Graduation Scholarship of the International Office

As part of the DAAD STIBET I programme, the International Office advertises degree scholarships funded by the Federal Foreign Office twice a year. The Graduation Scholarship is a short-term scholarship for international students of the University of Münster who find themselves in a financially difficult situation shortly before the end of their studies (not included are: language courses, exchange programmmes, part-time "Zertifikat"-programmes and doctoral studies). The current call for applications is open from 1 to 28 February 2025.

  • Who can receive the scholarship?

    Educational foreigners (students who have obtained their university entrance qualification outside of Germany) and who do not have German citizenship, are matriculated at the University of Münster and will complete their studies within one year. Monthly earnings during the funding period must not exceed €1,290 brutto. 

    What are the selection criteria?

    • Financial need that is not self-inflicted
    • Good academic performance
    • Completion of studies must be possible within the next 12 months from the start of funding
  • What does the scholarship include?

    The amount of the scholarship depends on the funds available and your individual situation. As a rule, you can receive financial support of up to € 500 for 1-4 months.

  • What documents do you need to submit?

    • Certificate from the Examinations Office (please download the form and have it completed out by the Examination Office)
    • Current overview of grades and achievements stating the number of credit points earned and the current average grade (please note that you must apply for the overview in time at the Examinations Office, as it may take some time to issue)

    • Letter of motivation

    • Study term certificate for the summer term 2025
    • Copy of residence permit (for EU citizens: copy of identity card/passport)
    • Curriculum vitae
    • If you have already received scholarships from other organisations: Notification thereof (e.g. scholarship award letter,…)
    • If available: BAföG notification
    • Final declaration ("Abschließende Erklärung")
  • What is the further procedure?

    • Complete the online application form by 28 February 2025 at the latest and upload all the documents listed above.
    • The selection committee will review your application.
    • You will most likely be informed about the selection by 21 March 2025.
  • Support with your application

    If you need support with your scholarship application (In which format do I need to upload the application documents? How do I write a letter of motivation? etc.), you can contact our InfoPoint team. Contact details and opening hours can be found here.

  • Kontakt

    Inga Schubert