Zoom X: Streaming

If you expect the number of participants in your meeting to exceed the limit allowed by the license, you can also increase the number of participants by streaming your meeting.

Prerequisites: Zoom desktop client higher than 4.0

  • Settings in the Web Interface

    1. General settings

    Go to uni-ms.zoom.us and log in via SSO.

    1. General settings
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    Click on "Settings" in the menu on the left side.

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    Click on "Meeting" and navigate to "In Meeting (Advanced)".
    Scroll down to the option "Allow livestreaming of meetings".

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    Activate this option by clicking the corresponding virtual button.
    When the option is enabled, another menu opens up consisting of four items: “Facebook”, “Workplace from Facebook”, “YouTube”, “Custom Live Streaming Service”. Select your preferred platforms for streaming.

    If you plan to stream on a platform not mentioned in the list, please activate the option "Custom Live Streaming Service" (An important prerequisite for this is that these platforms support RTMP- und RTMPS-URLs, that need no authentification with login and password).

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    The "Custom Live Streaming Service" could be configured in two ways

    1. The settings would apply to all meetings and webinars you will schedule with your Zoom account: Please enter the following information in the input box under the heading "Provide specific instructions that will enable meeting hosts in your account to configure livestreaming": Stream URL, Stream key, Live streaming page URL. Click on "Save" afterwards.
    2. The settings would apply only on a single meeting/sequence of meetings: If you plan to stream only a single meeting or a certain number of meetings, the streaming settings must be set via the settings of this meeting. In this case, leave the input area under the heading “Provide specific instructions that will enable meeting hosts in your account to configure livestreaming” empty and then press the “Save”-button.

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    2. Stream one particular meeting (optional)

    First, schedule a meeting as usual. After saving the meeting, the "Live Stream" tab appears at the bottom of the screen. Clicking on it, the option "Configure Custom Streaming Service" appears. A click on this option will open another window.


    2. Stream one particular meeting (optional)
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    Enter the required information: Streaming-URL, Streaming-Key and Livestreaming Site URL. Click on "Save".

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  • Starting and Ending Streaming

    1. Start streaming

    Open the Zoom app on your device and start your meeting. To start streaming of the meeting, press “More” and then select the prefered streaming platform.

    1. Start streaming
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    2. End streaming

    To stop streaming a meeting, click on "More" and select "Stop Live Streaming".

    2. End streaming
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