© Uni MS IT

Introduction to R

Content: R is a programming language and environment for statistical data analysis and graphics. The system has established itself as a kind of standard in the world of "Statistical Computing" and is used worldwide, especially in the field of application-oriented research statistics. The software is freely available and there are numerous extensions for different application areas in the form of add-on packages. The lecture gives an introduction to the R language and functional programming especially for applications in data analysis. Additionally, basic concepts for the implementation and analysis of simple statistical models with R are presented.

Language: German (materials, communication, exam)

Course format: In-class lectures with online elements and the possibility of practical exercises, written exam as final exam

Target Group: Students and employees who are confronted with statistical calculations in their scientific work and need knowledge in a flexible programming environment

Credit Points: 3 CP within the General Studies in case of successful participation in the course and the final test