Weather station of Climatology working group

The Institute for Landscape Ecology (ILÖK) is running an automatic weather station on the rooftop of the institute's building. Data of this station are presented here. These data are uncontrolled raw data.

The meteorological data by stations operated by the Institute of Landscape Ecology of the University of Münster is made available under the Public Domain Dedication and License v1.0 whose full text can be found at:
A "human-readable" version is available under

Last values
Time (UTC+1) 07/17/2024 12:10 PM
Air temperature (15 m above roof level, 34 m AGL, 99 m AMSL) 18.8 °C
Relative humidity (15 m above roof level, 34 m AGL, 99 m AMSL) 76 %
Air pressure (1 m above roof level, 20 m AGL, 85 m AMSL) 1010.9 hPa
Wind speed (15 m above roof level, 34 m AGL, 99 m AMSL) 3.8 m/s
13.6 km/h
  wind force Beaufort 3
  maximum wind gust (last 10 min) 6.345 m/s
Wind direction (15 m above roof level, 34 m AGL, 99 m AMSL) 251 °
(aus W )
Shortwave incoming radiation 197.2 W/m²
Visibility > 2000 m
Weather code (WMO 4680) 0
  description Clear
Cloud base height 846 m
Cloud cover 8/8