- Recent Projects
- Together with Doris Fuchs and Oliver Treib, I coordinate Work Packages of the Horizon Europe Research Project INCITE DEM since March 2023.
- With Mitja Back, Gerald Echterhoff, Olaf Müller and Detlef Pollack, I analyze the effects of perceptions of (international) threats and feelings of belongingness on political attitudes within the framework of the Cluster of Excellence "Religion and Politics".
- Together with Mitja Back, I also coordinate a project on the automated recognition of threat communication in politically relevant texts. This project is also part of the Cluster of Excellence "Religion and Politics".
- Recent publications - Please find my publications at Google Scholar
- Recent Projects
Research Foci
- Religion and Politics
- Political Communication
- Political Psychology / Research on Political Attitudes and Actions (Topics: Globalization, Sustainability)
- Empirical Methods (especially Survey Design and Data Linkage)
Academic Education
- PhD Political Science at University of Freiburg
- MA in Political Science (Major), German Literature and Musicology (Minors)
- Professor (Quantitative Methods)
- "Juniorprofessor" (Assistant Professor w/o Tenure Track) for Quantitative Methods at University of Münster, Department of Political Science
- Postdoc (International Politics) at University of Goettingen, Department of Political Science
- Postdoc (International Politics) at University of Salzburg, Department of Political Science
- (Predoc) Research Assistant at University of Freiburg, Department of Political Science
- Vorlesung: Statistics I [066844]
- Praktikum: Internship report (Master) [066859]
(in cooperation with Dr. Ulrich Hamenstädt, Prof. Dr. Norbert Kersting, apl. Prof. Christiane Frantz, Dr. Max Schulte, Prof. Dr. Oliver Treib, Dr. Inga Nüthen, Dr. Tobias Albrecht, Dr. Manon Westphal, Jun.-Prof. Antonia Graf, Jun.-Prof. Svenja Ahlhaus, apl. Prof. Matthias Freise, Prof. Dr. Daniel Bischof, Dr. Ivo Hernandez, Karen Siegel) - Tutorium: Tutorial: Statistics I [066845]
- Kolloquium: Colloquium for Graduation Candidates [066918]
- Vorlesung: Methodology I [064847]
- Vorlesung: Statistics II [064845]
- Tutorium: Tutorial Statistics II [064846]
- Kolloquium: Colloquium for Exam Candidates [064932]
- Vorlesung: Statistics I [062006]
- Hauptseminar: Public Opinion and Sustainability [062057]
- Praktikum: Internship report (Master) [062022]
(in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Gabriele Wilde, Dr. Tobias Gumbert, Dr. Ulrich Hamenstädt, Prof. Dr. Norbert Kersting, apl. Prof. Christiane Frantz, Dr. Ivo Hernandez, Prof. Dr. Oliver Treib, Dr. Tobias Albrecht, Jun.-Prof. Antonia Graf, Prof. Dr. Thomas Dietz, apl. Prof. Matthias Freise, Jun.-Prof. Svenja Ahlhaus, Dr. Felix Petersen) - Praktikum: Internship report (Master) [062075]
(in cooperation with Dr. Tobias Gumbert, Jun.-Prof. Antonia Graf, Prof. Dr. Thomas Dietz, Jun.-Prof. Svenja Ahlhaus, Prof. Dr. Oliver Treib, Dr. Ivo Hernandez, Dr. Tobias Albrecht) - Tutorium: Tutorial: Statistics I [062007]
- Kolloquium: Colloquium for Graduation Candidates [062062]
- Vorlesung: Methodology I [060008]
- Vorlesung: Statistics II [060006]
- Praktikum: Internship report (Master) [060076]
(in cooperation with Dr. Ulrich Hamenstädt, Dr. Max Schulte, Prof. Dr. Norbert Kersting, apl. Prof. Christiane Frantz, Dr. Marius Dotzauer, Prof. Dr. Oliver Treib, Dr. Tobias Albrecht, Prof. Dr. Antje Vetterlein, Dr. Carsten Wegscheider, Jun.-Prof. Antonia Graf, Prof. Dr. Thomas Dietz, Dr. Sebastian Jungkunz, Dr. Felix Petersen, Prof. Doris Fuchs, apl. Prof. Matthias Freise, apl. Prof. Oliver Hidalgo, Dr. Ivo Hernandez) - Tutorium: Tutorial Statistics II [060007]
- Kolloquium: Colloquium for Exam Candidates [060074]
- Vorlesung: Statistics I [068004]
- Bachelorseminar: "They're up to something": The Communication of Conspiracy Theories and its Effects in the Age of Digitalized Media [068039]
- Hauptseminar: Climate change and (ecological) sustainability politics from the perspective of citizens [068049]
- Praktikum: Internship report (Master) [068120]
(in cooperation with Jun.-Prof. Antonia Graf, Prof. Andreas von Staden, Dr. Ivo Hernandez) - Praktikum: Internship report (Master) [064113]
(in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Gabriele Wilde, Dr. Ulrich Hamenstädt, apl. Prof. Christiane Frantz, Dr. Max Schulte, Prof. Dr. Norbert Kersting, Dr. Ivo Hernandez, Prof. Dr. Oliver Treib, Dr. Mareike Gebhardt, Jun.-Prof. Antonia Graf, Priv.-Doz. Aiko Wagner, Prof. Doris Fuchs, apl. Prof. Matthias Freise, Prof. Andreas von Staden) - Tutorium: Tutorial: Statistics I [068005]
- Kolloquium: Colloquium for Graduation Candidates [068056]
- Vorlesung: Methodology I [066008]
- Vorlesung: Statistics II [066006]
- Bachelorseminar: "They are up to something": The communication of conspiracy theories and their effects in the age of digitized media [066040]
- Tutorium: Tutorial Statistics II [066007]
- Kolloquium: Colloquium for Exam Candidates [066032]
- Vorlesung: Module B 11: General Studies I (Study and Work Skills) [068007]
- Praktikum: Internship report (Master) [068115]
(in cooperation with Franz Henne, Prof. Dr. Armin Schäfer, Prof. Dr. Annette Zimmer, Dr. Max Schulte, apl. Prof. Christiane Frantz, Prof. Dr. Oliver Treib, Dr. Marius Dotzauer, Dr. Karsten Mause, Prof. Dr. Antje Vetterlein, Dr. Manon Westphal, Svenja Hense, Dr. Mareike Gebhardt, Dr. Hendrik Meyer, Prof. Dr. Thomas Dietz, apl. Prof. Matthias Freise, Prof. Doris Fuchs, apl. Prof. Oliver Hidalgo, Dr. Ivo Hernandez, Prof. Dr. Gabriele Wilde, Dr. Ulrich Hamenstädt, Prof. Dr. Ulrich Willems) - Tutorium: Tutorial Statistics II [068010]
- Vorlesung: Statistics I [066005]
- Hauptseminar: Conspiracy Theory [066072]
- Praktikum: Internship report (Master) [066101]
(in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Armin Schäfer, Prof. Dr. Annette Zimmer, Dr. Max Schulte, Prof. Dr. Norbert Kersting, apl. Prof. Christiane Frantz, Prof. Dr. Oliver Treib, Dr. Karsten Mause, PhD Le Anh Nguyen Long, Dr. Manon Westphal, Prof. Dr. Klaus Schubert, Dr. Hendrik Meyer, Jun.-Prof. Antonia Graf, Prof. Doris Fuchs, apl. Prof. Matthias Freise, Joachim Benedikt Pahl, Thomas Altmeppen, Dr. Ivo Hernandez, Prof. Dr. Gabriele Wilde, Uwe Hunger, Dr. Ulrich Hamenstädt, Prof. Dr. Ulrich Willems) - Tutorium: Tutorial Statistics I [066006]
- Kolloquium: Colloquium [066091]
- Vorlesung: Statistics II [064015]
- Bachelorseminar: Conspiracy theories [064035]
- Hauptseminar: Legitimacy in international relations [064034]
- Praktikum: Internship report (Master) [064056]
(in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Gabriele Wilde, Prof. Dr. Annette Zimmer, Dr. Ulrich Hamenstädt, apl. Prof. Matthias Freise, Dr. Max Schulte, Prof. Dr. Oliver Treib, Dr. Karsten Mause, Prof. Dr. Antje Vetterlein, Prof. Dr. Thomas Dietz, Dr. Hendrik Meyer, Dr. Mujtaba Isani) - Tutorium: Tutorial Statistics II [064016]
- Kolloquium: Colloquium [064033]
- Vorlesung: Methodology II [062018]
- Vorlesung: 2. Study Course Physics (Master) [062016]
- Praktikum: Internship report (Master) [062091]
(in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Armin Schäfer, Prof. Dr. Annette Zimmer, Prof. Dr. Ulrich Willems, apl. Prof. Christiane Frantz, Prof. Dr. Norbert Kersting, Dr. Max Schulte, Dr. Claudia Ritzi, Dr. Karsten Mause, PhD Le Anh Nguyen Long, Dr. Manon Westphal, Prof. Dr. Klaus Schubert, Dr. Mujtaba Isani, Jun.-Prof. Antonia Graf, Dr. Hendrik Meyer, apl. Prof. Matthias Freise, Prof. Doris Fuchs, Dr. Ivo Hernandez, Uwe Hunger, Dr. Ulrich Hamenstädt) - Tutorium: Tutorial Empirical Methods II [062019]
- Tutorium: Lecture courses [062017]
- Kolloquium: Advanced modules 2 [062066]
- Vorlesung: Lecture: Statistics I [068004]
- Bachelorseminar: Advanced Module Heritage of the Classical Age [068059]
- Hauptseminar: Foundational module communication and media [068066]
- Praktikum: Internship report (Master) [068071]
(in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Gabriele Wilde, Prof. Dr. Ulrich Willems, Prof. Dr. Norbert Kersting, apl. Prof. Christiane Frantz, apl. Prof. Matthias Freise, Prof. Dr. Oliver Treib, Björn Goldstein, Dr. Ivo Hernandez, Dr. Karsten Mause, PhD Le Anh Nguyen Long, Prof. Dr. Klaus Schubert) - Tutorium: Tutorial Statistics I [068005]
- Kolloquium: Colloquium [068038]
- Vorlesung: Bachelor, 2nd year (G, HRSGe, BK, 2-Fach) [066159]
- Methodenseminar: Advanced Module [066168]
- Hauptseminar: Interest intermediation at international level [066257]
- Praktikum: Internship report (Master) [066205]
(in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Markus Lederer, Prof. Dr. Norbert Kersting, apl. Prof. Christiane Frantz, Prof. Dr. Oliver Treib, Dr. Karsten Mause, Ulrike Spohn, Prof. Dr. Klaus Schubert, Dr. Hendrik Meyer, Prof. Dr. Thomas Dietz, apl. Prof. Matthias Freise, Prof. Doris Fuchs, Dr. Ivo Hernandez, apl. Prof. Oliver Hidalgo, Björn Goldstein, Prof. Dr. Gabriele Wilde, Uwe Hunger) - Tutorium: Tutorial: Statistics II [066160]
- Kolloquium: Colloquium [066258]
- Vorlesung: Lecture: Statistics I [064035]
- Bachelorseminar: Political (elites) communications [064017]
- Hauptseminar: Political psychology in the European context [064025]
- Praktikum: Internship report (Master) [064065]
(in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Annette Zimmer, Dr. Ulrich Hamenstädt, Prof. Dr. Ulrich Willems, Prof. Dr. Markus Lederer, apl. Prof. Christiane Frantz, Prof. Dr. Norbert Kersting, Prof. Dr. Susanne Feske, Prof. Dr. Oliver Treib, Ulrike Spohn, Dr. Karsten Mause, Dr. Hendrik Meyer, Prof. Doris Fuchs, apl. Prof. Matthias Freise, Dr. Ivo Hernandez, Prof. Dr. Gabriele Wilde) - Tutorium: Tutorial to Statistics I [064036]
- Kolloquium: Colloquium [064106]
- Vorlesung: Statistics II [062592]
- Methodenseminar: Quantitative Methods (course 2) [062052]
- Bachelorseminar: Political Scientific and Political Questions in a Dialogue between Students and Readers of the Westphalian News [064133]
- Praktikum: Internship report (Master) [062128]
(in cooperation with Dr. Ulrich Hamenstädt, Prof. Dr. Markus Lederer, Prof. Dr. Norbert Kersting, apl. Prof. Christiane Frantz, Prof. Dr. Susanne Feske, apl. Prof. Oliver Hidalgo, Dr. Ivo Hernandez, Prof. Dr. Oliver Treib, Dr. Karsten Mause, Ulrike Spohn, Prof. Dr. Klaus Schubert, Prof. Dr. Dirk van den Boom, apl. Prof. Matthias Freise) - Tutorium: Tutorial statistics II [062005]
- Vorlesung: Lecture: Statistics 1 [062819]
- Vorlesung: Practice Seminar secondary analysis (method II) [062842]
- Praktikum: Internship Report [065048]
(in cooperation with Sebastian Schneider, Prof. Dr. Annette Zimmer, Norbert Konegen, Prof. Dr. Markus Lederer, Dr. Ricardo Lagos Andino, Dr. Max Schulte, Prof. Dr. Norbert Kersting, Prof. Dr. Susanne Feske, apl. Prof. Christiane Frantz, Prof. Dr. Oliver Treib, Prof. Dr. Thomas Dietz, Martin Althoff, apl. Prof. Matthias Freise, Prof. Doris Fuchs, Tobias Fabinger, Anne-Dörte Balks, Björn Goldstein, Wolfgang Gieler, Priv.-Doz. Ingo Take, Prof. Dr. Gabriele Wilde, Dirk Halm, Prof. Dr. Ulrich Willems, Detlef Braun, Karsten Frey, Prof. Dr. Klaus Schubert) - Tutorium: Tutorial Methods II [064549]
- Tutorium: Tutorial statistics I [064405]
- Hauptseminar: Module M 8: Forest Ecology and Management [064813]
- Praktikum: Internship Report [065401]
(in cooperation with Sebastian Schneider, Prof. Dr. Annette Zimmer, Prof. Dr. Markus Lederer, Norbert Konegen, apl. Prof. Christiane Frantz, Prof. Dr. Susanne Feske, Prof. Dr. Norbert Kersting, Dr. Max Schulte, Dr. Ricardo Lagos Andino, Prof. Dr. Oliver Treib, Martin Althoff, Prof. Dr. Thomas Dietz, Prof. Doris Fuchs, apl. Prof. Matthias Freise, Wolfgang Gieler, Björn Goldstein, Anne-Dörte Balks, Tobias Fabinger, Prof. Dr. Gabriele Wilde, Priv.-Doz. Ingo Take, Dirk Halm, Prof. Dr. Ulrich Willems, Detlef Braun, Karsten Frey, Prof. Dr. Klaus Schubert) - Praktikum: Internship Report (Master) [063633]
(in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Annette Zimmer, Dr. Ulrich Hamenstädt, Prof. Dr. Ulrich Willems, Prof. Dr. Markus Lederer, Prof. Dr. Norbert Kersting, apl. Prof. Christiane Frantz, Prof. Dr. Susanne Feske, Dr. Max Schulte, Prof. Dr. Oliver Treib, Prof. Dr. Klaus Schubert, Prof. Doris Fuchs, apl. Prof. Matthias Freise, Dr. Ivo Hernandez, Priv.-Doz. Ingo Take, Prof. Dr. Gabriele Wilde)
- INCITE-DEM – Inclusive Citizenship in a world in Transformation: Co-Designing for Democracy ( – )
EU-Project Hosted outside the University of Münster: EC Horizon Europe - Research and innovation action | Project Number: 101094258 - EXC 2060 B3-30 – Threat Perceptions, Feelings of Belonging, Acceptance of Democratic Rule: A New Religiously Shaded Line of Conflict in Europe? ( – )
Subproject in DFG-Joint Project Hosted at the University of Münster: DFG - Cluster of Excellence | Project Number: EXC 2060/1 - EXC 2060 B3-46 - Analyzing the Communication of Religiously Framed Threats ( – )
Subproject in DFG-Joint Project Hosted at the University of Münster: DFG - Cluster of Excellence | Project Number: EXC 2060/1 - International Workshop 2023 in Münster on "Linking Survey and Context Data to Analyse Elite and Mass lnteractions" ( – )
Scientific Event: European Consortium for Political Research - RECONNECT – Reconciling Europe with its Citizens through Democracy and Rule of Law ( – )
EU-Project Hosted outside the University of Münster: EC H2020 - Research and innovation actions | Project Number: 770142 - Algorithmization and Social Interaction ( – )
Internally at the University of Münster Funded Project: Uni Münster-internal funding - Topical Programs - Linking Survey and Context Data to Analyze Elite and Mass Interactions ( – )
Subproject in DFG-Joint Project Hosted at the University of Münster: DFG - Cluster of Excellence - EXC 212 C2-30 - Prejudice, Conspiracy Theories and Negative Stereotype: The Influence of Individual and Contextual Religious Factors ( – )
Subproject in DFG-Joint Project Hosted at the University of Münster: DFG - Cluster of Excellence - The role of parliaments in the Arab transformation process ( – )
participations in other joint project: German Academic Exchange Service | Project Number: 57135925
- INCITE-DEM – Inclusive Citizenship in a world in Transformation: Co-Designing for Democracy ( – )
- Bollwerk, M., Wetzel, E., Schlipphak, B., & Back, M. D. (). Who feels marginalized? A latent class analysis of perceived societal marginalization. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 27 (3), 597–618. doi: 10.1177/13684302231182924.
- Stecker, J., Bollwerk, M., Schlipphak, B., Hellmann, J. H., Echterhoff, G., & Back, M. D. (). Feeling threatened by middle eastern immigrants: The role of RWA, SDO, subjective societal status, and religiosity in Germany. Personality Science, (in press).
- Schäfer, C., Treib, O., & Schlipphak, B. (). What kind of EU do citizens want? Reform preferences and the conflict over Europe. Journal of European Public Policy, 30 (9), 1738–1761. doi: 10.1080/13501763.2022.2102670.
- Schlipphak, B., Meiners, P., Treib, O., & Schäfer, C. (). When are governmental blaming strategies effective? How blame, source and trust effects shape citizens’ acceptance of EU sanctions against democratic backsliding. Journal of European Public Policy, 30 (9), 1715–1737. doi: 10.1080/13501763.2022.2102671.
- Bollwerk, M., Wetzel, E., Schlipphak, B., & Back, M. (). Who feels marginalized? A latent class analysis of perceived societal marginalization. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, in press. doi: 10.1177/1368430223118292.
- Isani, M., & Schlipphak, B. (). Who is asking? The effect of survey sponsor misperception on political trust: evidence from the Afrobarometer. Quality and Quantity, 57, 3453–3481. doi: 10.1007/s11135-022-01517-3.
- Treib, O., Schäfer, C., & Schlipphak, B. (). Anti-pluralist Reactions to an Anti-pluralist Party: The 'Alternative for Germany' and the German Party System. in Crum, B., & Oleart, A. (ed.), Populist Parties and Democratic Resilience: A Cross-National Analysis of Populist Parties' Impact on Democratic Pluralism in Europe (pp. 58–79). Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781003271321-4.
- Bollwerk, M., Schlipphak, B., & Back, M. (). Development and validation of the Perceived Societal Marginalization Scale. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 38 (2), 137–149. doi: 10.1027/1015-5759/a000651.
- Schlipphak, B., Meiners, P., & Kiratli, O. S. (). Crisis affectedness, elite cues and IO public legitimacy. Review of International Organizations, 1 (1), 1–22. doi: 10.1007/s11558-021-09452-y.
- Schlipphak, B., & Isani, M. (). Attitudes Towards the European Union in the MENA Region: The Case of Saudi Arabia. European Foreign Affairs Review, 27 (1). doi: 10.54648/eerr2022007.
- Schlipphak, B., Isani, M., & Back, M. (). Conspiracy Theory Beliefs and Political Trust: The Moderating Role of Political Communication. Politics and Governance, 10 (4), 157–167. doi: 10.17645/pag.v10i4.5755.
- Farkhari, F., Schlipphak, B., & Back, M. (). Individual‐Level Predictors of Conspiracy Mentality in Germany and Poland. Politics and Governance, 10 (4), 203–215. doi: 10.17645/pag.v10i4.5865.
- Back, M., Echterhoff, G., Müller, O. P., & Schlipphak, B. (). Von Verteidigern und Entdeckern: Ein neuer Identitätskonflikt in Europa. Springer VS. doi: 10.1007/978-3-658-36808-1.
- Schlipphak, B., Schäfer, C., & Treib, O. (). The ideal setting of the EU in the mind of European citizens (Deliverable 9.2 RECONNECT Europe).
- Schlipphak, B. (). Threat perceptions, blame attribution, and political trust. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties, Online first. doi: 10.1080/17457289.2021.2001474.
- Schlipphak, B., Bollwerk, M., & Back, M. (). Beliefs in conspiracy theories (CT): the role of country context. Political Research Exchange, 3 (1). doi: 10.1080/2474736X.2021.1949358.
- Back, M. D., Echterhoff, G., Müller, O., Pollack, D., & Schlipphak, B. (). Of Defenders and Explorers: An identity conflict over belonging and threat. doi: 10.17879/97049506223.
- Back, M., Echterhoff, G., Müller, O., Pollack, D., & Schlipphak, B. (). Von Verteidigern und Entdeckern: Ein Identitätskonflikt um Zugehörigkeit und Bedrohung. doi: 10.17879/97049506223.
- Fuchs, D., Schlipphak, B., Treib, O., Nguyen Long, Le. A., & Lederer, M. (). Which Way Forward in Measuring the Quality of Life? A Critical Analysis of Sustainability and Wellbeing Indicator Sets. Global Environmental Politics, 20 (2), 12–36. doi: 10.1162/glep_a_00554.
- Isani, M., Schlipphak, B., & Silverman, D. (). A troubled pair? The MENA region and the EU after Brexit. in Chaban, N., Niemann, A., & Speyer, J. (ed.), Changing Perceptions of the EU at Times of Brexit (1. edt.) (pp. 165–179). Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9780429317064.
- Schlipphak, B., & Isani, M. (). The role of societal cues in explaining attitudes toward international organizations: the least likely case of authoritarian contexts. Political Research Exchange, 2(1). doi: 10.1080/2474736X.2020.1771189.
- Schlipphak, B., & Dür, A. (). Elite cueing and attitudes towards trade agreements: the case of TTIP. European Political Science Review, OnlineFirst. doi: 10.1017/S175577392000034X.
- Julia, P., Bernd, S., & Oliver, T. (). The 2019 EP Election in Germany: Between Migration and the Climate Crisis. in Sylvia, K., Carolina, P., Kolja, R., James, W., & Jan, W. (ed.), Assessing the 2019 European Parliament Elections (pp. 149–168). Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9780367816926-14.
- Dellmuth, L., & Schlipphak, B. (). Legitimacy beliefs towards global governance institutions: a research agenda. Journal of European Public Policy, NN. doi: 10.1080/13501763.2019.1604788.
- Jetschke, A., & Schlipphak, B. (). MILINDA: A new dataset on UN-led and non-UN-led peace operations. Conflict Management and Peace Science, NN. doi: 10.1177/0738894218821044.
- Treib, O., & Schlipphak, B. (). Who Gets Committee Leadership Positions in the European Parliament? Evidence from the 2014 Selection Process. European Union Politics, 20 (2), 219–238. doi: 10.1177/1465116518824029.
- Schlipphak, B., & Treib, O. (). Legitimiert eingreifen: Das Interventionsparadox der EU und wie man es vermeiden könnte. Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, 69 (04-05), 26–31.
- Schlipphak, B., & Isani, M. (). Designing Survey Questionnaires and Choosing Survey Modes. in Wagemann, C., Siewert, M., & Goerres, A. (ed.), Handbuch Methoden der Politikwissenschaft (pp. 1–21). doi: 10.1007/978-3-658-16937-4_19-1.
- Schlipphak, B., & Garbe, S. (). Die Professionalisierung von Wahlkämpfen auf der Landesebene: Eine erweiterte Shopping-These. in Schlipphak, B. (ed.), Professionalisierte politische Kommunikation (pp. 223–229). VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
- Schlipphak, B., & Garbe, S. (). Die Professionalisierung der Wahlkampfkommunikation auf Länderebene. in Schlipphak, B. (ed.), Professionalisierte politische Kommunikation (pp. 1–16). VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
- Schlipphak, B. (ed.) (). Professionalisierte politische Kommunikation. VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
- Schlipphak, B., & Isani, M. (). Muslim Attitudes toward the European Union. Routledge.
- Schlipphak, B., Cordero, A., & Terhaar, J. (). Zentral organisiert oder individuelle Vorlieben? Die Nutzung von Social Media durch Kandidaten im Wahlkampf. in Schlipphak, B. (ed.), Professionalisierte politische Kommunikation. Empirische Analysen der Wahlkampfkommunikation auf Ländereben (pp. 93–111). VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften. doi: 10.1007/978-3-658-20656-7.
- Schlipphak, B., & Isani, M. (). In the European Union we trust: European Muslim attitudes toward the European Union. European Union Politics, online first. doi: 10.1177/1465116517725831.
- Fuchs, D., Gumbert, T., & Schlipphak, B. (). Euroscepticism and Big Business. in Benjamin, L., Nicholas, S., & Simon, U. (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Euroscepticism (pp. 317–330).
- Schlipphak, B., Freise, M., Förster, & Jan (). Legitimationsstrategien autoritärer Rentierstaaten in Zeiten der Krise. Zeitschrift für Politik, 64 (1), 3–20. doi: 10.5771/0044-3360-2017-1-3.
- Schlipphak, B., & Treib, O. (). Playing the Blame Game on Brussels: The Domestic Political Effects of EU Inverventions against Democratic Backsliding. Journal of European Public Policy, 24 (3), 352–365. doi: 10.1080/1350163.2016.1229359.
- Mause, K., & Schlipphak, B. (). Increasing Winners-Losers Gap? Increasing Euroscepticism? Exploring the Economic Crisis' Conflict Potential. in Tim, K., Bernhard, N., & Diana, P. (ed.), Europe's Crisis: The Conflict-Theoretical Perspective (pp. 111–132). Nomos.
- Poppenborg, T., & Schlipphak, B. (). Haben islamistische Parteien wirklich einen politischen Vorteil? Österreichische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, 45 (3), 13–27.
- Isani, M., & Schlipphak, B. (). The Desire for Sovereignty: An Explanation of EU Attitudes in the Arab World. Journal of Common Market Studies, OnlineFirst. doi: 10.1111/jcms.12485.
- Schlipphak, B., & Heinisch, R. (). Wenn Europa zum Problem wird – die Effekte der Finanzkrise auf Euroskeptizismus und nationales Wahlverhalten in Mittel- und Osteuropa. Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Politikwissenschft, 8 (Special Issue 5), 177–196.
- Schlipphak, B. (). MEASURING ATTITUDES TOWARD REGIONAL ORGANIZATIONS OUTSIDE EUROPE. Review of International Organizations, NN. doi: 10.1007/s11558-014-9205-5.
- Schlipphak, B. (). Actions and attitudes matter: International Public Opinion towards the European Union. European Union Politics. doi: 10.1177/1465116513482527.
- Schlipphak, B. (). Verdrossen über PolitikerInnen und die Demokratie? Der Effekt des Vertrauens in PolitikerInnen auf die individuelle Demokratiezufriedenheit in Österreich. Österreichische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, 41 (3), 345–361.
- Schlipphak, B., & Menniken, T. (). Assessing Attitudes towards Regional Integration Processes. in al., De. L. (ed.), The Regional Integration Manual (pp. 24–50). Routledge.
- Schlipphak, B. (). Framing Ideology - Die Vermittlung ideologischer Positionierungen zwischen Parteien, Medien und Wählern. Nomos.
- Schlipphak, B., & Eith, U. (). Deutsche Kontraste – Politische Lagerbildung versus fluider Wettbewerb. in Glaab Manuela, W. W., & Weigl, M. (ed.), Deutsche Kontraste 1990-2010 (pp. 75–99). Campus Verlag.
- Schlipphak, B., & Brechon, P. (). Les grandes tendances du comportement électoral. in Demesmay Claire, G. M. (ed.), L'avenir des partis politiques en France et en Allemagne (pp. 61–82).
- Schlipphak, B., & Eith, U. (). Die baden-württembergische Landtagswahl 2006 im Einflussfeld der Bundespolitik: Auswirkungen und Rückwirkungen. in Tenscher Jens, B. H. (ed.), 100 Tage Schonfrist. Politik in Deutschland zwischen Bundestagswahl 2005 und Landtagswahlen 2006. (pp. 139–153). VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
- Schlipphak, B., Bastian, C., Gunkel, A., Leistert, H., Menniken, T., & Rhodius, R. (ed.) (). Wasser - Konfliktstoff des 21. Jahrhunderts. Carl Winter Verlag.
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