Ursula Ludwig Home Page
french homepage (français)
- PI in the graduate school RTG 2553 Symmetries and classifying spaces: analytic, arithmetic and derived, funded by the DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft)
start: April 2020, renewal approved 2024, left the RTG due to my move to Nice
- PI in renewal application CRC 1442 Geometry: Deformations and Rigidity (2024, declined due to my move to Nice)
- PI in the ANR-DFG-project Quantization, Singularities, and holomorphic Dynamics, 2022-2024,
Coordinators: George Marinescu (Cologne), Viet-Anh Nguyen (Lille).
- Marie Curie Actions research fellowship (IEF) at the European Commission, 2012-2014, project page.
- I had been involved as PI in the grant application for the
graduate school Research Training Group GRK 1821 at Freiburg University, funded by the DFG.
- Postdoctoral grants by DAAD (2004, 4 months, Oxford and Edinburgh) and DFG (2005-06, 12 months, Paris and Marseille).
Main Appointments
Postdocs, research stays, deputy professorships