Daily weather statistics
On this page some daily statistics obtained from data of our weather station can be accessed.
Data before Jan. 1st 2014 were collected by our station on top of the roof of Robert-Koch Str. 28.
Data after Jan. 1st 2014 were measured by our station on top the roof of Heisenbergstr. 2.
Select year and the day starting 2007-01-01.
Parameter | Value |
Air Temperature: Minimum / Mean / Maximum | 5.3 / 7.0 / 8.1 °C |
Relative Humidity: Minimum / Mean / Maximum | 97.3 / 98.1 / 98.4 % |
Maximum Wind Gust | 6.4 m/s |
Precipitation Sum | 0.1 mm |
Mean Air Pressure | 1023.4 hPa |