Elisabete Trindade Pedrosa

Seniorprofessur für Mineralogie (Prof. Putnis)

Corrensstraße 24, room 227
48149 Münster

T: +49 251 83-33456
F: +49 (0)251 83-36112

Academic Profile

External Profile

  • Research Focus

    • Porosity generation and evolution during mineral replacement reactions. Geochemistry.
  • CV

    Academic Education

    Early Stage Researcher (PhD) within the FlowTrans ITN at Marie Curie Initial Training Network - Flow and Transformation of Porous Media
    Msc Environmental Studies (ERASMUS MUNDUS) offered by University of Aveiro (PT); Autonomous University of Barcelona (ESP); Hamburg University of Technology (GER); Aalborg University Denmark (JEMES- Joint European Master in Environmental Studies)
    BSc Environmental Engineering, University of Aveiro, Portugal


    Research Assistant at Institute of Wastewater Management and Water Protection, Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH)
    Research Assistant at CESAM- Centre for Environmental and Marine Studies, University of Aveiro
    Internship (Leonardo Da Vinci Programme) at Agrochemistry and Environment Department, University Miguel Hernández (UMH), Spain
  • Project

    • FlowTrans – Flow in Transforming Porous Media ()
      EU-Project Hosted outside the University of Münster: EC FP 7 - Marie Curie Actions - Initial Training Networks | Project Number: PITN-GA-2012-316889
  • Publications

    Research Articles (Journals)
    • Pedrosa, E.T., Putnis, C. V., Renard, F., Burgos-Cara, A., Laurich, B., Putnis, A. (). Porosity generated during the fluid-mediated replacement of calcite by fluorite. CrystEngComm, 18, 6867–6874. doi: 10.1039/C6CE01150K.
    • Pedrosa, E.T., Putnis, C.V., Putnis, A. (). The pseudomorphic replacement of marble by apatite: The role of fluid composition. Chemical Geology, 425. doi: 10.1016/j.geoderma.2012.02.001.
    Abstracts in Digital Collections (Conferences)
    • Pedrosa, E.T., Boeck, L., Putnis, C.V., Putnis, A. (). A kinetic study of the replacement of calcite marble by fluorite. In EGU General Assembly 2016, Vienna.
    • Pedrosa, E.T., Burgos-Cara, A., Putnis, C. V., Putnis, A. (). Porosity generated during the replacement of calcite by fluorite. In Goldschmidt 2016, Yokohama, Japan.

    • Pedrosa, E.T., Putnis, A. (). Experimental replacement of calcium carbonates by fluorite: high volume changes and porosity generation. In EGU General Assembly 2015, Vienna, Austria.
    • Pedrosa, E.T., Putnis, C.V., Putnis, A. (). Porosity development during reactive fluid flow through Carrara marble. In Goldschmidt 2015, Prague, Czech Republic.

    • Elisabete Trindade Pedrosa and Andrew Putnis. (). The influence of Cl, F and Mg ions on the experimental replacement of Carrara marble by apatite. In EGU General Assembly 2014, Viena, Austria.
    • Elisabete Trindade Pedrosa and Andrew Putnis. (). Fluid composition effects on the experimental replacement of Carrara marble by apatite. In 92nd Annual Meeting Deutsche Mineralogische Gesellschaft, Jena, Germany.
    • Guerrero, C., Pedrosa, E.T., Pérez-Bejarano, A., Keizer, J.J. (). Near infrared spectroscopy to estimate the temperature reached on burned soils: strategies to develop robust models. In EGU General Assembly 2014, Vienna, Austria.

    • P. Maia, J.G. Pausas, V. Arcenegui, C. Guerrero, A. Pérez-Bejarano, J. Mataix-Solera, M.E.T. Varela, I. Fernandes, E.T. Pedrosa, J.J. Keizer. (). Wildfire effects on the soil seed bank of a maritime pine stand — The importance of fire severity. Geoderma, 191.

    • Pedrosa, E.T., Guerrero, C., Maia, P., Pérez-Bejarano, A., Varela, M., Vieira, D., Keizer, J.J. (). The use of NIR for estimating wildfire-induced heating of forest topsoil. In EGU General Assembly 2011, Vienna, Austria.