UAS-Workshop ifgicopter/Unmanned Aerial Systems for Applied Research in Geoinformatics - Geospatial Technologies
Lecturer: Knoth, Prinz (Lehmann) & associated tutor
Tuesday 2.00 to 6.00 pm MSc Geospatial Technologies (Mundus), MSc Geoinformatics
Start: 09./16.04.2024, Mundus-Room 1rst Floor (to be negotiated!), also StudLab B!
Booking: QUISPOS, Mail
The workshop/seminar covers the whole workflow of UAS data management, ranging from flight planning, sensor applictaion, data acquisiton/asessment and analysis to web-programming, data visualization and online web GIS integration. Use cases from ecology and geoinformatics underline the high geoscientific potential of drones as sensor platforms. The students form groups of 4-5 person with individual practical tasks referring to their individual skills. Each task represents a buildstone for the joint final project.