Inaugural Lecture on 12 October
On 12 October 2023, Prof. Dr. Sarah Albiez-Wieck celebrated her tenured professorship at Münster University, which she has been holding since October 2022, with an inaugural lecture on "Travelling in 17th century America". Please refer to the full article and the video of the lecture on the department homepage for further information.
Job Opening: Student Research Assistant
The Department of History is looking to hire a student research assistant for 5 hours a week. Please read the job advertisement for detailed information about the position and its requirements.
On 30 May 2023, Prof. Dr. Sarah Albiez-Wieck gave a presentation on "Fiscalidad y 'calidad social' en los Virreinatos del Perú, de Nueva España y en Filipinas entre los siglos XVI y XIX" at the Unversidad Nacional de Cuyo. The presentation took place in the context of her research stay at the Instituto de Ciencias Humanas, Sociales y Ambientales (INCIHUSA, CONICET).