
Within the framework of the doctoral programme offered by the Münster School of Ancient Cultures, we invite particularly suitable young researchers with doctoral projects from the disciplines represented in the MSAC to apply for admission to the graduate school.

  • The MSAC doctoral programme offers successful applicants

    • a structured doctoral programme
    • intensive supervision by professors and postdocs from the subjects represented in the MSAC
    • numerous opportunities for interdisciplinary and international exchange with peers and experienced researchers
    • networking with doctoral students in the MSAC and in partner graduate schools and institutions at home and abroad
    • accompanying coaching and mentoring by experts from within and outside academia
    • a wide range of workshops, qualification and further training measures
    • support in applying for grants or positions
    • content-related and financial support in the implementation of workshops
    • mobility allowances for participation in events abroad
    • support in career planning and career decisions
    • a certificate of successful completion of the MSAC doctoral programme
  • What we expect from successful applicants

    • academic excellence
    • conscientious work on the doctoral project
    • active engagement and involvement in the MSAC and scientific exchange
    • committed participation and further academic qualification in the doctoral programme
    • a sustained willingness to work in an interdisciplinary manner and to engage in international networking.
  • Requirements/qualifications

    • An above-average degree that meets the requirements of the doctoral regulations of the department responsible for the project and involved in the MSAC (FB 01, FB 02, FB 08, FB 09) of the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster.
    • Doctoral regulations:



  • Application documents required

    • an informative exposé of your doctoral project (research question, objectives, methodology), which also shows how the planned project fits into the MSAC and its thematic orientation and which outlines the intended work and time schedule (approx. 4-5 pages)
    • a letter of motivation outlining the reasons for applying to the MSAC
    • a declaration by the first supervisor on the supervision of the doctoral project
    • an excerpt from your own academic work of a maximum of ten pages
    • certificate of the university degree entitling the holder to a doctorate / transcript of records
    • detailed curriculum vitae outlining the applicant's academic career (including, if applicable, relevant talks and publications)

    If the degree certificate and/or the declaration of the first supervisor will only be available shortly, they can be submitted later.

    In addition to striving for subject diversity in the doctoral projects, the selection process pri-marily considers projects in an early phase of the doctorate. Please state in your application which other doctoral networks you are a member of and briefly explain how you are involved. At the WWU, we particularly want to promote the careers of women in those areas in which they are underrepresented and are therefore very pleased to receive applications of women.  We also welcome applications from qualified severely disabled applicants and applicants with  equal status.

  • Contact

    If you have any further questions about the application process or the MSAC, please contact the following persons:

    Prof. Dr. Johannes Hahn, M.A.
    Sprecher MSAC
    WWU Münster
    Seminar für Alte Geschichte/Institut für Epigraphik
    Domplatz 20-22
    48143 Münster
    Matthias Sandberg, M.A.
    Geschäftsführer MSAC
    WWU Münster
    Seminar für Alte Geschichte/Institut für Epigraphik
    Domplatz 20-22
    48143 Münster
    Dr. Nikola Moustakis
    Geschäftsführerin GKM
    Vorstand MSAC
    WWU Münster
    Universitätsstraße 13-17
    48143 Münster