The Larger Picture – international and intercultural


The International Office offers intercultural continuing education courses to all members of the University of Münster. These are specifically designed to strengthen one's ability to navigate intercultural issues during one's studies, on the job and in private life.

international students learning together
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Workshops for students

  • Dealing with Cultural Diversity – Aspects of Intercultural Communication at University

    Cultural diversity is a given in our lives and intercultural competence an essential skill. But what is cultural diversity, what is intercultural competence – and what is culture anyway?

    In this workshop, we will address these and other questions and look at ways of dealing with cultural diversity. We will focus in particular on how cultural diversity is dealt with at universities and will explore aspects of working in multicultural teams. An important part of this workshop will be the reflection on our own experiences and our own individual boundaries.

    When: 9 a.m. s.t. to 4 p.m., 23.05.2025 + 20.06.2025
    Where: R. 56, Botanicum, Schlossgarten 3
    Course Language: English
    Registration: open until 09.04.2025

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  • Cultural Diversity – An Approach to Social Reality

    Cultural Diversity characterises our everyday lives. But what is culture? What cultures do we experience? And to which cultures does everyone of us belong? After exploring the definition of culture, this workshop addresses cultural diversity in Germany (people with migration background, people with disabilities, young and old people, etc.).

    When: 9 a.m. s.t. to 4 p.m., 09.05.2025 + 06.06.2025
    Where: R. 56, Botanicum, Schlossgarten 3
    Course Language: German
    Registration: open until 09.04.2025

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a group of international people
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Workshops for instructors and staff

  • Working Successfully in an International Context

    Working with international students and in a multicultural team has become part of everyday life at Münster University. However, due to culturally different ideas, e.g. about gender roles, status or communication, misunderstandings can quickly arise that make working together difficult. In the workshop, action strategies for everyday work and life will be developed, with the help of which cooperation in an international context at the University of Münster or during a stay abroad can be more successful.

    When: 2025, exact date to be determined
    Where: R. 56, Botanicum, Schlossgarten 3
    Course Language: German or English
    Registration: open

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  • Shaping Diversity – Intercultural Competence at the University

    The cultural diversity in society is also reflected in everyday working life at the University of Münster and social issues such as diversity, intercultural opening (Interkulturelle Öffnung) and dealing with racism are also becoming increasingly relevant.

    The 10 modules in the professional training series "Shaping diversity – Intercultural competence at the university" help staff and instructors develop personal strategies for engaging in intercultural situations at the workplace. Participants are given the opportunity to deal intensively with various aspects of cultural diversity and learn how they can promote this cultural diversity in the interests of successful cooperation.

    Building on intercultural awareness (modules 1-4), participants can select from modules 5-10 those they consider relevant to their everyday work. Those who have already completed the workshop "Working successfully in an international context" can go straight into modules 5-10.

    Modules 1-4: Intercultural Awareness 1+2, Working in a Multicultural Team, Conflict Resolution Strategies in an Intercultural Context

    Modules 5-8: Intercultural Mediation, Cultural Diversity in Society, Dealing with Discrimination and Racism, Intercultural Opening ("Interkulturelle Öffnung")

    Modules 9-10: Teaching Intercultural Competence in the Classroom

    Modules 1-4: 22.10., 05.11., 19.11. + 03.12.2024
    Module 5: 06.05.2025
    Module 6: 20.05.2025
    Module 7: 03.06.2025
    Module 8: 17.06.2025
    Modules 9-10: 28.10. + 11.11.2025
    All modules run from 9 a.m. to 12 noon.
    Modules 1-4: until 15.10.2024
    Module 5: until 21.04.2025
    Module 6: until 06.05.2025
    Module 7: until 20.05.2025
    Module 8: until 03.06.2025
    Modules 9-10: bis zum 14.10.2025

    Where: R. 56, Botanicum, Schlossgarten 3
    Course Language: German

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