Giuseppina Marano
Curriculum Vitae
September 2020 – Phd Co-direction in Classical Archaeology, at Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster (WWU), Münster, GERMANY. Co-director: Prof. Achim Lichtenberger. October 2019 - PhD student in the frame of the ERC Advanced Grant Project 741182 MAP (Mapping Ancient Polytheisms. Cult Epithets as an Interface between Religious Systems and HumanAgency), led by Corinne Bonnet, at Université Toulouse – Jean Jaurès, Toulouse, FRANCE (PLH-ERASME), Director: Prof. Corinne Bonnet. February 2019 MA, in Philology, Literatures and Civilizations of the Ancient World, at University of Naples - Federico II, Naples, ITALY, Thesis: «Traditions on Jewish and Spartan συγγένεια». Dissertation project
Project Title: « Zeus, Dios: declination of sovereignty. Divine Onomastics in the Ancient Near East»
Project Summary: This project aims to explore divine onomastics of ancient Polytheisms in the Graeco-Roman Near East. As part of the ERC Advanced Grant MAP – Mapping Ancient Polytheisms. Cult Epithets as an Interface between religious systems and human agency Project, the main investigation is about how ancient people, using variable appellatives in variable combinations, conceived and shaped complex and fluid divine powers. Thanks to the building of a Database and in order to understand divine powers and their relational links, this project takes into account “onomastic sequences”, that is to say combinations of various types of elements (nouns, epithets, titles, sentences, etc.). These onomastic elements play a strategic role in ritual communication, in a given ritual context. The core-case of the project, the cults of Zeus in the Ancient Near East, allows to realize an overall analysis with defined contours, as well as to deepen the cultural links that flexible systems such as religious ones establish. The encounter between Near Eastern cultures plays a leading role in the creation of these onomastic networks, which will be studied thanks to Network Analysis of data and Webmapping tools in development.