The most important layout parameters

As part of the corporate design of the University of Münster, you can decide on the following design elements for your website:

The color scheme of your page

  • The logos or wordmarks of your institution
  • The color scheme of the page

With the parameters primary and as secondary color you determine the coloring of your page.
For example, the primary color is the color of the menu bar, and the secondary color is used to highlight clicked menu items.

In this example, the primary color is green and the secondary color is blue.


Screenshot Imperia color scheme
© Uni MS IT

The primary color is set with the parameter "primaerfarbe", the secondary color with the parameter "sekundaerfarbe". Here, specify a six-digit hexadecimal number (without leading hash character). Any colour that has not yet been created in Imperia can be created by the Web & Design department. Send the desired colour with hex code to


In many websites, the colour contrasts do not correspond to what is necessary according to the BITV so that people with certain visual impairments such as partial colour blindness or cataracts can easily distinguish between text and background. The contrast value should always be at least 3:1.
Aktion Mensch" has compiled an overview of tools for checking websites for accessibility: Tools for checking your website

When choosing a colour combination, you should choose two colours that contrast well with each other. The combination of red and green should be avoided for accessibility reasons.
You can find out more about accessibility on the  intranet.

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Contact details and linking the contact details to the site plan

Another important function of parameters is the display of contact data. These are located on the left side of the page as well as in the footer of a page, where they are only visible with certain programs or on a printout. So you should always fill the address parameters below with content, even if you don't want to display the address at all. The address data is specified in the source code with microformats, so that - if you have the necessary software - you can transfer it directly to the address book with one click. Here is an overview of the parameters:

  • einrichtung - The name of your institution.
  • strasse - Street and house number, if necessary also block or office number.
  • lageplan_uri - Here you have the possibility to link the address directly to the central interactive site plan ( uniplan/). Simply enter the complete address that appears in the address bar of your browser window when you click on your building in the site plan.
  • plz - The postal code.
  • ort - The place. Usually this is Münster.
  • tel - Your telephone number. According to the international standard, this is output with country code, area code without leading 0 and without packet-wise structuring. The area code is separated by a space, the direct extension can be separated by a hyphen. For example, +49 251 83-12345.
  • fax - Your fax number. The standards here are analogous to the standards for telephone numbers.
  • elpost_adresse - Here you can store the e-mail address of the institute or the secretariat. Often the e-mail address linked in the address field is used for the first contact.
  • elpost_text - If you do not want to display the e-mail address as specified in the "elpost_address" parameter, you can enter a different text here.

The parameters of the following table lead to the result that you can see on the one hand in the image and on the other hand in the footer of this web page.

Screenshot Imperia contact
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Parameter Value
einrichtung CIT & the Web and Design department (Parameter: einrichtung)
strasse Schlossplatz 2 (Parameter: strasse)
lageplan_uri /uv/uniaz/lageplan/0351
plz 48155 (Parameter: plz)
ort Münster (Parameter: ort)
tel +49 251 83-0 (Parameter: tel)
fax 0251 - 83-XX (Parameter: fax)
elpost_adresse (Parameter: elpost_adresse)

Now you can decide whether the address box should be displayed. For this purpose there is the parameter "bereich_d_vorspann_anschrift". If you set this to 0, no address box will be displayed on the pages of the category (and subordinate categories), if you set it to 1, the address box will be displayed.


The most popular variant is that the address box is displayed only on the home page. To do this, set the "bereich_d_vorspann_anschrift" parameter in the main heading to 0. Then edit the heading parameters of the "Lead page" heading and set the "bereich_d_vorspann_anschrift" parameter there to 1.

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Right to publish

In the "Parameters" menu, you can call up the "Publication right" item for each category. This allows you to define which imperia roles are authorized to publish the documents in this category. However, this does not mean that the owners of the groups are allowed to edit the documents.