Bewilligtes Projekt
DFG Projekt "RealySt: Erreichbarkeitsanalyse für stochastische hybride Systeme" in Kooperation mit Prof. Dr. Erika Ábrahám von der RWTH Aachen
DFG Projekt "RealySt: Erreichbarkeitsanalyse für stochastische hybride Systeme" in Kooperation mit Prof. Dr. Erika Ábrahám von der RWTH Aachen
NWO Projekt in Kooperation mit Johann Hurink, University of Twente:
Integrated distributed SCADA security through local approximations of power flow equations
On april 1, 2021 Verena Menzel starts working on the project as a doctoral student.
‘Cybersecurity in future energy distribution grids’.
Renewable energy requires advanced control networks. To ensure safe and secure energy distribution in complex energy grids, we build and implement an additional security layer: Using the grid topology and real-time measurements from neighbouring stations, a model of the state of substations is maintained, which allows to detect malicious commands and false measurements.
NWO Veni: Counting on a reliable water supply (laymen title).
ALLEGIO: Composable Embedded Systems for Healthcar.
MOSES (NWO): More secure SCADA networks through self-awareness.
ROCKS: RigorOus dependability analysis using model ChecKing techniques for Stochastic systems.
MatMam: Mean-Filed Approximation techniques for Markov Models.