Open thesis topics
Die openSenseMap ist eine Plattform für Umweltsensordaten von Messstationen jeglicher Art. Zur Zeit werden nur Rohdaten von senseBoxen gespeichert und die Daten können sich nur pro senseBox angezeigt werden lassen. Zudem gibt es die Möglichkeit sich die gesammelten Daten für einen Zeitpunkt interpoliert darstellen zu lassen.
Ziel der Arbeit ist es, für die openSenseMap ein Portal zu entwicklen, in dem der Benutzer die Möglichkeit hat mehrere senseBoxen und Sensoren mit statistischen Methoden zu vergleichen und externe Datenquellen, wie zB. vom DWD, einzubinden.
Contact: Thomas BartoschekDie openSenseMap bietet live Daten zu verschiedensten Umweltphänomenen, Jedoch ist es zur Zeit schwierig diese Daten erkunden. Ziel dieser Bachelor Arbeit wäre es neue Möglichkeiten zu schaffen, die Daten interaktiv darzustellen. Interessant wären zum Beispiel live Interpolationen über Feinstaubwerte oder die Temperaturentwicklung in Innenstädten im Hochsommer. Um diese Daten einem möglichst grossem Publikum zur Verfügung zu stellen, soll in dieser Bachelorarbeit untersucht werden, welche Möglichkeiten hier neuste Webtechnologien bieten. Verschiedene Visualisierungen sollen generiert werden und mit einer Nutzerstudie evaluiert werden.
Contact: Thomas Bartoschek
In der Arbeit soll untersucht werden, inwieweit Qualitätssicherung von crowd-sourced Sensordaten in einem Sensornetzwerk automatisierbar ist. Dies ist ein neues und hoch relevantes Forschungsfeld: große Datenmengen erlauben die Anwendung statistischer oder machine learning-Verfahren. Traditionelle Verfahren sind häufig nicht nutzbar, da die Daten in Echtzeit vorliegen müssen. Zudem stellen crowd-sourced Daten eine spezielle Herausforderungen dar, da nicht davon ausgegangen werden kann, dass alle Daten mit korrekten bzw. konsistenten Messverfahren erhoben wurden. Schließlich haben low-cost-Sensoren selbst Messfehler, die von professionellen Sensoren stark abweichen. oder Messstationen sind von Citizen Scientists schlecht montiert. Das Ziel ist, die Einflussfaktoren auf die Datenqualität und die Messgenauigkeit der Sensoren zu erforschen, Verfahren zur automatisierten Identifikation fehlerhafter Daten und möglicher Fehlerquellen zu entwickeln sowie automatisiert Entscheidungen über Möglichkeit zur Korrektur der Daten (bspw. über Nachkalibrierung der Sensoren) oder Ausschluss bestimmter Daten zu treffen.
Contact: Thomas BartoschekMit WebGIS NRW ( existiert ein prototypisches WebGIS für den Bildungskontext, das auf modernen open Source Technoligien basiert (MapBox GL). Ziel der Arbeit ist die Weiterentwicklung des WebGIS nach User Centered Design Prinzipien und eine Evaluation der Usability.
Contact: Thomas BartoschekIm Rahmen dieser Bachelorarbeit sollen neue Sensorkomponenten für Umweltphänomene (z.B. Wind, Wasser, Radioaktivität o.ä.) für die senseBox identifiziert und in das senseBox Ökosystem aus Open Source Hardware, openSenseMap Geodateninfrastruktur, Blockly-Programmierumgebung integriert und evaluiert werden.
Contact: Thomas BartoschekMaster
In der Arbeit soll untersucht werden, inwieweit Qualitätssicherung von crowd-sourced Sensordaten in einem Sensornetzwerk automatisierbar ist. Dies ist ein neues und hoch relevantes Forschungsfeld: große Datenmengen erlauben die Anwendung statistischer oder machine learning-Verfahren. Traditionelle Verfahren sind häufig nicht nutzbar, da die Daten in Echtzeit vorliegen müssen. Zudem stellen crowd-sourced Daten eine spezielle Herausforderungen dar, da nicht davon ausgegangen werden kann, dass alle Daten mit korrekten bzw. konsistenten Messverfahren erhoben wurden. Schließlich haben low-cost-Sensoren selbst Messfehler, die von professionellen Sensoren stark abweichen. oder Messstationen sind von Citizen Scientists schlecht montiert. Das Ziel ist, die Einflussfaktoren auf die Datenqualität und die Messgenauigkeit der Sensoren zu erforschen, Verfahren zur automatisierten Identifikation fehlerhafter Daten und möglicher Fehlerquellen zu entwickeln sowie automatisiert Entscheidungen über Möglichkeit zur Korrektur der Daten (bspw. über Nachkalibrierung der Sensoren) oder Ausschluss bestimmter Daten zu treffen.
Contact: Thomas BartoschekSketch mapping, i.e. freehand drawings of maps on a sheet of paper, is a popular and powerful method to explore a person's spatial knowledge. Although sketch maps convey rich spatial information, such as the spatial arrangement of places, buildings, streets etc., the methods to analyse sketch maps are extremely simple. At the spatial intelligence lab, we developed a software suite, called SketchMapia, that supports the systematic and comprehensive analysis of sketch maps in experiments. In this master thesis, you develop systematic test data for a sketch map analysis method and evaluate the SketchMapia analysis method w.r.t. its compleness, correctness and performance against other sketch map analysis methods.
Contact: Angela Schwering, Jakub KrukarLearning Analytics is a method to collect, measure, analyze and visualize data about learners and their context. It enables the understaning of the learning process and allows an adaption of learning paths based on the collected data. It also gives feedback to the learner and teacher about the learning process. The spatial intelligence lab has developed several learning platforms (GeoGami, Blockly for programming senseBox), where data revealing information about the learning proces sis collected. The thesis will investigate how real time data on the learning process can be used to guide the learning process using learning analytics.
Contact: Thomas BartoschekThe ability to orient oneself and read maps is essential to successfully navigate in unfamiliar environments. It is well known that the ability to orient oneself with maps varies from person to person. While there are numerous navigation systems to help us find our way, very few efforts have been made to use GI technologies to promote orientation and map reading skills and overcome the individual differences. GeoGami is a location-based game using digital maps to systematically teach navigational map reading competence. The thesis will investigate how to design trainings to promote people’s navigational map reading competence with digital maps. How to design trainings for specific sub-competencies of navigational map reading such as self-localization, map alignment or object recognition? How to design virtual environments to provide an optimal environment to systematically test navigational map reading competence?
Contact: Angela Schwering, Yousef Qamaz, Mitko AleksandrovModern IoT applications often rely on sensors that run on microcontroller units and communicate via network protocols such as LoRaWAN or Bluetooth Low Energy. To operate autonomously for extended periods of time, application resource requirements must be minimized. This master's thesis investigates the development of resource-efficient IoT applications through the utilization of AI models. These models aim to save energy by reducing the computational load, camera resolution or data transmission, while maintaining the ability to perform specific tasks. You will develop, implement and compare different resource-efficient AI models with sensors such as cameras, distance sensors, vibration sensors and test your implementation in different application scenarios.
Contact: Benjamin Karic, Thomas BartoschekAssigned thesis topics
Anfahrtskizzen sind Karten, die optimiert sind, um die Route aus verschiedenen Richtungen zu einem bestimmten Zielort zu zeigen. Zumeist sind sie manuell erstellt, wobei
- Informationen selektiv ausgewählt wurden
- schematisiert dargestellt wurden
Die Arbeit soll Anfahrtsskizzen analysieren und die dahinterliegenden Mechanismen extrahieren, wie Anfahrtsskizzen erfolgreich visualisiert werden können. Die Ergebnisse werden systematisch in einer Nutzerstudie getestet.
Beispiele für Anfahrtsskizzen:
Author: Jens GolzeSupervisor: Angela Schwering
This idea behind this comes from Luescher and Weibel (2010) - "we might for example present a different answer to the question ‘shopping opportunities in the city centre?’ to elderly people than to young people (the former avoiding the night club district because they might perceive it unsafe)."
Despite the notion of place being widespread in natural language, it is still difficult to model it in a GIS (which is more concerned with location). The student can identify a suitable site, and attempt to study how the notion of place differs among participants of different age groups (young vs. old), residence (e.g living in the city vs. suburbs) etc. The analysis could offer insights into whether there are differences in the way a place is perceived based on these factors and has potential implications for contextualized location based services.
Supervisor: Angela Schwering
Schematic maps are maps that intentionally distort and misrepresent geometries in order to simplify maps. Oftentimes, schematic maps give a better overview of the environment, because they focus only on important aspects. The displays of mobile devices offer only limited space. This thesis topic aims at the development of an algorithm to schematize maps automatically for mobile devices.
Schematization refers to misrepresentations of shape and size of spatial objects and distortions of distance and direction relations among them. The research starts from findings by Latecki and Lakämper, who developed the discrete curve evolution, an algorithm to schematize topographic maps. Barkowski et al. applied this algorithm to map schematization.
Latecki, L.J. and R. Lakämper (2000). Shape similarity measure based on correspondence of visual parts. IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI) 22(10): 1185-1190.
Barkowsky, T., L.J. Latecki, and K.-F. Richter (2000). Schematizing maps: Simplification of geographic shape by discrete curve evolution. Spatial cognition II: Integrating abstract theories, empirical studies, formal methods and practical applications. C. Freksa, et al., Springer: 41–53.
Author: Andreas OhremSupervisor: Angela Schwering
In the WayTo research project, we developed a prototype to visualize global landmarks which are outside the map section displayed on a mobile device by visualizing them at the edge of screen to indicate directions.
An amendment to this design is to incorporate distance into the design of icons. The thesis could explore different techniques (e.g. halo (circles at the edge), wedge (triangle at the edge), or distance-encoding arrows). These methods distinguish only two or three levels (or four maximum) of icons size (that means we only have 4 different sizes of each global landmarks to indicate very close, close, far, and very far) on screen. Although there is hardly any empirical data to support that, drawing from cartographic theories regarding visual variables in animated map making, humans are not able to distinguish changes on map representation at fine levels.
Possible bachelor and master thesis could address:
1. Implementing distance and direction indicating landmarks (DDL) display on mobile phones
2. Investigating the effects of DDL on mobile screens on spatial orientation and spatial knowledge
3. Comparing the variations of DDL design (gradient to true distance vs. categorical distance)
4. Comparing the effects of DDL with Halo and Wedge design
Reference: Li, R.; Korda, A.; Radtke, M.; Schwering, A. (2014): Visualising distant off-screen landmarks on mobile devices to support spatial orientation.
Author: xSupervisor: Angela Schwering
Powerful methods in an area called "dynamic geometry" provide a rapid way of solving a wide range of spatial reasoning problems. For example, as a user manipulates some shapes (circles, lines, points) in an "intelligent" sketch, the sketch automatically updates itself to maintain certain spatial constraints (e.g. lines being tangent to circles, lines being parallel to each other, and so on).
In medicine these shapes could represent different types of cells that have been automatically recognised from images of a tissue section, and the task could be to determine whether the cells are cancerous (histopathology). In geographic information systems these shapes could represent streets, buildings, and landmarks recognised from satellite images or directly from a hand-drawn sketch.
In this thesis project you will be:
- extending the spatial language of dynamic geometry to work with common-sense qualitative spatial relations (near, left of, inside, etc.)
- integrating dynamic geometry into a knowledge representation (artificial intelligence) framework
You will then use this enhanced technology for a range of exciting tasks, such as:
- improving computer-based image recognition by automatically correcting errors based on knowledge about objects in the domain
- providing new ways of interacting with complex data using "intelligent" sketches
Through this research project you will develop skills and experience in the application of methods in artificial intelligence (AI). You will be introduced to the necessary tools and existing projects to build on. No prior experience with methods in AI is necessary (you will be given considerable support in this area).
Supervisor: Angela Schwering
Isovist analysis is used to predict how people behave in and 'feel about' the geometry of space. One of the best-documented examples of such relation is provided by Wiener et al. (2007). In this work, the authors controlled the shape of a Virtual Reality environment and measured how people experience individual spaces, depending on its underlying isovist properties.
Recently, 3d isovist analysis became increasingly popular in contexts where its traditional 2d counterpart suffers major limitations. However, it is not clear if the influence of isovists on human experience can be directly extrapolated from the 2d to the 3d analysis. In this thesis, the student will replicate the VR experiment of Wiener and colleagues, taking into account the vertical component of human experience and using a 3-dimensional isovist in the analysis of final results.
Wiener, J. M., Franz, G., Rossmanith, N., Reichelt, A., Mallot, H. A., & Bülthoff, H. H. (2007). Isovist analysis captures properties of space relevant for locomotion and experience. Perception, 36(7), 1066 – 1083.
Krukar, J., Schultz, C., Bhatt, M., (forthcoming). Towards Embodied 3d Isovists: Incorporating cognitively-motivated semantics of `space’ and the architectural environment in 3D visibility analysis
Author: Charu ManivannanSupervisor: Jakub Krukar
"Learning by induction" is the ability to take a number of observations or examples and discover rules that account for the observations - it's the ability to generalise from examples.
Being able to generalise spatial patterns from observations is essential for artificial intelligence systems to perform a variety of tasks in a flexible and robust way. We don't want to tell the computer system exactly how to solve every specific problem it will encounter. Instead, we want to give it some examples and have the system use common sense and background knowledge to figure out ways of solving new problems that have a similar structure.
In this thesis project you will be:
(a) integrating a new powerful "common sense" spatial reasoning method called Enhanced Geometric Constraint Solving within a more general artificial intelligence framework for inductive spatial learning;
(b) evaluating the system in a range of exciting applications in geographic information science, architectural design, cognitive psychology (analogical reasoning), and medicine (histopathology).
Through this project you will develop skills and experience in the application of methods in artificial intelligence (AI). You will be introduced to the necessary tools and existing projects to build on. No prior experience with methods in AI is necessary (you will be given considerable support in this area).
Supervisor: Edzer Pebesma
Blades, M., 1990. The reliability of data collected from sketch maps. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 10(4), pp.327–339.
Supervisor: Angela Schwering
Completed thesis topics
In contrast with wayfinding instructions given by machine routing services (e.g. Google Maps, MapQuest, etc.), humans give wayfinding instructions in a different format. Human instructions, however, consist of landmarks at different levels and orientation information. Studies have shown that the use of local landmarks and global landmarks have different patterns across different scales and modes of transportation, when wayfinding instructions are given verbally. In this proposed study, the researcher will be investigating the exclusive roles of scale and mode of transportation on use of both local and global landmarks.
Author: Leon VogelSupervisor: Rui Li
Landmarks are commonly used in human daily communication of wayfinding instructions. Research has suggested the potential of increasing efficiency by using landmarks in wayfinding instructions. Further studies investigated the use of landmarks in wayfinding instructions in terms of their location: Global, local at decision point, and local along a route. While the locations of landmarks have been introduced, their specific effects are not clear yet. This study aims to test wayfinding instructions with landmarks at specific locations: landmarks at decision point or landmarks along route. This study includes two major objectives as follows:
- Constructing wayfinding instructions with landmarks at specific locations in visual or verbal forms;
- Testing the effect of each type of instructions on aspects of wayfinding such as orientation, accuracy, and configuration.
This research contributes to a more comprehensive study on landmarks with respect to their locations on route
Author: Jens BalmertSupervisor: Rui Li
Providing navigation support is not only guiding a wayfinder to reach one or multiple destinations. More importantly, it should support the wayfinder’s spatial orientation to facilitate the wayfinder’s awareness of the environment. Research has suggested approaches to enhance a person’s spatial orientation while using mobile navigation systems. Building on the previous work of visualizing global landmarks on mobile systems, this research further contribute to this development through the following two objectives:
- Selecting and visualizing local landmarks that would combine with the use of visualized global landmarks on mobile screen;
- Integrating the visualized global and local landmarks in instructions.
The outcome of this research is a prototype of mobile navigation service that uses global and local landmarks in both visual and verbal instructions.
Author: Marius RundeSupervisor: Rui Li
Es gibt verschiedene Möglichkeiten Menschen mit Karten zu Navigieren. Die meisten unterstützen entweder die bestmögliche Routenführung oder das Aneignen von räumlichen Umgebungsinformationen (Münzer, Zimmer, & Baus, 2012).
In der vorliegenden Bachelorarbeit wurde auf Basis der wissenschaftlichen Arbeit von Schmid, Richter, & Peters (2010) eine neuartige Möglichkeit der Navigation, die Route Aware Map, im Hinblick auf die Vermittlung von räumlichen Wissen untersucht. In dieser wird durch Berechnung des Weges und Anzeigen der Karte in der Vogelperspektive mit relevanten Umgebungsinformationen versucht, zum einen eine gute Routenführung zu ermöglichen und gleichzeitig die räumliche Wissensakquise zu fördern.
Author: Clara RendelSupervisor: Angela Schwering
People are often get lost inside buildings. One reason for this circumstance is the situation if space is perceivable, but not reachable. This situation is known as the visibility accessibility problem. This setting could happen if elements like
glass walls or voids surrounded by balustrades were present. Space Syntax is a theoretical framework that allows to investigate relations between space and human. Two buildings of the University of Munster (Germany) were analysed with Space Syntax. Convex and axial maps and their properties were used. The aim of that kind of analysis was to investigate if Space Syntax methods can help us to analyse indoor navigation in case of visible, but not reachable spaces. Both buildings were split in two different spatial layouts, one considering visibility and one in regard to accessibility. Therefore, it was able to see if the visibility accessibility problem affects a building or not. This work leads to the conclusion that Space Syntax can be helpful for analysing indoor navigation if space is observable, but not accessible. This work concentrated on two dimensions. The next step would be to extend it to the third dimension.
Supervisor: Jakub Krukar
Citizen science and crowdsourced data have been getting the attention of researchers and citizens alike in recent times. A successful citizen science platform that wants to engage its users in a long term participation needs to meet above average standards in usability and functionality for both power and novice users. In this thesis the citizen science platform OpenSenseMap, a generic platform for environmental sensor data, will be improved based on feedback that was gathered in its rst year of use and general principles of web design. A usability test will give indications on how well its users like to interact with it and what still needs to be done.
Author: Chirstoph KisfeldSupervisor: Angela Schwering
Providing cognitively effective wayfinding instructions is an ongoing research objective. In addition to providing instructions that are efficient to reach a target location, research has also addressed developing instructions in a verbal format that could potentially facilitate spatial orientation and cognitive mapping. In this study, a type of verbal instructions is used that consists of not only essential information for a person to change the direction at decision points, but also additional orientation information along a route that is considered crucial for maintaining spatial orientation and getting an internal representation of the spatial layout. This type of verbal route descriptions is compared with machine-generated as well as skeletal descriptions for the same route. Thirty participants were randomly assigned to familiarize with one of three different types of wayfinding instructions, which described a specific route participants were unfamiliar with. Thus, they were intended to mentally walk along this route. The different types of instructions include: 1) machine-generated instructions, 2) orientationbased instructions, and 3) skeletal instructions. Results indicate that participants using the orientation instructions made least errors in their performance of spatial orientation. Results concerning their drawn sketch maps, however, revealed least accurate results in both landmark placement and route segment analysis among the three types of instructions. Regarding their good performance in orientation estimation, sketch map accuracy is suggested to be secondary concerning performance in spatial orientation and cognitive mapping. Additionally, using the orientation-based instructions type is not found beneficial regarding distance estimation accuracy. The machine-generated instructions with included distance information, however, are not found to lead to a good estimation of distance along the route. This study supports the validity of designing wayfinding instructions in the suggested way. It further implies the necessity to conduct a more comprehensive study on the effects of different types of instructions on various aspects of wayfinding behavior.
Author: Stefan FuestSupervisor: Dr. Rui Li
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An increasing number of geographical searches is performed from mobile devices, out in the world. Many of them consider places located at relatively close proximity, within the spatial context of the searcher. In such situations, presenting the user with the entire map of his/her surrounding is rarely justified and presents an unjustified cognitive processing challenge. In addition, the sole action of looking at a map (not to mention its processing) can be considered superfluous e.g. when the aim of the user is merely to reach the nearest open pub as soon as possible. And yet, in mobile-based navigation, the only substantial progress in relation to desktop-based (or traditional paper-based) maps is the presence of a ‘You-Are-Here’ indicator and a turn-by-turn set of instructions. For all situations when the user does not need (or want) to learn the map of the environment, the currently available navigational systems demand too much attention - they force us to look at the screen and mentally process its content. This project will explore the possibility of developing a ‘calm’ navigational system. Using Weiser and Brown’s definition, ‘calm’ technology is one that allows the user to stay in control of the situation but does not demand constant attention. Students can explore the possibilities arising with wearable technologies (augmented reality glass, vibrating watch, audio-systems, etc.) to answer the question: How can a navigational system guide us from A to B without even being noticed by its user.
Bachelor students will develop a proof of concept / prototype.
Master students will develop a proof of concept and conduct user studies.
Quick Reading: only one great paper written in 1997(!) and still relevant today.
Weiser, M., & Brown, J. S. (1997). The coming age of calm technology. In Beyond calculation (pp. 75–85). Springer.
Author: Boris StöckerSupervisor: Jakub Krukar
Current Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR) systems are very capable at modelling our everyday world, but their ability to deal with spatial data in a qualitative manner is limited. By integrating existing ontologies and applying techniques from Declarative Spatial Reasoning and Computer Vision to example cases from histopathology, a possible approach on adding semantics to image data is presented. The prototype has the goal of supporting the identification of inconsistencies between image data and the underlying knowledge base, as well as hypothesising and inferring improvements of the image classification. The ability to create artificial instances from the knowledge base alone and to represent their geometries dynamically is pursued as well.
Author: Gereon DuesmannSupervisor: Carl Schultz
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Supervisor: Jakub Krukar
The amount of citizen science initiatives and their corresponding data platforms is ever increasing. Within these citizen science platforms one “can identify a specific subtype of activities that can be termed ‘Geographical Citizen Science’[...]Geographical citizen science includes projects where the collection of location information is an integral part of the activity.” To visualize the spatiotemporal data of such initiatives WebMaps are being used (e. g.,, ).
These platforms aim to give their users a quick way to upload and view their own and others data. To do further analysis and get more out of these citizen data, it is often needed to download the data. This process removes possible analysis results from such platforms and restrict citizen scientists to the role of a sensor. Simple tools to interpret this data are nearly always missing. The citizen scientists are though only used to “Crowdsource” the data (see “Levels of Citizen Scientists”).
This thesis aims to add functionalities for geostatistical analysis to OpenSenseMap(OSeM) and in doing so, the platform could be used for basic interpretation. In a first step this thesis will focus on the addition of a time-slider to enable the view upon the temporal aspect of OSeM data so that interpolation methods can be applied. In a next step it will add different ways for web based interpolation methods. In particular it will focus upon opencpu as a way to use R for this task.
For future work or if time allows it, it could be researched if the addition of such an interpretation tool helps to increase the attractiveness of OSeM as a citizen scientists platform.
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Edzer Pebesma
Ziel dieser Arbeit ist, am Beispiel von Hamburg mit einer Usability-Studie Probleme aufzudecken, die Nutzer auch mit bereits veröentlichten Anwendungen noch haben. Dabei werden die mobileWebseite und die Applikation untersucht und eventuelle Probleme in der Bedienung sowie markante Unterschiede zwischen beiden Anwendungen ermittelt, ohne dabei den Anspruch einer statistischen Auswertung zu haben.
Zunächst wird genauer auf die Thematiken der mobilen Fahrplananwendungen und dem Usability-Testing eingegangen und das Beispiel Hamburg kurz vorgestellt. Anschließend wird die Herangehensweise an einen Usability-Test geschildert und dessen Durchführung und Ergebnisse zusammengefasst. Abschließend wird ein kurzes Fazit aus den Ergebnissen des Tests gezogen. Das erste Kapitel erklärt die Usability und das Usability-Testing, führt in die Thematik mobiler Fahrplananwendungen bei Verkehrsbetrieben ein und stellt das hier untersuchte Beispiel des Hamburger Verkehrsverbundes vor. Im zweiten Kapitel werden die Erkenntnisse genutzt, um einen Usability-Tests zu entwickeln, durchzuführen und die Ergebnisse zu beschreiben. Abschließend gibt es noch eine Deutung dieser Ergebnisse.
Author: Anja SchlaphorstSupervisor: Thomas Bartoschek
- Fire men sketch site plans of affected building complexes on prepared sheets
- Symbols (tactical signs) are placed around the map with lines drawn from each symbol to each location of interestin the sketch where the feature represented by the symbol is located.
- capturing of handdrawn sketch (camera)
- georeferencing of tactical sign
- no full extraction of sketch required, but a rough georeferencing
- assessment of existing sketched site plans
Author: Christian Kruse
Supervisor: Angela Schwering
When giving directions, we often use gestures to communicate changes in orientation. We rotate our bodies, wave our hands, and shift our heads. Seeing these gestures helps the person receiving the instruction to keep his/her orientation in the newly constructed mental map of the environment. They are intuitively given and intuitively understood. Many, even across distinct cultures. Navigational systems could potentially build on these gestures to represent changes in direction, or point to an important landmark lying along the route.
Bachelor students will run user studies to pick an interesting gesture potentially helpful during navigation. They will propose a modification to the existing navigational systems which utilises the gesture to support the navigation.
Master students will first run user studies to explore and classify the variety of relevant gestures used during direction-giving. Based on this classification, students will develop a concept of a navigational system which utilises some of those gestures.
Some reading:
Hirtle, Stephen C. "The use of maps, images and “gestures” for navigation." Spatial Cognition II. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2000. 31-40.
Author: Shankarlingam SundaresanSupervisor: Jakub Krukar
People live in a world where space and time are two fundamental variables. Everything
people do is related to space and time. During their daily life people build up a cognitive map and rely on it in several wayfinding and navigation tasks. However conveying spatial information to other people is not obvious. Apart from referring to a map or absolute reference systems like coordinates, people use two main modalities for conveying spatial information: the textual mode and the graphical mode. The textual mode means both, conveying spatial information orally or written. Both modalities are used to externalise parts of peoples cognitive map by describing either textually or by sketching. Besides technical devices are used to support peoples spatial behaviour. This devices rely on the textual and graphical modalities in conveying spatial information as well.
Supervisor: Angela Schwering
- Developing and Testing different Visualizations of Off-Screen Landmarks for Car Navigation Systems SIL
Along with the increasing proliferation and power of mobile devices, mobile maps (e.g. in pedestrian navigation systems) become both feasible and popular [Allen, 2000]. In contrast to the navigation mode in car navigation systems, pedestrians prefer route instructions based on salient objects [Kluge and Asche, 2012]. Although it is easy for users to get guided to a location, research suggests that the effects are negative. Moreover, users become device-focused and develop a reduced understanding of the environment [Munzer et al., 2006]. Accordingly, users might get lost in cases of inaccurate instructions or failures of the system as they only focus on the given route and turning-point instructions. Consequently, studies suggest that wayfinding and learning of the environment can be influenced through visual presentation modes with mobile applications [Munzer et al., 2012]. One type of information that are mostly not considered in mobile navigation solutions are landmarks. However, it has shown that landmarks are an important supportive element in wayfinding tasks [Golledge, 1999]. One of the key strengths of a map is that it can visualize features and their spatial relationships of a large area. Though, the limited space of mobile devices leads to a visualization of only a discrete view of an area. As consequence, the acquisition of spatial knowledge is impacted
with respect to accuracy and response time [Dillemuth, 2009]. Since the space of
the display is limited, landmarks are often outside of the displayed area. Accordingly, they have to be mapped on-screen to overcome this limitation. Research has already shown that displaying distant landmarks on-screen holds positive effects on supporting persons acquisition of directional knowledge that benefits spatial orientation [Li et al., 2014]. For the reason that the chosen visualization does not convey information about distance from the user’s position to the distant object a better visualization has to be provided. Research already provides several approaches to display distant objects on small displays (e.g. [Baudisch and Rosenholtz, 2003], [Gustafson et al., 2008], [Bertel et al., 2014]). However, given approaches are mainly focused on guiding a user to a distant
location. Therefore, this thesis will aim at adapting common approaches of research to display off-screen landmarks in order to investigate in what extent spatial orientation is supported while navigating through traffic.
Supervisor: Angela Schwering
The usage of do-it-yourself (DIY) sensor stations based on open-source hardware for participatory sensing as a basis for large-scale sensor networks is a novel approach in the field of citizen science. In that context, DIY sensors can build a basis for large-scale sensor network applications. Since the installation is performed by non-professionals, extensive user support has to be provided in order to achieve satisfactory results.
The SenseBox is an open-source toolkit for participatory sensing, which offers well-documented tutorials for sensor applications based on Arduino microcontrollers. This system has been applied in scientific workshops with secondary school students to teach them programming in a playful and simple way. All data that is being collected with the SenseBox construction kits is published on OpenSenseMap, a platform for sharing open sensor data. There was an increasing demand of the DIY toolkits after the project was publicly promoted and the OpenSenseMap was officially launched. Consequently this approach was adopted to a standalone DIY sensor station for participatory sensing. A second version of the SenseBox was developed, which is more focusing on long-term deployments of local environments than on an educational approach.
After an initial test phase where citizens were equipped with SenseBox construction kits for continuous measurements, it was discovered that most of the stations were disconnected after a short time period. Subsequently a user study was performed to reveal possible error sources during the wiring process, software installation and integration into the sensor network. It turned out that missing general computer skills, like the installation of application software, led to larger problems than wiring of hardware parts.
This Thesis focuses on usability enhancements for the SenseBox and OpenSenseMap to enable citizen driven long-term deployments of DIY sensor stations in outdoor environments.
The research fields of Human Computer Interaction (HCI) and Usability Engineering (UE) provide well described guidelines and frameworks for designing intuitive user interfaces. These concepts can be adapted to the open hardware approach of SenseBox, the sensor registration on OpenSenseMap and the documentation material. Intermediate results of an ongoing test run are demonstrating that the usability of the project can be enhanced with the methods provided by the heuristics of UE.
Author: Jan WirwahnSupervisor: Prof. Dr. Angela Schwering
Mobile devices have become increasingly popular in supporting people to find their ways in our daily lives. Providing navigation support is not only guiding a wayfinder to reach one or multiple destinations. More importantly, it should support the wayfinder’s spatial orientation to improve the wayfinder’s awareness of the environment. Research has suggested approaches to enhance a person’s spatial orientation while using maps on mobile devices by visualizing distant off-screen landmarks with landmark-indicating icons at the edge of the screen to indicate directions (LI, KORDA, RADTKE, SCHWERING 2014). An amendment to this design is to incorporate distance into the design and placement of landmark-indicating icons. Research explored various methods to visualize distant off-screen locations which are focusing of indicating distance and direction such as Halo (circles at the edge), Wedge (triangles at the edge) and Stretched (arrows at the edge) (BERTEL, KOHLBERG, LUTTER, SPENSBERGER 2014; BOLL, HENZE, 2011), but these methods are distinguishing the locations from each other just by using different colors. In context of categorized points of interest, it is useful to visualize different categories of points at the same time in different colors (such as automatic teller machines in a one and restaurants in another color). But global landmarks are unique and specifiable from each other and thus, it is not useful to create a category containing multiple global landmarks. Hence, using only different colors in combination with Halo, Wedge, and Stretched will not help users to identify distant off-screen landmarks. A new approach of visualizing identifiable landmark-indicating icons enhanced with distance information to those off-screen landmarks is subject of investigation.
Author: Maruin RadkeSupervisor: Angela Schwering
Montello, D. R. (1998). A new framework for understanding the acquisition of spatial knowledge in large-scale environments. In M. J. Egenhofer (Ed.), Spatial and Temporal Reasoning in Geographic Information Systems (pp. 143–154). New York: Oxford University Press.
Montello, D. R., Richardson, A. E., Hegarty, M., & Provenza, M. (1999). A comparison of methods for estimating directions in egocentric space. Perception, 28(8), 981–1000.
Author: Sarah Abdelkader
Supervisor: Jakub Krukar
User experience of geospatial products is increasingly studied (see e.g. [1, 2]), but models describing the results of these studies for further reuse are still lacking. The aim of this thesis is to provide an approach to systematically build such models. Building these models is key to realize intelligent geovisualizations [3]. Tasks include:
Task1: Development of a prototype to collect data about the user experience of different types of map-based applications. This prototype can be mobile or not, and could investigate, for instance, the impact of color palettes, mean spacing between elements (e.g. menu items), size of the elements (e.g. icons, labels), visual hierarchy and the cross-device validity of the findings.
Task2: Conduct user studies to collect data about the user experience of a geospatial application under different conditions.
Task3: Model-fitting (i.e. find the mathematical function that describes the model most adequately).
[1] Degbelo, A. and Somaskantharajan, S. (2020) ‘Speech-based interaction for map editing on mobile devices: a scenario-based study’, in Alt, F., Schneegass, S., and Hornecker, E. (eds) Mensch und Computer 2020. Magdeburg, Germany: ACM, pp. 343–347. doi: 10.1145/3404983.3409996.
[2] Einfeldt, L. and Degbelo, A. (2021) ‘User interface factors of mobile UX: A study with an incident reporting application’, in Paljic, A., Peck, T., Braz, J., and Bouatouch, K. (eds) Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2021) - Volume 2: HUCAPP. Online: SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, pp. 245–254. doi: 10.5220/0010325302450254.
[3] Degbelo, A. and Kray, C. (2018) ‘Intelligent geovisualizations for open government data (vision paper)’, in Banaei-Kashani, F., Hoel, E. G., Güting, R. H., Tamassia, R., and Xiong, L. (eds) 26th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems. Seattle, Washington, USA: ACM Press, pp. 77–80. doi: 10.1145/3274895.3274940.
Miniukovich, A. and Marchese, M. (2020) ‘Relationship between visual complexity and aesthetics of webpages’, in Bernhaupt, R. et al. (eds) Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Honolulu, Hawaii, USA: ACM, pp. 1–13. doi: 10.1145/3313831.3376602.
Supervisor: Auriol Degbelo