Recent publications, current lectures and call for papers

Recent publications:

Henning Bovenkerk / Christine Fertig: Consumer revolution in north-western Germany: Material culture, global goods, and proto-industry in rural households in the seventeenth to nineteenth centuries', The Economic History Review 76,2 (2023), 551-574.

Christine Fertig, Henry French and Richard Paping (eds.): Landless Households in Rural Europe 1600 - 1900. Boydell Studies in Rural History 3 (Woodbrige: Boydell & Brewer, 2022).

Lectures and conferences:

[upcoming] Christine Fertig: ‚Exotische Heilmittel und Medikalisierung im ländlichen Raum. Wissenstransfer, globale Objekte und Akteure der Vermittlung‘, 15. Frühneuzeittag WissensWelten, Sektion ‚Wissenswelten im ländlichen Raum: Regionale Strukturen und globale Horizonte‘, organisiert von Christine Fertig (Münster) und Philip Hahn (Saarbrücken), 19.-21. September 2024, Gotha.

Henning Bovenkerk: 'Farm system, protoindustry and the ‘noble touch’: Preconditions of changing consumption in rural Northwestern Germany, late 16th to early 19th centuries', International workshop: The consuming countryside. Rural material living standards, consumption patterns, and economic growth, 17th-19th centuries, 15.-16. December 2023, Antwerpen.

Christine Fertig: ‘Merchant's Handbooks and Commodity Lists in the Digital Space. Transcribing and analysing digitised sources of the 18th century’, Online Workshop: legacy4reuse. Criteria and Methods for Upcycling Data Collections in Social and Economic History, 23. November 2023.

Christine Fertig: Mental Maps of Trade. Trading Networks and Knowledge Production in a European Hinterland (1670–1850). International workshop: Materielle Kultur und Konsum in der Vormoderne': "Marktpraktiken und Konsum in der vormodernen Stadt" / "Practices of marketing and consumption in the pre-modern city", 17.-18. November 2023, Saarbrücken.

Christine Fertig: Globale Güter und die frühneuzeitliche Konsumrevolution. Schöne Stoffe, Kaffee und andere Drogen in Nordwestdeutschland (17. – 19. Jahrhundert), Ringvorlesung Histoire globale / Globalgeschichte / Global history (F/D/E), 2. November 2023, Universität Luxemburg.