Lunch Seminar on Condensed Mathematics

Condensed mathematics is an exciting new technology, due to Clausen-Scholze, for dealing with topologies on algebraic objects.

For example, objects such as the p-adic integers or the real numbers are classically considered as topological abelian groups. This category has some shortcomings: it is not abelian, making it difficult to do homological algebra with it. Condensed abelian groups are closely related to topological abelian groups, but circumvent these problems.

In this seminar, we want to learn the basics of this theory.


We will follow the notes here. Conveniently, the chapters correspond to actual lectures, so we will try to distribute each chapter as one talk.

Format and Schedule

We will use zoom for talks by participants at starting in the week of April 22nd. There are multiple options to give a talk this way, including:

Of course, if you want to give a talk but are not sure what options might work for you, I am happy to help.

Interested participants please email me ahead of time, I will then distribute instructions on how to join the meetings.