics and Mass Transport in Silicate and Oxide Systems, 63–72.
- Putnis, A., & Angel, RJ. (). Al, Si ordering in cordierite using "magic angle spinning" NMR - II: Models of Al, Si order from NMR data. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 12 (4), 217–222. doi: 10.1007/BF00311291.
- Putnis, A., Fyfe, CA., & Gobbi, GC. (). Al,Si ordering on cordierite using "magic angle spinning" NMR - I. Si29 spectra of synthetic cordierites. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 12 (4), 211–216. doi: 10.1007/BF00311290.
- Carpenter, MA., & Putnis, A. (). Cation order and disorder during crystal growth: some implications for natural mineral assemblages. Metamorphic Reactions: Kinetics, Textures, and Deformation, 1–26.
- Angel, RJ., Price, GD., & Putnis, A. (). A mechanism for pyroxene-pyroxenoid and pyroxenoid-pyroxenoid transformations. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 10 (5), 236–243. doi: 10.1007/BF00309316.
- McMillan, P., Putnis, A., & Carpenter, MA. (). A raman spectroscopic study of Al-Si ordering in synthetic magnesium cordierite. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 10 (6), 256–260. doi: 10.1007/BF00311950.
- Putnis, A. (). Experimental study of short range Al,Si order in magnesium cordierite. Progress in Experimental Petrology (N.E.R.C.), 6, 194–199.
- Beran, A., & Putnis, A. (). A model of the OH positions in olivine, derived from infrared-spectroscopic investigations. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 9 (2), 57–60. doi: 10.1007/BF00308148.
- Fyfe, CA., Gobbi, GC., Klinowski, J., Putnis, A., & Thomas, JM. (). Characterization of local atomic environments and quantitative determination of changes in site occupancies during the formation of ordered synthetic cordierite by 29Si and 27Al magic-angle spinning N.M.R. spectroscopy. Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications (10), 556–558. doi: 10.1039/c39830000556.
- Carpenter, MA., Putnis, A., Navrotsky, A., & McConnell, J. DC. (). Enthalpy effects associated with Al/Si ordering in anhydrous Mg-cordierite. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 47 (5), 899–906. doi: 10.1016/0016-7037(83)90155-2.
- Putnis, A., & Bish, DL. (). The mechanism and kinetics of Al,Si ordering in Mg-cordierite. American Mineralogist, 68 (1-2), 60–65.
- Price, GD., Putnis, A., Agrell, SO., & Smith, D. GW. (). Wadsleyite, natural beta -(Mg,Fe)2SiO4 from the Peace River meteorite. Canadian Mineralogist, 21 (1), 29–35.
- Price, GD., Putnis, A., & Smith, D. GW. (). A spinel to β-phase transformation mechanism in (Mg,Fe) 2SiO4. Nature, 296 (5859), 729–731. doi: 10.1038/296729a0.
- Treolar, PJ., & Putnis, A. (). Chemistry and microstructure of orthoamphiboles from cordierite- amphibole rocks at Outokumpu, north Karelia, Finland. Mineralogical Magazine, 45 (337), 55–62. doi: 10.1180/minmag.1982.045.337.06.
- Putnis, A. (). Order-modulated structures and the thermodynamics of cordierite reactions. Nature, 287 (5778), 128–131. doi: 10.1038/287128a0.
- Putnis, A. (). The distortion index in anhydrous Mg-Cordierite. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 74 (2), 135–141. doi: 10.1007/BF01131999.
- Price, GD., Putnis, A., & Agrell, SO. (). Electron petrography of shock-produced veins in the Tenham chondrite. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 71 (2), 211–218. doi: 10.1007/BF00375437.
- Putnis, A., & Price, GD. (). High-pressure (Mg, Fe)2SiO4 phases in the Tenham chondritic meteorite [3]. Nature, 280 (5719), 217–218. doi: 10.1038/280217a0.
- Price, GD., & Putnis, A. (). Oxidation phenomena in pleonaste bearing titanomagnetites. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 69 (4), 355–359. doi: 10.1007/BF00372261.
- Putnis, A. (). ORDER-DISORDER TRANSFORMATIONS AND THE NATURE OF THE COPPER-SULPHIDE LAYER IN Cu//xS/CdS SOLAR CELLS. IEE Journal on Solid-State and Electron Devices, 2 (Spec Issue), s62–s64. doi: 10.1049/ij-ssed.1978.0024.
- Putnis, A. (). The mechanism of exsolution of hematite from iron-bearing rutile. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 3 (2), 183–197. doi: 10.1007/BF00308121.
- Putnis, A., Grace, J., & Cameron, WE. (). Blaubleibender covellite and its relationship to normal covellite. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 60 (2), 209–217. doi: 10.1007/BF00372282.
- Putnis, A. (). Electron microscope study of phase transformations in cubanite. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 1 (4), 335–349. doi: 10.1007/BF00308844.
- Putnis, A., & McConnell, J. DC. (). The transformation behaviour of metal-enriched chalcopyrite. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 58 (2), 127–136. doi: 10.1007/BF00382181.
- Putnis, A. (). TRANSFORMATION BEHAVIOUR OF CUPROUS SULPHIDES AND ITS APPLICATION TO THE EFFICIENCY OF Cu//xS-CdS SOLAR CELLS. Philosophical Magazine, 34 (6), 1083–1086. doi: 10.1080/00318087608227730.
- Putnis, A. (). Alternative transformation behavior in sulfides: direct observations by transmission electron microscopy. Science, 193 (4251), 417–8. doi: 10.1126/science.193.4251.417.
- Putnis, A. (). ELECTRON MICROSCOPE AND DIFFRACTION STUDY OF PHASE SEPARATION IN IRON SULPHIDE. Philosophical Magazine, 31 (3), 689–695. doi: 10.1080/14786437508226547.
- Putnis, A. (). Observations on coexisting pyrrhotite phases by transmission electron microscopy. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 52 (4), 307–313. doi: 10.1007/BF00401459.
- Putnis, A. (). Electron-optical observations on the α-transformation in troilite. Science, 186 (4162), 439–440. doi: 10.1126/science.186.4162.439.
- Putnis, A. (). Electron-Optical Observations on the agr-Transformation in Troilite. Science, 186 (4162), 439–40. doi: 10.1126/science.186.4162.439.
Supervised Theses
Doctoral Studies
Centrella, Stephen Relationship between density, volume and mass transfer through a fluid phase during hydration reactions in the Bergen Arcs, Norway Trindade Pedrosa, Elisabete Porosity generation during mineral replacement reactions Ruiz-Agudo, Cristina A non-classical analysis of BaSO4 precipitation and the role of organic polyelectrolytes King, Helen Olivine reactivity: From the atomic to the macroscopic scale Kasioptas, Argyrios Hydrothermal replacement of calcium carbonate by apatite Perdikouri, Christina Investigation of the Mechanism and Kinetics of Growth and Replacement Processes of Calcium Carbonate Janßen, Arne Replacement processes in crystalline and non-crystalline materials: Case studies of experimental ilmenite and borosilicate glass leaching Lammers, Lydia Biomineralbildungen in Mikromassen-Kulturen humaner Stammzellen und in humanem Knorpelgewebe Kowacz, Magdalena The effect of additives on water structure and solute hydration: Consequences for crystal nucleation, growth and dissolution. Pöml, Philipp Frederik Investigations on the suitability of pyrochlore and zirconolite compounds as nuclear waste forms Mutter, Andreas The Bond-valence deficiency model: A new application to describe mineral surface reactions Müller, Ingo Influence of Cellulose Ethers on the Kinetics of Early Portland Cement Hydration Sethmann, Ingo Calcareous Biominerals and Their Formation: Nano-Cluster Crystal Growth through Mineral-Organic Interaction as a Principle of Biomineralisation Pollok, Kilian Crystal growth patterns in solid solution systems: Case studies on oscillatory zoning and mineral replacement reaction Postdoctoral Studies
John, Timm Physical and chemical processes during the dehydration of subducting oceanic lithosphere: Reactive fluid flow under high-pressure conditions Geisler-Wierwille, Thorsten Applications of Raman Spectoscopy in Materials Research and Geosciences