The Main Window

Opens the Selection Agents window (displayed below) in which you can chose the agents to be sniffed and the agents to be put in the Canvas.

Clears the Message Canvas erasing all the data stored in memory

Opens a previously saved snapshot of the Sniffer, including messages

Saves a snapshot of the Sniffer to a binary file for later recall

Writes a text file with all sniffed messages appearing on the Message Canvas

This is the main Canvas. Grey and red rectangles represent the agents. Green lines and red numbers represent the timeline. Blue arrows represent the message sent: they start from the sender and end to the receiver of the sniffed message. You can view the sniffed message by double-clicking on the arrow.

This is the Message Bar. The type of the message is displayed here every time you click on an arrow in the Message Canvas.

The Selection Agents Window

This is Selection Agents window. Every line at the right of the icon represents an agent: the user can select any number of agents and sniff them by typing ALT+S or selecting Do Sniff This Agent(s) from the Actions menu. To unsniff the agents the user must select them then type ALT+N or select Do Not Sniff This Agent(s) from the Actions menu. To add or remove an agent from the canvas without sniffing - unsniffing it the user has only to double-click on the name.

JADE is a trademark of CSELT. JADE has been developed jointly by CSELT and the Computer Engineering Group of the University of Parma