R development center

R Development Center

R is a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics. Its functionality grows rapidly by the release of new packages. We use R for research and teaching and we are contributing own packages. E. Pebesma is the main developer of the gstat package for geostatistical modelling.


  • we use R in teaching regular geoinformatics courses (Introduction to geostatistics, modelling spatio-temporal processes, several master level courses)
  • we teach courses dedicated to R programming


Software Development

current development projects include:

About R Development Centers

As R is an open source project, we believe that institutes, departments or companies should decide themselves whether they consider themselves as an R development center, or not. If they do, and advertise this, I believe it will benefit both the R project as well as advertise the center itself. We encourage other parties who would like to do the same thing to explain somewhere and in some detail which activities they believe render them as an R development center (e.g., what exactly they develop and/or teach).

About the Logo

The R Development Center logo was designed by Sami Kauppinen. Below you'll find small and large versions, and versions with "center" and "centre". The logos can be freely re-used.